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Author's Note: In accordance with the Kindle Unlimited release, this chapter has been removed. The post itself has been preserved for the sake of the comment section.



Rob is going to have a...chat, the next time he meets the gods.


Goddamn the gods


Fucking gods. I can't wait till he screws them right back.


Amazing chapter Holy shit what a reveal

Luke Scheffe

An important question: are half elves monsters? If not, then most likely Rob always had a soul, since that would mean that soulhood is inherited, and the gods would be skimping by not making one or two souled humans to eventually spread the line.


In Book 1, it's described how the half-Elves, specifically those with heritage that trended closer to Human than Elf, largely disappeared during the Cataclysm alongside the rest of Humanity. Interpret that as you will.

Jonathan Crandall

Fuck man. This is some heavy shit. Love the way this novel is turning

thodoris kavouras

so Rob has *yet another* reason to kick some godly ass. Who knows, maybe if Elatran humans aren't coming back, Rob will get a new body for Diplomacy AND himself, maybe with higher chances of procreation with elves :)


Wait, so if human "dna" is what disappeared... then did all of the races have a small amount of it as well? Are those the ones who disappeared?


From what I got from that, it would be easier for Roy to procreate as he is an actual human, not a human photocopy.

Andrew Webb

Would appreciate a chapter section checking in with the Seneschal or Mer king.


I'm feeling more and more as though either the gods don't have nearly as much control as they like people to think, which by this point is probably obvious or that there's another cosmic thing forcing their hands in some way. I'm excited to see what happens regardless as to whether I'm right.


Won't say exactly when, but it'll happen (and has been planned to happen for a while now).

CMDR Dantae

Especially the Humans, who just so happened to live next door, and could keep up with the Fiends' inherent racial strength by utilizing Fast Learner to stay ahead in Levels. And because monsters spawn in areas that already contain other monsters, the new kids on the block didn't need to sacrifice as many lives fighting to protect their territory, allowing them to gain a prominent foothold in Elatra despite the other races' early head start. "Monsters spawn in areas that don't already contain monsters."