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Rob wished he had some popcorn. It wasn't often that someone got a front-row seat to a show like this. While he was no stranger to dealing with influential authority figures, watching a bunch of them gripe at each other instead of him was going to be a novel experience.

He sent a look of anticipation at the Grand Overseers, who were huddled by a set of three Message Crystals. These Crystals represented the other nations in attendance: Elf, Harpy, and Dwarf. To make this meeting possible, the Overseers had also learned Auto-Translate Common, just for the occasion. Elsewhere, Riardin's Rangers, Diplomacy, Elder Alessia, and Elder Duran were standing in the back, content to observe for now. This wasn't their show, although Diplomacy would try to intervene if the negotiations spiraled hopelessly out of control.

Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that. While nothing was ever guaranteed when strong personalities butted heads, the four nations here today were already joined in a tentative alliance. This gathering was merely for the purpose of confirming their future plans and ironing out any details.

The 'Message Crystal group call' environment should help facilitate that – by being audio-only, it prevented the representatives from seeing each others' pompous facial expressions. It had taken some effort to set up the network so quickly, especially considering Fiend territory had been isolated from Elatra's Crystal infrastructure until recently. Yet the results spoke for themselves, as the Leaders could now speak for themselves.

Which they wasted no time doing. "Let's get this meeting underway," Sylpeiros said, his voice ringing out through one of the Message Crystals. "I shall introduce myself. You know me as Seneschal Sylpeiros, Leader of the Elves. I have come here to speak on behalf of Elven territory. My primary concerns are no secret, relating primarily to Harpy territory and the Dragon Queen's crimes, but I am willing to hear the grievances of other territories as well."

The Grand Overseers bristled with annoyance. From his position behind them, Rob resisted the urge to rub his hands together and cackle. Making sure to introduce yourself before anyone else? he thought. Strong start, Seneschal. Glad to see that political pettiness is an art that's alive and well.

Despite how important Rob knew this meeting was, he couldn't help but find it hilarious. He'd met all of the territory representatives in-person, so he knew that whatever fronts they'd be putting on today were going to be total bullshit. Were the representatives competent? Sure, sometimes. Were they infallible? Absolutely not. As far as Rob was concerned, 'Seneschal Sylpeiros, Leader of the Elves' was just a long title for a short-tempered man with a chip on his shoulder.

Granted, that very fallible man had assisted during the invasion of Dhalerune City, so Rob would cut him some slack. It partially made up for him sending people to kidnap Rob – twice, but who's counting – all those months ago.

"We greet you, Seneschal Sylpeiros," an Overseer hastily said. Apparently, she didn't want the Fiends to be the last to introduce themselves. Rob couldn't fathom why something like that mattered, but hey. Politicians were gonna politic. "I am Grand Overseer Nelrith, and I speak on behalf of Fiend territory. My fellow Overseers are in attendance as well, and shall offer their input when needed. Fiend territory's interests align closely with Elven territory's, although emphasis must also be placed on subverting the Blight's encroachment throughout Elatra."

She motioned to Rob. Their plan was for him to remind the other nations that he existed, then bow out of the discussion until Blight talks came up in detail. It was the best way to keep his influence on the proceedings subdued. Rob's personal history with everyone here would've made it all too easy to unintentionally steer the flow of conversation – an outcome he very much wanted to avoid, as taking charge would undermine the Overseers' authority and position Rob as the de facto Leader of Fiend territory.

And...yeah, no thanks. The job just sounded like a massive headache.

"My name is Rob," he said, raising his voice so the Message Crystals could hear him. "While I don't bear a title, being Level 80 is a title in and of itself. At present, I represent the interests of Fiend territory, the Deserters, my friends, and myself. Like yourselves, I also wish for peace in Elatra and the Blight's total eradication, so I am of the genuine belief that all of our goals will align without issue."

The Overseers sagged with relief. See? Rob thought, grinning at them. I can be professional when I need to-

"Level 80?" Sylpeiros blurted out. "When the fuck did that happen?!"

Rob blinked in surprise. "I killed the Corrupted Leviathan within Merfolk territory. It was worth a hefty chunk of EXP."

"Yes, that is egregiously apparent." An exasperated sigh emanated from his Message Crystal. "Lothren preserve...so be it. Killing the Dragon Queen will require every Level we can muster."

"One moment, Seneschal," the Merfolk King said. "We should finish introductions before discussing matters of importance." His tone contained just the slightest hint of petulance. "With that said: I am King Morcant Cyraeneus, Leader of the Merfolk. My people's chief concern is of the Blight, and whether or not it will return to besiege our homeland once more."

That tracked. Merfolk territory was located in northwest Elatra, while Harpy territory was located in the southeast. Any territory would care less about whatever was happening on the opposite side of the world. The Blight was a more pressing issue, having killed scores of Merfolk soldiers just eight days prior.

"It appears that we are last," the final Message Crystal said, with undisguised bitterness. "Call me Nerasi. I have no title, nor a noteworthy Level. My people, for reasons beyond my understanding, have chosen me to represent Dwarven territory. Stonewarden Grant should be here instead, but he perished... fighting the Blight of Dhalerune Mines."

Contempt slipped into her tone as she rattled off the official byline, obviously suppressing what she'd truly wanted to say: he threw himself on the Human's sword. Rob grimaced, the temperature in the room seeming to drop a few degrees. While Nerasi claimed that she didn't blame him for the Stonewarden's suicide-by-cop act, emotions weren't so easily controlled as that, and Riardin's Rangers had kiiiinda killed dozens of Dwarves during the Dhalerune invasion anyway. Moreso than the other nations in attendance, Rob was worried about Dwarfland potentially starting some shit.

"As for Dwarven territory's main subjects of interest," Nerasi continued, "they are the same as yours. Blight, Dragon Queen, Harpy territory. Whichever is most threatening should be dealt with first."

"That would be the Dragon Queen," Sylpeiros stated. "The Blight has quieted since it was dealt deathblows in Dwarven territory and Merfolk territory. Harpy territory has yet to move. Queen Ragnavi, however, is liable to resume her wanton slaughter at any moment."

She's been just as quiet as the Blight, Rob internally pointed out. The Dragon Queen had holed up in her territory right after the Sundering removed Diplomacy from every Elatran in the world. She was probably scared of a second Sundering occurring when she least expected it. And based on the Blight's personality traits, Rob was pretty confident that it would resurface before the Dragon Queen did.

He understood why Sylpeiros was manipulating the facts, though. Queen Ragnavi had barbecued several Elven villages, sparing not a soul within. Sylpeiros would've been a shitty Leader if he didn't try to push his newfound allies towards killing her as soon as possible.

"You're jumping ahead of things," Merfolk King Cyraeneus interjected. "We can't make a decision without examining all relevant and available information. Furthermore, the inclusion of Fiend territory within a meeting of Leaders is a first ever occurrence, and something to discuss at length."

"It's hardly complicated," Sylpeiros countered, impatiently. "Rob the Human discerned how to teach Auto-Translate Fiendish to non-Fiends, and then Auto-Translate Common to the Fiends themselves. With communication, all else followed."

Did you just yadda yadda centuries of international strife? It was getting tougher for Rob not to say anything, but he held strong, recognizing that peanut gallery comments wouldn't help matters.

Alas, his effort was in vain, as Nerasi chimed in right after. "Dwarven territory has been in conflict with Fiend territory since before any of us were alive," she grumbled. "My ancestors' ancestors battled Fiends. While this ceasefire is a welcome change, it would help to have added assurance that Fiend territory bears Dwarven territory no ill will."

"We sent Riardin's Rangers to exterminate the Blight of Dhalerune Mines," Overseer Nelrith replied, in a painfully neutral tone. "We also deigned to ignore Dwarven territory's blatant provocations as of late. That should be more than sufficient to prove our intentions, I think."

The word 'provocations' conjured memories of a mana-infused mushroom cloud. Even if the majority of the blame could be laid at Stonewarden Grant's feet, it was a fact that Dwarfland had almost nuked Fiendland with Titan's Fist. The Overseers would've been fully in their right to invade Dwarven territory after that debacle – and not a single Fiend citizen would have opposed them.

"...You've made your point," Nerasi conceded. "We've no desire for war, either."

A chuckle emanated from the Merfolk King's Message Crystal. "This is proceeding better than I anticipated," King Cyraeneus remarked. "Who would've thought that a meeting which included Fiends would be more cordial than our usual gatherings?

"Don't be racist," Rob chided. FUCK!

The room went silent. "My apologies," King Cyraeneus said, a moment later. "I do not know what 'racist' means, but after reflecting upon my word choice, I can see that it was poor. The Fiends came to our aid when the Corrupted Leviathan attacked. They have my respect, and Merfolk territory wishes to retain this alliance into perpetuity."

Rob was very glad that Message Crystals were audio only, because his mouth was left hanging open like a fish gasping for air. Holy shit, is that humility I spy? He shook his head in disbelief. What's the world coming to?

"Are the introductions quite finished now?" Seneschal Sylpeiros growled, his impatience rising. "In case you've all forgotten, there are not one, but two looming calamities we have yet to avert."

"Until Queen Ragnavi leaves the safety of her homeland, we cannot-"

"Merfolk territory isn't safe," Sylpeiros snapped. "She'll boil the oceans and roast your people alive."

King Cyraeneus grunted with displeasure. "I am aware, Seneschal. Your abrasive comments do you no favors."

There was a sharp intake of breath. "I held a memorial service earlier today," Sylpeiros stated, in a tightly-controlled voice. "Seven thousand Elves – just one village that Ragnavi massacred. Remember that when you dismiss her threat so readily."

Rob winced as awkward tension permeated the air.

Message Sent to Party Member: Diplomacy
Rob: Should you, uh, step in?
Diplomacy: No. This is necessary.

Mercifully, Nerasi spoke up before Sylpeiros or Cyraeneus could say something they'd regret. "We desire the Dragon Queen's death as much as any of you," she began. "When a feasible plan to kill her has been drawn up, Dwarven territory won't hesitate to commit soldiers to the cause."

She paused for emphasis. "Feasible being the operative word. How, pray tell, are we supposed to kill Ragnavi when she remains within her territory? Are you proposing we go to war with the Dragonkin?"

"...If we must," Sylpeiros answered.

"No. Our losses would be disastrous. Dwarven territory, Merfolk territory, and Elven territory have all been weakened by recent happenings. Fiend territory, I'm unsure of, but considering how quickly they agreed to a ceasefire, I can surmise that some catastrophe transpired there as well."

The Overseers said nothing. Rob didn't expect them to. There was no need to tell other territories about the Corruption epidemic, or why it was nearly an extinction-level event. The Fiends' inherent racial weakness to Corruption was just that – a weakness to be exploited by those who knew of it.

"Quite frankly," Nerasi continued, "I fail to see any benefit to engaging Queen Ragnavi within Dragonkin territory. Doing so will grant her the benefit of a defensive position that minimizes her casualties while exacerbating ours. It would be prudent to wait until she emerges from her cocoon, so to speak, plucking her wings when she finally takes flight."

"Are you suggesting we use my people as bait?"

"As long as we take due preparations, any casualties suffered by an attack from the Dragon Queen will be minimized. If Ragnavi strikes first, unaware of the alliance we've forged, then she'll be completely unprepared for our swift and brutal retribution. What I propose will reduce Elven deaths as well, and you have my solemn word that we will be ready to move the *instant* she reveals herself."

Sylpeiros let out a long sigh. "And you wonder why you were chosen by your peers as the Dwarven representative," he muttered, with a hint of respect.

"Oh, I was being facetious earlier," she remarked. "I know the reason why. My peers thoughtlessly forced this role upon me because I performed an 'admirable job' at preventing Riardin's Rangers from wreaking further havoc in Dhalerune City."

King Cyraeneus sputtered. "What exactly happened in Dwarven territory?"

"Nothing much," Rob cut in. "So! We can talk more about the Dragon Queen later, but it sounds like our hands are tied until the Big Red Bitch leaves her roost. How about we focus on Harpy territory for now? Or the Blight. They're related issues, anyway."

He breathed an internal sigh of relief when the territory representatives murmured in agreement, accepting the change of topic. This was...honestly not how he'd expected the meeting to go. Instead of using passive-aggressive snipes and underhanded insults, the representatives were being outright antagonistic – after they'd formed an alliance where everyone had a stake in cooperating. Rob didn't want to imagine what their past gatherings must've been like. Is it because they lost their Diplomacy, or is this just business as usual?

"Based on the Blight's pattern of behavior," Overseer Nelrith began, "we believe that it will next surface in Harpy territory. So far, the abominations have set their sights on every corner of Elatra except for Harpy territory, Gellin territory, and the Deadlands. Additionally, once they have been rebuffed from a territory, they don't tend to return. Seneschal Sylpeiros – has the Blight been sighted in Elven territory after the siege of Reviton City ended?"

He answered immediately. "No."

"Then it is likely unable or unwilling to do so. Either way suits our needs. If we can contact Harpy territory before the Blight assails them, it may be possible to-"

"What of Gellin territory?" King Cyraeneus interrupted. "Unlike the Harpies, who can defend themselves if pressed, the Gellin are small in numbers. They'd be overrun within days if a Blight brought its full force to bear."

At that, Sylpeiros made a scoffing sound. "Nothing happens to the Gellin without my knowledge. The sum total of their population is equal to one large city; they're essentially a province in Elven territory. I would've heard if a Blight arose there."

"And yet that weakness might also make them an alluring target. If something did slip past your awareness-"

"As stated, nothing has-"

Rob cleared his throat, noting how the two Leaders ceased their discussion as soon as he made himself known. Still don't want to get entangled in political BS, but if we're talking about the Blight, then I'm practically obligated to contribute. "Here's a hypothetical," he started. "If you were at war, would you rather take over an easy target, or a difficult target?"

"...Human," Sylpeiros grunted. "Is this line of questioning meant to make us look foolish by the end of it?"


"You have the same tone Ragnavi adopts when she means to incense people."

Rob narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, I'd appreciate if you never compared me to that crazy fucker again, thanks. Also, chill out. This is just a hypothetical."

"Very well." He hummed to himself for a moment. "Unless the difficult target in this war is of vital importance, one would naturally overtake the easier target first."

"Right. Because you're thinking reasonably. Quit that."


Rob smirked. "Quit thinking reasonably. That's not what the Blight does. If you try to predict it using a simple cost/benefit analysis, you'll be left scrambling when it jumps on top of a building and announces itself with a death metal concert."

"You claim to understand its thought processes?" Sylpeiros asked.

"As much as anyone can." Rob's enthusiasm dropped by half a notch. "It...more than anything else, the Blight wants a show. Conflict, danger, excitement. Harpyland fills those quotas nicely. Like all big territories, it represents a challenge. On the other hand, I'd bet my left kidney that the Blight will only bother Gellin territory if it really has nowhere else to go."

"The sum population of a large city," Merfolk King Cyraeneus muttered, echoing the Seneschal's words. "Little different than an Elven province. Unimportant, in the grand scheme of things."

Sylpeiros hesitated. "What of the Deadlands? They cover the entirety of Elatra's western edge, and unlike Gellin territory, it is impossible for us to perform reconnaissance on what transpires within its borders."

"We share your concerns regarding the Deadlands," Overseer Nelrith said. "However, it would be extremely difficult to investigate them without first uniting the rest of Elatra under one banner. An excursion into the Deadlands will require a contingent led by Riardin's Rangers to gradually rejuvenate dozens of Corrupted Loci, all while simultaneously enduring a persistent miasma of Corruption. It is a process that will leave them vulnerable to an ambush from the Dragon Queen, and if the Blight arose elsewhere, they'd need to withdraw regardless."

She shook her head, a mannerism that everyone kept doing even though the other speakers couldn't see them. "Unfortunately, until we've eliminated Queen Ragnavi and assured the safety of Harpy territory, the Deadlands World Tour is an untenable prospect."

"Deadlands World Tour?"

"...Rob named it."

The Human himself suppressed a chuckle as Seneschal Sylpeiros sighed for the third time that day. "I suppose I can't refute any of that logic. If preparing Harpy territory for the Blight truly is the only way forward, then hopefully they'll respond to one of my damned messengers these days."

Cyraeneus let out a surprised utterance. "You've been sending them messengers?" he asked.

"Of course I have," Sylpeiros replied, as if it was obvious. "And they've rebuffed every single one of my requests to speak."

"Why didn't you inform us of your attempts to make contact with them?"

"You didn't ask." It was impressive that Rob couldn't tell if the Seneschal meant that statement seriously, or if he was just being a prick. "At first I assumed the Harpies were reticent to openly side against the Dragon Queen, but as of late, their deflections have felt...strained. My guess is that something has befallen King Elnaril, and they do not wish to exhibit weakness by admitting that he cannot speak with us."

That wasn't the good news Rob would've hoped for. He didn't know anything about the Harpy King, but even if Elnaril wound up being an unreasonable jackass, Rob would gladly work with him if he agreed to help kill the Dragon Queen. Every Leader that died, or got sick, or whatever had happened to him was one less person that could fight Ragnavi and last longer than half a second.

"Are you privy to information regarding King Elnaril's condition," Overseer Nelrith worriedly asked, "or is this merely speculation?"

"The latter. For all of our sakes, I hope that I am wrong."

Everyone fell silent as they contemplated what might change if King Elnaril was out of commission. "Harpy territory must still be contacted," King Cyraeneus eventually said. "If they won't respond to messengers, then perhaps a direct visit from people of importance will force them to communicate."

"I've been planning that already," Sylpeiros grumbled. "It's what I needed to do for my prior visit to Dwarven territory. That sojourn was just so fruitful and pleasant that I've been jumping at the bit to repeat it with a different nation."

"By all means," Nerasi hissed. "If you have complaints with Dwarven territory, state them plainly."

"Shall I draw up a list?"

Message Received from Party Member: Diplomacy
Diplomacy: Okay, now is maybe a good time to step in.

Rob loudly clapped his hands once. "Eyes on the prize, people. Harpies, Blight, lots of death to prevent." He quickly exchanged looks with his Party members, who all nodded in assent. "Riardin's Rangers are prepared to visit Harpy territory directly as well. We want to be at ground zero of wherever the next Blight pops up."

"I will join after it is clear that the Blight has no intention of re-appearing in Merfolk territory," King Cyraeneus said, "Your theories on their attack patterns are credible, but at the moment, they are only theories. It would be fitting for beings of chaos and destruction to act in ways you couldn't accurately predict."

Hard to argue with that. Rob was about to suggest that Cyraeneus send a representative in his stead when the King suddenly spoke up again. "I..." he began, trailing off. "This is not easy for a Leader to ask. Yet, it must be done. Human – Rob. How did your Party grow so powerful?"

It seemed an innocent enough question to Rob, but based on the scandalized reactions of the Overseers, King Cyraeneus may as well have demanded to know his social security number. Does a Leader asking that question...imply weakness?

Message Received from Party Member: Diplomacy
Diplomacy: Yes, it absolutely implies weakness.
Diplomacy: Leaders are supposed to be the cream of the crop. They can't quiz soldiers from foreign nations on how to be a better badass.
Diplomacy: It just isn't done.
Rob: How'd you know what I was thinking?
Diplomacy: Give me some credit. I didn't spend months inside your head for nothing.
Rob: Fair.

"We killed lots of tough monsters," Rob answered. "And when I say tough, I mean brutal. When a person continuously fights enemies that are 10 or 20 Levels above them...they tend to pick up some extra EXP. That's not even counting all the Blights."

"How are you still alive?" Cyraeneus whispered, with genuine shock.

"Fuck if I know," Rob replied, with just as genuine honesty.

The King paused, considering what to say. "Is there...Odium preserve. Is there any method by which I could gain Levels more swiftly?" he queried, like every word was pulling teeth. "Some quirk you've discovered to give our alliance an edge, perhaps. The Corrupted Leviathan slaughtered so many of my soldiers, and I couldn't do a damn thing to stop it. I don't want to..."

You don't want to feel that powerless ever again, Rob finished. He sympathized, but there wasn't a quick-fix solution to the problem. In addition to Riardin's Rangers beating the odds countless times, they were bolstered by Rob sharing Fast Learner through the EXP Share and Orn'tol ensuring they gained partial EXP from each other's kills via Sharing Hand. Rob wasn't willing to clue his new allies in to those perks just yet.

"Are there high-Level monsters somewhere in Elatra you can hunt down?" he offered. "Like, creatures that people usually avoid, as battling them would be really stupid and suicidal. Cause that sums up how half my Party's fights went."

"They that do exist in certain areas," Elder Alessia added. "Ixatan Forest used to contain several. The Lord of the Forest that you fought in The Village was one of them."

Memories of a Level 42 behemoth flashed in Rob's mind. Back then, it had been over twice his Level; without Keira doing most of the work, he would've been torn to shreds. Nowadays, the notion of an enemy that 'weak' threatening him felt almost comical.

"It would take time to track them down," King Cyraeneus admitted. "Time which we do not have. And that is assuming I would be willing to put my life on the line – potentially leaving Merfolk territory without its Leader – in an effort to hasten my growth by a scant few Levels."

He made a sound somewhere between a grunt of disappointment and a sigh of acceptance. "No, I knew what your answer would be. There's no substitute for risky endeavors...and Fast Learner, I suppose." That last bit was said with barely-suppressed resentment, but it was suppressed, so Rob wouldn't hold it against him.

The meeting didn't continue for much longer after that. Things proceeded smoothly once it was determined that each nation would be sending representatives to meet with the Harpies. They agreed to sign off for the day and go make their preparations, planning to leave when Sylpeiros' most recent batch of messengers inevitably failed.

And while no one said it out loud, a subdued sense of relief was rapidly filling the room. Throughout the day, no one had freaked out, or broken things off, or said something they couldn't take back.
Aside from the occasional outburst or irritable comment, it wasn't too bad, really. Their grand alliance of nations had officially survived one whole meeting.


Sylpeiros left first, followed by Nerasi. An instant before Overseer Nelrith deactivated her Message Crystal, Cyraeneus' voice rang out. "One moment," he said, in a rush. "I'd like to make a request."

That you couldn't make it in front of the other Leaders? Rob primed himself for back-dealings or subterfuge – and received something else entirely. "Many of my Combat Class users were infected with the Leviathan's Corruption," King Cyraeneus began. "From what I've been told, the effects are permanent."

"You want me to go cure them, right?" Rob guessed. Due to falling unconscious after killing the Leviathan, he hadn't been able to address the issue last time around.

"...Yes." Cyraeneus braced himself. "What would you require in return?"

Rob chuckled, ignoring the Overseers' attempts to draw his attention. "For purging Corruption? Pfft. That's practically my favorite hobby. Give me a high-five and we'll call it even."

The Overseers hung their heads in disappointment, while King Morcant Cyraeneus said nothing. After a full ten seconds had passed, he finally responded, his voice filled with sincere warmth.

"Thank you, Rob."


Thanks for reading!



“These Crystals represented the other nations in attendance: Elf, Harpy, and Dwarf.” Should Harpy be changed to Merfolk?

Dennis Hornsby

I like king cyraeneus. He's sensible