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Malika observed closely as mana fluctuations swirled around outside her window. The world itself seemed to weep as swathes of radiant color mixed with pestilent black, like deadly poison polluting the depths of a once-pristine well. It took up the full breadth of her attention, leaving Malika with little room to care about the argument brewing in the background behind her. Elder Alessia and Rob were busy speaking to a Message Crystal, voices increasing in pitch as their discussion went from polite to frustrated. Malika ignored them; the world outside was far more important than political silliness. They could waste all the time they wanted while she was busy trying to figure out a solution to the Black Wind's leftover particles. Answers would be found in mana, not words.

As she stared, a condensed pocket of Corruption flew past her window and disappeared into the distance. Probably running off to transform into a monster or Dungeon, Malika thought. The sight of Corruption spreading across the city barely disgusted her, but only because seeing the Blight in Broadwater had been that much worse in comparison. It was the difference between seeing a mound of corpses heaped onto one pile versus smelling that pile from several streets away as it decomposed. The latter was revolting, but after a few hours you got used to the stench.

She'd never gotten used to the pile.

With a quick sigh, Malika shook her head, dispelling memories of the Cataclysm's aftermath before they could rise up too far. The past was the past; it was time to focus on the present. As an Archmage with one of the highest Levels of Sense Magic in all of Elatra, she was in a unique position to observe this crisis in a way that no one else could. While the Black Wind's leftover particles were too small for the average eye to discern, its manner of infection coated the surrounding mana with entropic energy, granting her the equivalent of a limited form of Sense Corruption. She was the only person besides Rob who was able to perceive its existence.

The problem lay with explaining the sight to non-Archmages. Sure, she could dress up her observations in metaphors, those without Sense Magic Level 19 would never truly be able to comprehend what she saw when looking outside. Mana was an ecosystem all unto itself, and that ecosystem was in peril, infested with otherworldly parasites that twisted the natural order of things. The resulting consequences were so far-reaching that they could be felt keenly even by people unable to see their cause. As soon as monsters began to spawn, the Deserters barricaded themselves indoors, limited to staying in their apartments lest they be ambushed by roaming abominations. They'd dealt with similar scenarios on several previous occasions and knew what to expect. Fortunately, the Black Wind's particles weren't able to infect them with Corruption, so they could breathe easy in that regard.

Then there were the Fiends, who were in a rightful state of panic. The Black Wind may as well have been their death knell. Mana interacted with Fiendish bodies and souls in a fundamentally different way than it did in other races, and as a result, the infection was spreading and worsening among them at a blistering pace. By now, Malika had determined why that was the case, but she was hesitant to bring up her findings. It involved discussing the Fiends' big secret, which they might take offense to an outsider knowing.

Assuming it was a secret. Either the Fiends were universally blessed with uncanny Levels of Deception, and every single one of them was able to conceal their secret thus far...or they weren't actually aware of it in the first place. Considering that they didn't have any Archmages, the notion seemed strangely plausible. None of the Deserters had picked up on the discrepancy in mana within Fiend territory either. Perhaps the Fiends' secret was the same as with the Black Wind's particles; only people with extremely high Sense Magic could perceive it.

If that was the case, it meant that this discovery was hers and hers alone. Forbidden knowledge to do with as she pleased. Proof that she was able to pierce the veil of ignorance in ways that no other mage could. A sign that she was growing stronger by the day-

"Don't let your ego get to your head." Orn'tol's words rang in her head, prompting Malika to slouch in her chair. As much as she'd like to pretend that she was a pioneer in the field of magic, 'Archmage' wasn't a new class. At least one or two should've popped up over the course of the Fiends' existence. Odds were that this discovery was not hers and hers alone. And since the knowledge hadn't been been spread among the Fiends' general populace by prior Archmages, that pointed to...

A conspiracy.

Malika's face contorted into a grimace. She glanced at the argument that Elder Alessia and Rob were having with the Fiends' Grand Overseers, and let out a loud groan. Even when she tried to focus solely on her beloved field of magic, politics still somehow managed to intrude upon sacred ground.

"I'm going," Rob flatly stated, crossing his arms. "That's final. Unless you want my Party to withdraw its offer of clearing out some Dungeons?"

The Overseers fell silent for a few seconds. From what Malika understood, they really couldn't afford to turn down that offer. Even with the full might of the Fiends' Combat Class users brought to bear, Dungeons were sprouting faster than they could be expunged. The Spire, which was supposed to regulate mana so that Dungeons and monsters didn't spawn, was either failing or overtaxed. An accomplished Dungeon-killing group such as Riardin's Rangers was invaluable – if Rob stayed back to keep himself out of harm's way.

"Must you be so reckless?" The voice on the opposite end of the Message Crystal dropped its formerly-neutral tone. "Or is this a Human's instinctual lust for Experience coming to the forefront? Remember that your life is no longer your own. If you die, then our capacity to Purge Corruption dies with you – which, as a reminder, is a development that would affect the Elves as well." They paused for emphasis. "As strong as you may be, you're not immortal. Anything can transpire when one descends into the bowels of a Dungeon."

"I know that better than you," Rob said, icily.

"Is that so?" The Overseer replied. "Are you graced with several hundred years of knowledge and expertise, then? Elder Alessia – why haven't you persuaded him away from this foolish endeavor?"

The corners of Alessia's lips twitched upward, relishing the Overseers' discomfort. "Because I agree with him," she stated. "Waymark grants Rob and his Party a degree of security that is virtually unparalleled for a Dungeon Crawl. And while his friends might no longer be trainees, a part of me will always be concerned for their safety."

Malika wondered if now would be a good moment to reveal that each Dungeon's formation consumed some of the Black Wind's particles in the process. If everyone kept expunging Dungeons and slaying monsters, then eventually, Dungeons and monsters alike would stop forming. In that vein, it made sense for everyone to complete as many Crawls as they could, as quickly as possible. She could reveal that fact in order to help Rob's argument, but...ugh. Then she'd be jumping into the middle of a political slapfight. Why bother when Diplomacy was going to win the argument with or without her assistance?

And true enough, the bickering bunch settled on a compromise just a few minutes later. Rob would be 'allowed' to join his Party on Dungeon Crawls, but Faelynn would accompany them as a 'liaison', and they would only tackle mid-grade Dungeons, rather than the larger ones. The Human agreed to each stipulation with a heavy sigh that Malika knew was entirely false. Acting like he was doing the Overseers a favor would give him additional leverage to use in future dealings. She may not have been wise to the ways of political silliness, but that basic level of manipulation was something Malika was very familiar with. Any reasonable person would stain their soul with sin if an extra helping of their mother's cookies were on the line.

"Not to imply that Diplomacy is doing a poor job," Keira began, once Rob and Elder Alessia deactivated the Message Crystal. "But have you considered employing Intimidation every once in a while? Because people tend to listen to me as soon as I threaten them with violence. I don't need to spend fifteen arduous minutes wearing them down with prattle." A wide grin split across her face. "You should try it sometime."

"Don't have a big enough sword for that," Rob muttered. "But I do have explosions." He rubbed his chin. "Wonder how Urian is doing these days. Think he has the free time to handle a batch order of Firebombs?"

Vul'to chuckled. "Leave the poor man alone," he said, in a lighthearted tone. "You've caused him plenty of trouble as it is. He's busy making Potions for the Fiends and Rangers who'll be departing on Dungeon Crawls, and they need the added support far more than we do."

Rob seemed about ready to argue the point when Faelynn raised her hand, drawing everyone's attention. "Not to interrupt," she began, which was a phrase that people only used when interrupting. "But if I'm accompanying you on a Dungeon Crawl, then we should have a quick strategy meeting to figure out where I'll fit into your group's combat dynamic." She straightened her posture. "We may be heading into just mid-grade Dungeons, and Waymark is phenomenally useful as an escape tool, but at the end of the day, the Overseers were correct. Anything can happen. I want to plan for every possibility."

The Party's gaze shifted towards Orn'tol for a fraction of a second. The Ranger – now a Guerilla Ranger – hardened his expression and took a step closer to Malika. No one said anything, and no one needed to. Orn'tol had already made his stance very clear when Dungeons began springing up all across the city like weeds in a neglected garden. He'd stated, in a tone that brooked no argument, that neither he nor Malika were going to step foot in a Dungeon ever again.

Malika wished she could disagree with him. These Dungeons, as far as she could tell, weren't aberrant. Ignoring them amounted to a wasted opportunity. Standard Dungeons might as well have been easy EXP – well, as easy as gaining EXP could be. They'd almost certainly be less dangerous than her Party's last Crawl. But whenever she opened her mouth to convince Orn'tol to abandon his hesitation, she remembered the Dreamthief, and the nightmares it gave her, and the sensation of waking up and feeling so weak-

She turned away from the others and screwed her eyes shut. The past is the past. Don't think about it. Bad memories can't hurt me.

If she repeated it enough times, it might even become true.

Riardin's Rangers left for the Dungeon soon after. They weren't granted much of a sendoff; just Malika and Orn'tol wishing them well as they descended into a dark abyss. Everyone else was too occupied to spare the time. It felt unfair that an event practically giving her heart palpitations was treated with minimal gravitas, but she understood that this Dungeon was but one of many. Dozens of other Parties were undergoing the same trial at this exact moment. Her friends weren't special in that regard, which was an oddly soothing thought. Made the Crawl seem like less of something to fret over.

And really, what did she have to be worried about? Riardin's Rangers were a team of Awakened Class users ranging from Level 34 to Level 47! Battle-tested veterans with an abundance of victories under their belts. With – as Rob would say – a 'panic button' to use in case things turned sour. They'd be fine.

They'd...be fine.


Hours had passed since the Dungeon Crawl began. Malika's nerves were slightly less tingly, although not by much, and Orn'tol wasn't faring any better. He was trying to hide it, and she appreciated his attempt at being a big brother she could rely on, but neither of them were going to feel right again until their friends returned safe and sound. Preferably with their heads still attached.

At least it wasn't all bad. Malika electrified a mutated crocodile that made the fatal error of charging Orn'tol, which helped distract her for a few minutes. The beastie twitched like a fish gasping for air as it died. She didn't gain a Level from it, but she did get to show off her magic in front of disbelieving Fiends. They hadn't seen her fight before, and Malika never grew tired of watching expressions morph from skeptical to shocked as they realized that a young girl could kill them with a thought. It was quickly becoming one of her favorite pastimes.

Aside from momentary diversions such as those, Malika kept herself distracted by examining Corrupted mana. She wasn't in the mood for monster hunting, and in truth she'd be a much greater help if she focused on addressing the root of the problem rather than alleviating its consequences. It didn't take her long to unearth something new, as the Black Wind's total lack of subtlety meant that it'd left identifying traces everywhere. Some of those traces led back south, but the majority led back east. After a quick look at a map and some rough estimations, Malika concluded that the Wind had mostly come from a location at the edge of Fiend territory called Evermore City.

While she'd never been there herself, she was veeeery confident in her guess, as Evermore was currently a toxic wasteland of Corruption. According to Goroth's stories, a Blight managed to absorb that city's Locus of Power several months ago, with predictable results. The ensuing devastation ended with countless dead and Evermore's transformation from a thriving hub of activity into miles of life-corroding Blighted Lands.

They'd been lucky. A Blight with time to develop and mature would've ravaged much more than just one city.

Once the thrill of discovery wore off, Malika was forced to admit that her findings were concerning. If the Black Winds had originated from Evermore City, then this first invasion might not be the last. Blighted Lands produced an endless amount of Corruption. As such, the particles that were being consumed in the formation of Dungeons and monsters hardly mattered. Reinforcements would be on their way soon enough.

She hid that revelation away under her growing pile of 'things to eventually tell the Grand Overseers'. Which she would! Later. With backup. And at least five people standing in front of her.

The second thing she discovered was, mercifully, far more reassuring. Apparently, the Black Wind was unable to infect Loci of Power. Try as it might, whenever the particles approached, they were viciously repelled. The Blight in The Village absorbed its Locus with infected monster sludge, and the infected plants in Esternard City attempted to absorb a Locus using plant roots. Using those examples as evidence, it was likely that Blights could only absorb a Locus after subsuming an organic host.

Learning that fact came as a huge relief. There were eight total Loci of Power in Fiend territory. If the Black Wind was able to absorb all of them...well, the Deserters were no strangers to traveling, but Malika didn't think there would've been anywhere left in Elatra to go. Nowhere safe, anyway.

"It's past noon," Orn'tol suddenly blurted out, turning to face her. The boy had been staring out the window for a solid hour with no signs of stopping. "What do you think they're doing now?"

"Killing monsters," Malika answered, plainly. "What else?"

Orn'tol opened and then closed his mouth. "Of course," he sighed. "I can accept monsters." He rubbed his fingers together. "As long as no one's fallen into some sort of trap."


"Did you ever speak to Sivia again?" Meyneth asked.

Zamira paused in the middle of wiping monster blood off her sword. She tilted her head at the Dragonkin, thoughts whirling with confusion. Meyneth's question was unprompted and delivered with the cadence of someone commenting on the weather, and it took Zamira several seconds to process the change of pace. One second they'd been engaging in combat, and the next they were discussing potential romantic entanglements.

"Is this the best time?" Zamira said, answering the question with one of her own. She gestured towards the wide room that Riardin's Rangers were currently traversing, filled with jagged spikes, bottomless pits, and the corpses of freshly-slain monsters. At present, the rest of the Party was cleaning their weapons and discussing which direction to head in. They certainly weren't talking about...about this.

"Our foes are dead," Meyneth stated, shaking blood off her claws. "And underwhelming, frankly. This Dungeon Crawl is trying my patience. I keep expecting more, but it has yet to deliver on the standard that the Esternard Dungeon set for me."

Zamira couldn't help but agree. So far their Dungeon Crawl had been surprisingly straightforward. After two horrific Dungeon Crawls, she'd come to expect the worst from them. But so far this Dungeon's traps, obstacles, and monsters had all been mere stepping stones scarcely an inch high.

It was a blessing – with an odd caveat attached to it. Zamira, in addition to the rest of the Party, didn't know how to comprehend a Crawl that was anything less than nightmarish. Despite the easy progression thus far, they were still on constant alert, and the lack of adrenaline release was wearing them down and building undue anticipation for what presumed terrors lay ahead. Perhaps Meyneth was searching for a distraction; in truth, Zamira could use one as well.

"I did speak with Sivia," she affirmed. "And after she managed to overcome the embarrassment of your forced introduction – just barely, I might add – we had an honest talk about whether or not a romantic future would be possible."

"Very good," Meyneth said, nodding. "It seems that I won't need to intrude upon your day once more."

"How kind of you," Zamira drawled, the corners of her mouth creeping upward. "To clarify: my talk with Sivia went as well as I could have hoped. I explained my predicament, and she was understanding. Disappointed, but understanding. She then admitted that she would be unable to enter a romantic relationship that was likely to leave her...physical needs unsatisfied. As such, we mutually deemed that we were incompatible for each other, and that entering a relationship was ill-advised."

Meyneth eyed the Bladesoul with a discerning gaze. "And you're satisfied with that outcome?"

"Yes," Zamira truthfully answered. "We parted on cordial, friendly terms, and I wouldn't mind conversing with her again sometime in the future. In a more relaxed setting, naturally." Her smile widened by a fraction. "I may have been rejected due to my personal inclinations, but I made an honest effort at addressing them in a manner that accepted myself for who I am. That, in itself, is a victory to be proud of."

"It is," Meyneth affirmed, with a hint of pride. "Never forget that."

The two shared a quiet moment. Zamira would've been happy to end the conversation there, but there was one nagging question that begged to be answered. "I'm curious,'' she began. "Did someone assist you in preparing the advice you gave me? I don't mean to imply-"

"That I would have been unable to formulate it on my own?" Meyneth arched an eyebrow. "My only surprise is that it took you this long to realize. Yes, I received assistance, and it was quite invaluable. Your mother is an expert on matters of the heart."

Zamira froze. "My...my what?"

"Your mother," Meyneth said, without a care. "She and I both agreed that your stagnation, combined with Rob and Keira's failure to progress their relationship, would result in problematic incidents sooner or later. As such, we determined that a preemptive strike was necessary, and then devised a plan to embolden you to change your mentality. When Rob and Keira inevitably join hands, you'll now be much more equipped to accept their coupling and move past your disappointment."

The Dragonkin paused for a moment, thinking back on what seemed to be a distressingly thorough plan. "In order to prevent Rob and Keira from entering that union with unresolved issues – a common error for young lovers – I confronted those two fools in the same manner that I confronted you. Your mother, recognizing that stability between Rob and Keira would lead to stability in our Party's friendship dynamic, provided her assistance for those conversations as well. In conclusion: your mentality is healthier than before, and the potential for a future dissolution of our Party stemming from interpersonal drama has been averted." The Dragonkin smirked. "Let it never be said that she doesn't look after her children."

Zamira could have stood there for hours and still not known what to say next. Thankfully, she was rescued from her plight by an ambush. Without warning, half a dozen monsters started scurrying out of holes in the walls, chittering and screeching as they charged forth. One creature, a horse with a four-foot long horn extending from its forehead, proceeded to shoot its horn directly at Meyneth like an arrow let loose from a bow.

'Deflect'. A green aura flared around Zamira's sword as she stepped in front of Meyneth, and in one motion, knocked the horn aside with the ease of hitting a pebble. Meyneth wasn't idle during that moment. She sank into the ground, and half a second later, silently rose up out of the horse-thing's shadow. It was dead before it managed to notice her presence, reduced to a bleeding mess of meat with stunned eyes staring vacantly at nothing.

The other monsters were felled soon afterwards. Despite being taken off guard, no member of Riardin's Rangers received a single injury during the ambush. At that point, now faced with overwhelming evidence, they were forced to acknowledge what they'd known to be true for some time.

Maybe the Dungeon wasn't holding back strength for a grueling, murderous finale. Maybe this was already its best effort.

Just how powerful had they become that Dungeon Crawls were simple?


More hours passed without event. Malika continued to study the Corrupted mana, and Orn'tol participated in sporadic monster-slaying. Unfortunately, their attempts at distracting themselves were proving less effective as time went on, especially when mid-afternoon arrived. The Dungeon Crawl was estimated to finish by then – although that was a general average based on Crawls as a whole. While most Dungeons took about one-third of a day to expunge, it was impossible to truly predict what lay within a Wound in the World before entering it. Apparently, the shortest Crawl in history had lasted twenty seconds, and the longest lasted twenty days. Both were successful, although the latter Party was utterly exhausted by the end of their ordeal.

With that in mind, it wasn't necessarily a bad sign if Riardin's Rangers came back later than expected. A delay of hours or even days was perfectly normal. Malika was fully aware of that fact.

The knowledge didn't make waiting for them any easier.

Another hour passed. Malika waited. Another. Malika waited. As her patience reached its boiling point, Malika crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at the sun, fixing it with the best glare of loathing she could muster. The treacherous blaggard was beginning to creep towards the horizon. How dare it announce the time of the day so openly and brazenly?! It's as if the fiery orb was taunting her over her friends' delayed return.

Then her eyes started to tingle. Malika looked away, cheeks burning with embarrassment as she thanked her lucky stars that she was alone. If anyone else had been nearby to witness that particular bout of absurdity, she'd either need to bury herself in a hole and never emerge, or pelt their heads with rocks until their memories of the incident faded. Or both.

I must be losing my mind, she thought, sighing. This isn't how a member of Riardin's Rangers is supposed to conduct themselves. I may be rightfully worried, but the others are the ones facing actual hardship. And when they finally leave the Dungeon, tired and bone-weary after overcoming death-defying trials, they won't want to be greeted by a frantic mess of a girl.

She shook her head and slapped her cheeks. Have to compose myse-


Malika collapsed to the floor. Her teeth chattered as a thought, singular and overpowering, flooded her senses like a waterfall pouring into a cup. Sight, sound, smell – each of them collapsed one-by-one. There wasn't room left in her head for anything except the thought. It spoke not in words, but in the language of pure emotion. Unrefined, unending, and without malice. A simple cry of pain that echoed across the city, begging people to listen.

Control of her body gradually returned as she adjusted to the thought's presence in her mind. The sensation was manageable, somehow, as long as she treated it as an invasive mental-type Skill. She was lucky in that regard; people without a Mind stat equivalent to hers would be incapacitated for much longer. As she rose to her feet on shaky legs, Malika wondered if she was being specifically targeted by a psychic attack of some sort. Wouldn't be the first assassination attempt that Riardin's Rangers endured. Mind Mages were rare and typically reclusive – few wanted to bear the stigma that came part in parcel with the Class – but even hermits tended to come running when rich assholes opened their pockets.

Her theory was dispelled in short order. As Malika examined the thought's source, shock and disgust rapidly welled up within her until she felt ready to pass out. This sensation was...wrong. A familiar wrong. One she'd Sensed months ago and never hoped to Sense again.

Malika threw open the front door to her apartment and dashed outside, drawn to the abominable sensation like a moth to a flame. She knew that she was being reckless, but if this was what she thought it was, and people came into contact with it, then...

She ran faster, cursing her pitiful Dexterity and Endurance. Where was a Rob piggyback ride when you desperately needed one?

Orn'tol, several Rangers, and ten Fiends equipped with anti-Corruption amulets were already there by the time she arrived. The motley group was lingering outside a condemned building, hesitant to enter. Normally, their caution would've been due to the Corruption-laden Fiends quarantined within. While Corruption wasn't contagious, superstitions always arose during periods of great crisis, and the Black Wind's pestilence was about as great as a crisis could possibly be.

The realization that the thought was coming from within that building just made Malika run even faster.

As she approached, each member of the group turned to stare at her with widened eyes, waiting until she'd gotten close before saying anything. Malika wanted to speak first, but she was breathing too heavily to form proper words, and the lapse in conversation allowed Orn'tol to take initiative.

"What are you doing here?" He was employing a classic worried-big-brother demeanor. "This area is dangerous. I'm sure you've Sensed the...whatever that is." He gestured towards the building. "Until we've identified the source, I'd prefer if you stayed back and-"

Finally, Malika was ready to speak. "SHUSH!" She commanded, in a harsh tone bereft of levity. Orn'tol flinched back as his mouth fell open. A momentary pang of guilt struck Malika, but she shoved it aside, jabbing a finger straight at the group of Fiends. She sucked in one more gulp of air to soothe her burning lungs and yelled at them with all the forcefulness of an incensed Archmage. There wasn't much air for her to spare, so she made every word count.


The front of the building burst apart like a crate of Firebombs had been set off inside. Elves and Fiends alike recoiled in horror as a towering creature rolled out from behind the cloud of dust and debris. Rolled, not walked. The abomination was a circular sphere, fifteen feet tall and just as wide, pulsating and squirming with misbegotten life. It left a trail of viscous, black tar in its wake, melting the ground with a sizzling stench of acrid smoke. While the thing was too massive to walk properly, that wasn't to say it was lacking in limbs – or other appendages. Arms, legs, heads, and even organs were protruding out the creature; a misshapen sphere of tortured flesh and mashed-together bodies. Mouths screamed as the sphere rolled forward, crushing them under its heavy mass, only for their ruined forms to regenerate seconds later.

And all the while, that same unending note of HURT resounded in her mind.

Malika didn't need to Identify the creature to know what it was. Flesh Amalgamations were a sight that were impossible to forget. Another of its ilk had been among the Infected that invaded The Village.

It'd taken a Mage Circle heralded by Elder Fareena – using Soul Burn – to kill it.

The Amalgamation began to pick up speed. Several Fiends extended their claws and dashed forward, only to be blown back by a gust of wind that Malika summoned. They couldn't be allowed to come into contact with the Amalgamation – not unless they wanted to be added to its collection. "No touch," she wheezed, with what little air remained in her lungs. She couldn't hear her voice over the creature's incessant wailing.

Orn'tol realized her intention before anyone else. In one swift motion, he nocked an arrow wreathed in gray light and fired it directly at the Amalgamation. The instant that his arrow's tip pierced the surface of contorted Fiend-flesh, the creature froze completely and utterly. It was as if the rest of the world was moving on while the Amalgamation was stuck mid-motion. That was the signal for the Rangers and Fiends to make their retreat – Orn'tol's Temporal Freeze wouldn't last long. One Fiend reached out to carry her, and she stepped forward to accept his offer.


Malika froze, her body so stiff that she matched the Amalgamation. That last thought...it hadn't been just an emotion. There was emotion behind it, but the actual message was...a word.


Sense Magic Level Increased! 19 -> 20

Malika turned away from the Fiend's outstretched arms and took several steps towards the Flesh Amalgamation. It unfroze two moments later. Before the creature could gather its bearings, Malika touched the Corrupted mana that was coating the surrounding air and began to morph it into specific patterns. Left, right, up, down, push, pull. Any other Mage watching her from afar would've been baffled at what she was doing. From their perspective, her patterns were aimless and nonsensical, the equivalent of splashing a pond and saying that the ripples in the water were words.

But she wasn't any other mage. She was an Archmage, and mana spoke to her as if it was a living being. The Flesh Abomination's name was almost a misnomer – in truth, it was suffused from top to bottom with Corrupted mana. A creature of pure energy warped into a facsimile of tissue and sinew. And one thing she'd learned from watching mana interact with living things was that every creature with a will of their own communicated in some way. Those with words spoke with sound. Those without words spoke with body language.

Those with nothing else to their existence but mana, spoke with mana.

~Hi,~ Malika projected, finalizing her patterns into a shape that the Amalgamation would comprehend. ~My name is Malika.~

The Flesh Amalgamation ceased its advance. It seemed to be struggling against itself, caught between attacking Malika and restraining the vicious instincts endemic to creatures of the Blight. The Fiends and Rangers gaped, dumbstruck, as the Amalgamation responded with a message only Malika could understand.


~I'm sorry,~
Malika projected. ~I want to help you, but I don't know how.~

The Amalgamation was silent for a few seconds.


Malika's lower lip trembled. She sniffed, clenched her fists, and nodded.


She didn't prolong its suffering any further than that. Malika activated Empower Spell and summoned a roaring conflagration imbued with virtually all of her MP. When that well ran dry, she activated Mana Surge to restore some MP, and then imbued her tornado of flame with even more mana, leaving just enough MP for herself so that she wouldn't undergo Mana Exhaustion.

The Amalgamation merely sat there and allowed itself to burn, the conflagration gradually outpacing its towering HP and latent regeneration. Inches of flesh seared away, then feet, until the creature's mass was reduced to a fraction of what it was before. In its dying moments, as the last of its flesh disappeared within the cleansing embrace of red-hot flame, the Amalgamation sent one final message.


And then it was gone.

They were gone.

Malika screwed her eyes shut. She couldn't show weakness. It was unbecoming of her.

Members of Riardin's Rangers didn't cry.



Malika Level 26 -> 28

Orn'tol Level 34 -> 36

Rob Level 47 -> 48

Keira Level 43 -> 44

Zamira Level 35 -> 37

Vul'to Level 34 -> 36

Meyneth Level 36 -> 38

Faelynn Level 29 -> 31

Thanks for reading!


David Bean

What about Faelynn? Is she getting to enjoy the fast learner bonus? I she wasn’t listed at the bottom but I feel like she’s pretty much an honorary Ranger at this point.


I actually forgot to list Faelynn, whoops. She's getting the Fast Learner bonus too and went up from 29 to 31.


Good chapter. Don't burn yourself out, I can wait for the next chapter

Tyler smalley

I know she is a kid, and her being nervous and unsure whether to share her information is a normal reaction, but I gotta admit it is a little vexing. Also, she says no one could see like she does, but wasn’t there a ritual a while back that let them at least partially share? Idk if I’m remembering it correctly.


Malika will befriend the Blight, teach it morality, and everybody will be happy! Then the Blight realise the only way to make everybody happy is to borg them.


They can partially share, but they wouldn't get her full effects. Don't worry about the withholding info thing - it doesn't last longer than this chapter.

CMDR Dantae

This chapter was chilling to read. You could really feel the emotion there...


Holy fucking shit Sentient blight can be communicated with, may even allow itself to be killed peacefully? Blight a victim too? Amazing chapter And no worries about delay, take care of yourself 💜

Luke Scheffe

The only eight nodes in fiend land seems off. We’ve seen that not all nodes get settled, and so there would be some that are still out in the wild.

Luke Scheffe

Also, could Malika share her sight with the soul doctors, to see if it reveals anything new? It seems like if someone had advanced sense mana and soul sight, they might be able to tease out some sort of connection, which might help them figure out what to do. Or maybe that the Blue interacts with mana, which actually seems fairly likely if it runs the system, and the system shoves mana around to level people.

