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Author's Note: In accordance with the Kindle Unlimited release, this chapter has been removed. The post itself has been preserved for the sake of the comment section.


Jonathan Crandall

Oh thank goodness. I needed this tonight

Nathan Linder

I don't know if it's just me, but the mention that most of the dogs were lost to the cataclysm seems plot relevant.


Amazing chapter


"What do you think would happen a creature like that grazed you?" Was there supposed to be an "if" between happen and a?


This arc gives me Final Fantasy X vibes- you flee an unfathomable strong underwater beast and then bide your time before you give it vengeance towards the end of the game


"if I was a Merfolk, I'd be shitting bricks too" That brings up the question, how does the Merfolk take care of nature's call, and how do they clean themselves? How did the party fared during those underwater days? "It was unfortunate that he couldn't marinate in the crowd's shock for a little while longer" is there something you want to tell as about Rob? Longing to marinate in their emotional response, right after one of their emotional response was related to shitting?

CMDR Dantae

Excellent work!

CMDR Dantae

Dogs are mans best friend, so maybe the humans wanted to bring them with them, to whatever their destination was?

Dennis Hornsby

Has anybody invented a time machine yet? Cause I need to jump to next Thursday to see this battle commence