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Jason stretched his limbs, newfound power flowing through them. At times he felt a twinge from within, as though the Blighted flesh wished to rebel and take over his body. When those moments came, he politely, but firmly told it to fuck off. I’ve witnessed infinity. You don’t get to even *try* to claim my body.

There was a small roar of disagreement inside his mind, but Jason roared back, and his voice was louder. You misunderstand me, monster. I’m not borrowing your power. I’m not making a deal. This is straight-up theft. Your fucking power is mine now, get that?

It was all he needed to say before the Blighted flesh gave in. Maybe his physical similarity to Baker helped him there. He could sense a tingling sensation within him, the System and the Blight both struggling with each other’s existence, both vying for control...and both of them submitting to Jason Miller.

Wweeellll noooww, yoouu sseemm a lliittttleee shooocked.” He let out a hollow, yet uncontrollable laughter from deep within his gut. “BBakerr, ssummonn aa bbarrierr bbehindd hhimm ssoo hhee ddoesn’tt rrunn.”

A faint echo followed Jason’s voice now, the repetition coming out a second later and in a lower pitch, as if the mask itself were speaking. It was what he imagined a ghost’s voice would’ve sounded like – except that he’d forced the haunting into his service. No longer did he feel the cold air the gods brought with them when they spoke. There was now a burning heat around him, within him.

He laughed, and the laughter echoed too, the ghost’s voice eerily following after his own. Were it not for the adrenaline filling him to bursting, Jason might’ve felt fear.

WHAT...ARE YOU? At first, the god appeared surprised, almost impressed, even. A moment later, hatred superseded any other impressions it could have had. WORSE THAN VALMIGHT. SHOULD. NOT. EXIST.

“Who do you think you are?” Valmight demanded. “Do you even consider the repercussions of what might happen before you do something, you imbecile?” Nervousness and outrage filled the man’s voice in equal measures. “What if you had lost control of your body? What if you had allowed the gods to do something worse to our planet? Have you no–”

II hhavee tthoughtt iitt tthroughh.” Jason felt the heat suffusing his body intensify with every passing word. His Character Sheet blinked rapidly, appearing and disappearing from his vision, until it appeared inside his eyeball. Blight Install had done something to him – and he had no idea what.

Not that it made a difference to him, really. The path forward was clear.

“Ah, you have now, have you?” Valmight dryly asked. “Then pray tell – what the hell did you think would happen, you insane–”

“IItt aalll eendss nnextt mmoooooveeeeeee,” Jason replied. “DDoo II nneedd ttoo eexplainn wwwwwhyyyy?

Despite his clear fury, Valmight began to slowly calm down. The reminder of how close he was to accomplishing his goals seemed to center his feelings a little. The two stared at each other for a silent moment, until the scientist drew a deep breath and readied his fighting stance. Jason did the same.

The meaning behind his words was simple – there was no one else besides Jason who could stop Valmight. If he lost here, Baker, Lucio and Jeanette would all be killed mere moments after. Moreover, as the madman kept repeating, even a nuclear bomb would barely scratch him right now. Monsters had been acquiring a resistance to conventional weaponry, so Jason doubted that there was much the military could do against a souped-up amalgamation of the creatures.

Only someone armed with the System could beat him.

The problem, Jason thought, is that not only do I need to hit him over two-thousand times to win, I’m probably dead if he hits me just once with that Dimension Strike of his. Not only that, but he couldn’t take too long between attacks, as Valmight healed 1 HP of damage every 10 seconds.

That single point was the reason behind Jason’s confidence. If he thinks he can take two-thousand hits from me before dying, it means he won’t be so concerned about his defense. The Red Blur focused his eyes on his opponent’s stance. No matter how much the System had given Valmight, no matter how much power he had stolen from the System, the scientist was still clearly ignorant of how to fight.

His thumbs were inside his closed fists, for fuck’s sake.

This meant there was one option to break through this situation. Just one.

“I can tell what you’re planning, Miller,” Valmight said. He smirked at the end of his statement, manic rage giving way to a more sadistic calm. “It takes a long time to master your Blight Install – there’s no way you can harness abilities that were gained mere seconds ago. All you have right now is a moderate boost to your stamina and power.”

Jason smirked, only half his face showing from behind his skeletal mask. Valmight wasn’t wrong about that. In truth, he didn’t even know what abilities he’d gained, much less how to use them.

That was fine. He didn’t need anything too complex to beat Valmight, whatever his abilities might be. Blight Install had given him enough – or rather, he’d taken enough.

“Therefore, your plan doesn’t have anything to do with your Blight Install,” the scientist continued. “Instead, you intend to repeatedly land your Counter on me in order to prevent me from using my Dimension Strike. Except you appear to have forgotten that I have over 2000 HP. Even you can’t successfully hit a Counter that many times in a row. You failed a few times against Lucio! And need I remind you that you take more damage when hit whilst attempting a Counter?”

Jason thought he’d stifled his laughter, but although his voice remained silent, the haunted echo laughed out loud anyway. With each laugh, purple lightning crackled through the air around him. Come on.

“This ends now, Miller. With my next punch – with a single strike – I will wrestle humanity’s fate back from the gods! All I need is to hit you. Just one punch, and you’ve lost.”

At that moment, the sun chose to bring down its intense heat upon both of them. It would’ve blinded any normal human. Neither man so much as blinked.

The Red Blur thought back to what he could recall from his experience with infinity. The thousands of worlds where Valmight had won, the thousands he had lost, the thousands where they’d killed each other, the thousands where Rob managed to slay the gods only to return to an empty, desolate Earth.

Everything came down to this next exchange, like gunslingers at high noon.
With one hand, Jason raised the grotesquely large heap of metal he called a sword. He brought his free hand back near his pockets, curling his little and ring fingers together, keeping the rest extended. “DRAW!


Valmigh fired off his Dimension Strike at the same time Jason lunged forward with a Counter.

Red lightning spawned, crackled, and exploded where Jason’s feet had been, propelling him forward like a rocket. The man in the blue overcoat now lived up to the moniker of ‘Red Blur’ – a normal person wouldn’t even have been able to see his movement. Ghostly laughter followed him, trailing after his attack, in tandem with the lightning.

But Valmight was far from a normal person, and the reason behind his arrogance was evident in the way he moved. The enhanced reflexes he’d demonstrated against Lucio were enough to keep up even with Jason’s surprise increase in speed. His fist met the air, targeting exactly at where Jason’s body ended up being.

Did you think—that—would—be—enough?

It was here, midair, that Jason spun his body upside-down and hit his sword against the sand. The action momentarily moved his body above where it should have been. It slowed him down as well, but that didn’t matter – Valmight had already punched nothing but sand.

No matter how strong you are...no matter how many abilities you have...if you’ve never been in a fight before, it doesn’t mean a damn thing!

Jason finished his move not with a strike, as he could have, but by instead landing right in front of Valmight, only inches away from him. The two stood face to face, unmoving, both knowing that the first exchange had ended in a checkmate against the scientist.

At this distance, Jason’s Counter would always beat Valmight’s Dimension Strike – yet Valmight’s arrogant smile seemed to imply he didn’t care. “Oh come on now,” he said. Up close, the towering amalgamation of monsters seemed like an agent of death itself. “You barely won one exchange. You’re not going to win over two-thousand more. Don’t look so happy. Let’s get this over with and start the next round.”

Dumb prick thinks we’re going to do this again. He was careless; hasn’t been in enough fights to know any better. Jason’s grip tightened on his sword. Finally. It’s time to make him pay. He took a half-step back, swinging his hips to power a sword strike, just as Valmight attempted a direct punch.

“Tell me, Miller. In all those realities, across the infinite realms you looked at...was there even one where you beat me?”

There was enough sincerity in the scientist’s gaze that it set Jason’s heart aflame. Valmight desperately wanted to know whatever he could about infinity. He had destroyed his own mind, challenged gods, murdered thousands, and intended to do worse – all so he could learn more.

Jason let out a visceral scream from deep within his gut. “YOU WANT TO LEARN ABOUT FUCKING INFINITY?” he said, him and his mask screaming in unison. “THEN I’M GONNA TEACH YOU!”

As both had predicted, Jason’s sword reached the madman faster than the punch could’ve landed on him. It was important that Valmight tried attacking him with the same move that blew Baker away in spite of his barrier. If the attempted attack was any weaker, Jason’s plan wouldn’t work.

LIGHT COUNTER!” he shouted. There was no reason to shout the name of his abilities, but doing so ensured that Valmight paid close attention. The man would have only fractions of a second after the Counter to realize what had happened, and Jason wanted him to know the terror of it all.

1 Point of Damage!

Valmight was still smiling when he was blown away by the Counter. He likely never noticed, as he was still under the effect of paralysis, that his body bounced off Baker’s barrier.

In an instant, Jason predicted the trajectory of Valmight’s rebound. He dashed up to meet him, sword extended, red bolts of lightning cracking around his skin. Valmight was still paralyzed when his body – full of momentum from bouncing off the barrier – met the Red Blur’s sword once more. He’d arrived early enough at the point of impact that rather than settling for the lighter version, Jason shouted, “MEDIUM COUNTER!”

1 Point of Damage!

His sword connected. This time Valmight’s body picked up more momentum, and as a result of Counter’s effect, was forced to remain paralyzed for longer. The scientist’s massive frame bounced off of Baker’s barrier, then flew over Jason’s head – as expected.. With footwork earned not from his abilities, but from countless hours on the tennis court, Jason had already started moving before Valmight’s ricochet even began. Red lightning followed after him, struggling to keep up, as Jason put himself into position once more. He only needed to add a bit more momentum now, just enough to ready himself for what was to come. “LIGHT COUNTER!”

1 Point of Damage!

Valmight’s body slammed violently against Baker’s barrier. His momentum change was harsher now, due to the angle and distance between his body and the barrier. Although Valmight was still paralyzed, it seemed as if there would finally be time for him to recover.

Which was precisely why Jason had prepared himself for the next hit. He took aim for the center of the barrier, where he’d first sent Valmight’s body flying towards. “HEAVY COUNTER!”

The Heavy version of Counter needed far too much preparation to land in a regular fight. It was too risky, drastically increasing the amount of damage Jason incurred if he was hit before landing the move. Valmight was still paralyzed from the Medium Counter, however – so long as Jason could predict where his body would ricochet after bouncing off the wall, he’d have plenty of time to hit it back.

And that was no problem.


Thoughtlessly hitting Valmight’s body against the barrier would have left Jason out of position. He knew better than that. Instead, his every hit had been calculated to end in this exact position – precisely where the hulking, monstrous scientist had been when Jason landed his first Counter.

And so he cried out once more, “LIGHT COUNTER!”

1 Point of Damage!

Once more, Valmight’s body flew towards the barrier and ricocheted back.


Hey, Valmight. You said you could extract whatever from my brain later, didn’t you? So maybe you can hear my thoughts now that I’m not keeping you out.

If you’re listening in, then listen well. You also said that you could make a single moment stretch for an eternity, and that this made your reflexes incredibly sharp. That’s fucking fantastic. Wanna know why?

Because by my estimate, you should have approximately one-hundredth of a second where you can at least THINK, even if it’s not enough for you to move. With your enhanced speed of thought and ability to read my mind...you know what that means, right? That should be enough to understand what I’m saying. Especially if we do this enough times.

1 Point of Damage!

When I tried something like this with a garbage can and a wall, I ran into a few issues. The first of them was that I got tired after a while and started missing my combo. But you said it yourself – the Blight Install gives me more strength and stamina. Plus, I’m a professional tennis player. Hitting a target against a wall for several hours isn’t a problem if I can’t get tired.


1 Point of Damage!

My second issue was that the wall I was hitting the garbage can against eventually broke. Thing is, Baker’s barrier can withstand pretty much anything. It won’t break just from this.


1 Point of Damage!

And finally...the trash can, mannequin, whatever I used as a makeshift ball – they all broke apart pretty quickly. Being hit like that over and over again was too much for them. It would be the same for almost anything else in the world. Except, Valmight...



1 Point of Damage!

You can heal damage every ten seconds? Every bit of damage you take is reduced to one? Fine. I can keep this going all day. Each cycle deals four HP of damage in about twenty seconds. You know what that means, don’t you?

Jason spotted Valmight’s face. It didn’t change at first. It didn’t even change for the first fifteen minutes. Eventually, that fraction of a second added up, and the doctor’s eyes finally showed his true feelings.

He couldn’t move.

He couldn’t attack.

He couldn’t even curse Jason’s existence.

He couldn’t even raise his eyelids.

But horror still surged within his eyes.

Dr. Valmight could strike violence across dimensions, rearrange organs with the snap of his fingers, and withstand nuclear explosions. Yet at that moment, he could do nothing but watch his conscience flicker in and out as each Counter landed on him, knowing his death inched forward with every hit. His only hope was that Jason Miller would eventually miss a Counter, misalign it slightly, and allow him to regroup.

But before he was the Red Blur, before he was a star quarterback, Jason Miller was a professional tennis player.

He would never let Valmight’s body drop to the ground while the madman’s heart was still beating. And Baker’s unique sword, the one Jason had taken accidentally during their first fight, wouldn’t shatter no matter how long this went on for.

It would all repeat in the same loop.

Light Counter would deliver a quick adjustment, increasing his momentum slightly and allowing a preparation for a Medium Counter. From there, he would take a few steps backward, and hit another Light Counter. With the proper distance acquired, he would have time to hit a Heavy Counter, bounce Valmight off the barrier, and adjust his position with a Light Counter once more.

Over and over again.

Until it was done.

Valmight could do nothing but pray for a future that would never come, his consciousness fading in and out of reality with each strike. Light Counter. Medium Counter. Light Counter. Heavy Counter. If he didn’t have the enhanced reflexes he’d used against Baker and Lucio, at least Counter’s paralysis effect would’ve made it all feel like it was done in an instant.

Instead, he had all the time in the world to watch as the grim reaper named Jason Miller brought him closer to death, bit by bit.

Valmight tried to plead. His begging stretched over the sands of time, his vocal chords producing a fraction of a fractured sound every minute or so.


Light Counter. 1 Point of Damage.


Medium Counter. 1 Point of Damage.


Light Counter. 1 Point of Damage.


Heavy Counter. 1 Point of Damage.

There was no escape. There was no hope. There was no ending, except death, and even that seemed like a distant dream.


Throughout it all, the scientist’s face exhibited nothing but fear. He was afraid of death, of course, but most of all, he feared how his existence could end this abruptly, leaving no accomplishments to prove he mattered as much as that drop of water in the ocean. Having come face to face with infinity, Jason somewhat understood the sentiment.

If anyone at all could rationalize Valmight’s actions, it would have been him.

“You said only those superior to you can judge,” Jason began. “That the gods themselves cannot judge you. Very well, then – ALLOW ME TO BE THE ONE TO PASS JUDGEMENT!”

He never considered stopping his barrage. Even momentary hesitation would’ve allowed Valmight to escape the infinite combo. Knowing that was all the reason he needed to never falter, not for a single instant.

It continued on and on, a rhythm of perfected violence. Counters upon Counters. Jason Miller’s judgement was just, merciless, and unyielding.

And yet it cannot be said to have been swift.

Five hours, fifty-five minutes, and thirty-two seconds.

That is how long it took for Jason to deal the final blow.

Valmight: 0 HP

Even at the very final strike, the Red Blur didn’t drop his focus. He witnessed Valmight’s body split apart, and felt his Character Sheet reward him with Experience. Against anyone else, that would have meant the end.

Jason prepared himself. The good doctor has already defeated death. I won’t let him defeat me.

Valmight’s chest suddenly split open. Rather than buckling underneath its accumulated damage, it seemed as though it had been torn open from within. A strange, beating mass that looked like a combination of entangled organs shot skyward. Jason waited for the mass to drop, but it didn’t. It kept floating, flying upwards.

The scientist’s left-behind body immediately began to crumble, limbs falling off like broken off pieces of armor. It was during that decomposition that the shambling corpse looked up at Jason, grinning with the little that remained off his mouth. Half its face had given way to dust by now, yet it still managed to say, “I WON’T DIE SO EASILY, JASON MILLER! MY CORE CAN CREATE A NEW BODY FOR ME! YOUR TRICK ONLY–”

Jason put his left hand to the mask and let it dissipate. Blight Install wouldn’t be necessary for what was to come. He grinned at the madman for the last time, then lifted a hand toward the beating, heartlike organ. It wasn’t his sword hand that he raised, but rather, his empty one.

And he once again curled his little and ring fingers outwards, allowing all others to point at the target.

Nearly six hours...should be enough time for Lucio to bring Jeanette and Danse to the helicopter. The poisonous light should get weaker away from the island. If they fly as high as they can—from that distance—that angle—this timing—

“Dead on,” Jason said, firing off his finger gun.

He didn’t need to look to know the bullet would follow from above. There was no question that Lucio would’ve taken both Jeanette and Danse to their helicopter, even if he had to crawl with just one arm while ferrying both of them on his back. Likewise, there was no way Danse would fail to pilot the helicopter as high above the island as he could, even if he was poisoned.

And Jeanette would never miss a shot when she had the Blight Gun.

When the organ was pierced by a bullet, and Valmight’s face turned blank, Jason said nothing. He only watched the man and waited.

The scientist seemed as if he was ready to fall to his knees, but at the last moment, managed to stumble forward and remain upright. Even in this state, he knew that once he fell, he would never stand again. His expression showed something that far surpassed despair – a blank gaze of confusion. Every step he took was aimless and lacking in purpose, as if he’d forgotten what it meant to walk.

Whatever remained of his body began failing him, flesh sloughing off in pieces. Valmight’s gaze slowly swiveled around. When his deadened eyes locked with Jason’s, a flicker of awareness lit within, appearing to regain a sense of purpose. There was a vague smirk on that decaying flesh, and now his pathetic steps now had a destination.

“Well done, Miller. You’ve defeated me. I can admit that. But you haven’t proven me wrong. On the contrary! What you achieved could only have happened thanks to me!” The thought appeared to brighten the heartless man. “Those powers you’ve gained – they’re thanks to me. Do you think the gods will rest easy just because I am gone? Never! My science – my life – it all gave birth to you. Though I might die, I leave behind–”

Baker’s blade slammed the remainder of Valmight’s body onto the sand. The softness beneath absorbed some of the impact, allowing the scientist to cry out in agony as Baker lifted up his blade and brought it down once more. He repeated this process five more times until the doctor’s entire body was turned to dust.

“What?” Baker uttered, at Jason’s blank expression. “Look, my legs healed as soon as his HP hit 0, and I just had to watch you combo him for five and a half hours. I wasn’t going to let him monologue.”

Jason shook his head. “No, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it. Was just surprised, that’s all.”


Author's Note:

There's one more chapter of the Side Story left. Chapter 2 of the Main Story will still be posted tonight.

Thanks for reading!


Jonathan Crandall

Ah this was amazing! Thank you for the chapter


Are you timing the last chapter of the side story to coincide with a major plot point of the main story?


No. Essentially, my co-author went through some life stuff recently, so he's been unable to write for a bit. The last side story chapter will be posted as soon as it's ready, it just...isn't ready yet.