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"Rob," Keira pleaded. "I implore you to reconsider. There must be another way."

"I'm sorry," Rob stated, in a solemn tone. "This is my path, and I've chosen to follow it." He nodded slowly. "May you remember me as I was."

Keira sank to her knees and threw her hands into the air. "Why, cruel world?" She wailed, beseeching the heavens for an answer. "Why must the best of us make the poorest of decisions? Why must Strength go so neglected?"

"Those two are jesting, yes?" Meyneth asked, addressing Zamira in a stage whisper. "I'm still growing accustomed to non-Dragonkin cultural norms, but where I hail from, allocating stat points is generally known as a joyous occasion."

Rob and Keira gave Meyneth a flat stare. "Are you using social ignorance as an excuse to ruin our fun?" the Human asked.

Meyneth put on an innocent look which was entirely at odds with her claws, sharklike teeth, and 6-foot-five-inches stature. "Who, me?" she tittered. "Would I ever do such a thing?"

...I guess this is an improvement from her shrinking violet act, Rob thought, shuddering slightly. Ignoring Keira's last-minute suggestion of putting at least a few points into Strength, he opened his Character Sheet and took a look at his stat spread.

Strength: 53
Vitality: 105
Endurance: 30
Dexterity: 60
Perception: 33
Mind: 28
Magic: 30
Unspent Points: 20

Rob was tempted to shove everything into Magic. Not because he was planning to learn actual magic – Elder Duran was too tired to resume their lessons yet. He simply wanted additional MP for more uses of Rampage, and thus, more explosions. Alas, adulthood comes with responsibilities, including his role as the Party's premier frontline fighter. He needed to be able to draw aggro from Vul'to when necessary. One Vanguard couldn't always be there to cover for six people.

Plus, after getting chomped by the Blight and witnessing the Dragon Queen's fury, he'd realized that 1050 max HP wasn't nearly as safe as he might've hoped for. There were big, scary beasties out there in the world, and pretty much all of them seemed to hate him. It was with that final thought that Rob boosted Vitality by 15, and Magic by 5.

Regeneration Level Increased! 15 -> 18
Lifesurge Level Increased! 12 -> 15

"Done," he said. "Twenty points well-spent."

Keira looked at him with a plaintive expression. Rob considered lying, and then shook his head. The Warrior grimaced, glaring at the Strength-ignoring plebeian standing shamelessly before her eyes, and proceeded to mutter something under her breath.

Wonder what she said, Rob thought.

<She said 'You're lucky you're so cute'.> When Rob gaped at Diplomacy both inwardly and outwardly, the Skill shrugged in response. <Apparently, I can read lips.> They paused. <Also, I must advise against revealing what Keira said to->



"Am I making you nervous?"

Zamira watched carefully as Faelynn winced. The Fiend glanced around their empty carriage, as if looking for an escape route, before looking back at Zamira and plastering a weak smile on her face. "Nervous?" She repeated, laughing halfheartedly. "Why would you..."

Faelynn trailed off, then sighed. "I don't suppose there's any point in denying it, is there?"

"Truthfully? No." Zamira assumed a non-threatening posture. "May I ask what's bothering you? I'd like to rectify the problem if I can. Is it perhaps related to Keira or our Awakened Classes?"

"Little bit of both." A smirk crept across Faelynn's face, and Zamira was relieved to see that there was mirth in it. "I know that Keira is aware that I'm not a spy, but I must admit that a small piece of me is always worried she'll decide otherwise. As for the Awakened Classes, I believe that concern speaks for itself. Your Party intimidates me more now than you did in Broadwater, which I scarcely thought possible."

Zamira couldn't blame her for thinking so. News of Riardin's Rangers awakening their Class had spread like wildfire among the Deserters, and their reactions thus far were vaguely disconcerting. Those who weren't fully accustomed to Rob's unique brand of absurdity were treating the Party like demigods, and the Rangers' envy was deepening from a shallow ravine to a bottomless canyon. While they hadn't openly pushed for increased inclusion in Rob's Party, Zamira could only imagine that Alessia was receiving behind-the-scenes pressure.

As if she or anyone else can control Rob, Zamira mused. They'd do better by appealing to his sense of pity and obligation. And if they don't understand that basic tenet of his personality after so many months, then they haven't made any attempt to get to know him as a person, and hardly deserve the benefits his Party membership provides.

She glanced at Faelynn, who was patiently waiting for a response. While it was unfortunate that some of the Deserters were feeling distant from Riardin's Rangers, Zamira found that she cared more about Faelynn's peace of mind than that of the Elves she'd known for years. Strange, that.

"Keira won't harm you," Zamira assured. "She knows you're an honest, true friend. And at the risk of underplaying my own strength, you needn't put undue emphasis on our Awakened Classes. They're great boons, to be sure, but we're still mortal. We bleed and die like anyone else."

"I'll take your word for it," Faelynn replied. "As a word of caution, though, I doubt others will. The last Awakened Class user in Fiend territory appeared seven hundred years ago, and they were the strongest fighter of their time."

Zamira leaned a bit closer. "What Level were they?" She asked. "And what Class?"

"They were an Enforcer. One of the upgraded versions of Thrasher." Faelynn paused, thinking back. "I believe they ended their reign at Level 60. Took scores of Humans to bring them down. I'm aware that the overwhelming odds needed to defeat them was a result of their Level more than their Class, but the fact that they were Awakened certainly added some extra zest to the legend."

Zamira's eyes widened. Level 60 was approaching the realm of territory Leaders. "It sounds like they were an incredible warrior," she said, with a nod of intent. "With the passive boost in power that Fiends possess, they may have even been the mightiest Combat Class user in all of Elatra."

"Actually, that's one reason why your Awakening intimidates me," Faelynn admitted. "Not the legend, I mean, it's just that your comment reminded me of something and – never mind. What I'm trying to say is that, before your Party underwent their Awakenings, I was able to fight on equal or greater footing than most of you. Keira's prowess coupled with Danger Sense put her out of reach, and Rob's increasing Level advantage may as well be insurmountable, but I was comfortable standing beside the rest of you without feeling like a background performer."

She sighed. "That's no longer the case. Your Awakenings have more or less erased the benefit that my Fiendish heritage gave me. I'm not blaming you for that, but...if I can ask a favor..."

Zamira froze. She'd been dreading this question. Faelynn wouldn't be the first person to request a Class Awakening, but she was going to be the first that Zamira would feel guilty about turning down. Rob only had two more Awakenings to offer for the next year, and Riardin's Rangers couldn't afford to dole those out without a care. Not when it was such a strong card to hold during future negotiations. Diplomacy had stressed that point very, very harshly.

"I'm sorry," Zamira began, her heart heavy. "We can't-"

"Teach me to be intimidating!" Faelynn blurted out.

"...Pardon me?"

"I don't want to be a background performer," the Fiend stated, eyes alighting with passion. "Bridging our combat prowess may be impossible – for now – but I'd be perfectly satisfied with being able to command the room like your Party does. When you, or Rob, or Keira speak, people listen. And I think it goes beyond your Levels or positions of importance."

She clenched her fists together. "Goroth possesses that same aura about him, and it's something I've always admired – and I'm being honest, coveted. Figured it was because of his age and experience, but you three are slightly younger than me, so I can't use that as an excuse anymore. Please, if you wouldn't mind: teach me how to convince others to follow your will." She grimaced. "If fucking Helkath can do it, than I can too, damnit."

Zamira blinked several times. "I must admit," she said, her mouth faster than her thoughts. "I assumed you would have requested a Class Awakening."

Faelynn replied with several blinks of her own. "Do people actually do that?" she asked, baffled. "Huh. I guess they weren't aware of the Skill's usage limit?"

"They were."

"Huuuh." The Fiend crossed her arms. "Seems a bit desperate, I think. My pride shrivels just at the thought of begging for a boon of that magnitude."

Zamira chuckled, her anxiety fading. "Too right." A broad smile spread across her face. "I'd be more than happy to assist with your endeavor, although I think you're plenty intimidating as you are now."

"No need to coddle me," Faelynn said, shaking her head. "I can't even intimidate the Elves anymore, and that's with half of them thinking I'm plotting to eat their soul."

Zamira suppressed a wince. The Fiends' most...unique trait wasn't a subject she tried to focus on. Building empathy for them was significantly more difficult with that detail in the back of her mind. Best to move on and pretend that Faelynn never mentioned it.

"For starters," Zamira began. "It's of the utmost importance that you project confidence at all times, whether you are or not. Rob described it as 'faking it until you make it', which I believe is an apt phrase." Her lips twitched with amusement. "The fact that you think of me as an intimidating person is proof of this strategy's effectiveness."

"Makes sense," Faelynn said. "But how do you pretend to be confident? Does it involve, I don't know, speaking louder?"

...This may take longer than anticipated.


One Week Later

It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day, complete with a refreshing breeze as the cherry on top. Perfect by Earth standards, but pretty run of the mill by Elatra's. Whether you were located in the south, north, east, or west, the average day was always somewhere between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Same as it had been since Rob arrived around six months ago.

Which was no longer a surprise, because as he'd recently found out, it was spring in Elatra all year round. Not that they had a word for 'spring' in the first place – that was just how weather was. Elatra's climate was a permanent combination of the best aspects of temperate and tropical: warm without being humid or dry. While the temperature and humidity could rise or fall over time, it never deviated too far from that general area, and changes in weather didn't correspond to specific months or seasons.

They didn't have a word for 'season', either.

What surprised Rob the most wasn't that Elatran weather was so bizarrely uniform, but rather that its weather was, in general, pleasant. Based on how harsh the rest of the world tended to be, a never-ending blizzard would've been more in line with his expectations. Maybe throw in some weekly hurricanes just to spice things up. The Deserters' trek north was already difficult enough in a breezy springtime climate; he doubted that most of them would've made it through a harsh winter on top of everything else. When the Blight came to feast on their bones, its buffet table would already have been reduced to a mere side offering of reheat-able leftovers.

Even with that in mind, Rob couldn't help but miss snow. His mind was too cluttered with nostalgic memories of closed schools and Christmas TV specials to view winter as a threat. Sure, an impromptu blizzard would've resulted in his corpse making snow angels somewhere out in the southern wastelands, but think of the whimsy involved! Maybe that was why, as Rob peeked out of his hotel's window, that he found himself wishing for snow to start falling. Just one last sight of empty roads covered with sheets of white, like a picture painted by nature's embrace. For old time's sake.

Or maybe it was because snow would clear out the crowd of over one thousand Fiends waiting outside.

<Stop pacing,> Diplomacy instructed. <This isn't helping your mental state. >

You can't tell me what to do,
Rob countered, increasing his pacing speed from 'walk' to 'jog'. I'm a free man. It's in the Constitution or something. He quickly peeked out the window again, flinching as he confirmed that the congregation hadn't miraculously dispersed. If anything, there were more Fiends than before, many of them with papers and writing implements held tightly in their hands.

If Elatran eBay existed, then Zordred's daughter was going to make a killing on that autograph.

The Grand Overseers' pro-Human PR campaign had gone well. Very well. Maybe a little too fucking well. The one-two punch of He Came From The South, casting Rob as a misunderstood hero tormented by his Human lineage, combined with the revelation that he could purge Corruption, had turned him into an overnight media sensation. The concept was difficult to wrap his head around – from Rob's perspective, he'd spent the last three weeks in Fiendland traveling in covert carriages and avoiding the public eye as much as possible. The children he Purged Corruption from every day were always unconscious, and due to security concerns he'd yet to be thanked by any of their parents in-person. While Attuning to Loci and Purging Corruption were game-changing events, both so important that they would irrevocably alter Fiendish society, he was still only interacting with the same people he always had. Just Riardin's Rangers and their Fiend escorts on a roadtrip through city after city. There hadn't been a gradual buildup to help him mentally prepare for having a fandom.

"I never should've told the Overseers that we'd run out of Loci to find," Rob muttered. "Could've strung them along for another week if I asked to search the cities again. It wasn't enough that I reached Attunement Level 8, or that I'm stabilizing over 500 Fiends on a daily basis, nooooo. Now I have to make public freaking appearances. If I hear the phrase 'good optics' one more time, I'm going to shove a Message Crystal down someone's throat."

Diplomacy snickered. <Look on the bright side. Your Corruption is finally gone. Don't you feel better now? Healthier, at least?>

Rob peeked out the window again, saw Fiends as far as the eye could see, and promptly thunked his head on a wall. "Would you believe me if I said that I preferred being infected with Corruption to the prospect of public speaking?"

<No. I wouldn't.>

He stopped pacing. Rob looked down at his body, taking a moment to marvel at the pain that wasn't there. All joking aside, Diplomacy was right. The fact that he was Corruption-free was...unreal. He'd lived with the sensation of searing agony in his veins for such a long time that its removal felt akin to a rebirth. How had he been able to think straight with that parasite inside of him? Hell, maybe he hadn't. Would make a nice excuse for the nameless Elf's death. Rob wasn't going to go down that route, but damn if it wasn't tempting – and halfway plausible. The difference in his mentality pre and post Corruption was just that stark.

Rob examined himself in front of a mirror, rubbing at the circles under his eyes. Still dark, but more of a light gray than the pure black they'd been before. He'd slept last night, actually, truly slept, instead of waking every hour to aching tremors. The fact that he barely recognized his own reflection was disquieting. At what point did he start to internalize that Corrupted existence? Unconsciously accept that it was his new state of being?

Fuck that noise. Everyone deserved to feel the way he was now. Free of pain, their soul unblemished, and with the knowledge that their body was fully their own. Rob could and would give them that release. He may not have known them personally, but he knew the kind of suffering they were enduring. And with Purge Corruption at level 4, now he had the means to make a difference.

He still didn't know what any of that had to do with public speaking, or why he should have to suffer its indignity. Flashbacks of awkward high school presentations raced through his mind until Rob reached his breaking point.

"Question," Rob began. "How bad would the political fallout be if I used Waymark to ditch this whole shebang?"

Diplomacy rolled their eyes. <Just go out there and fake it 'till you make it.>

"Story of my fucking life."

He paced for another ten minutes until the Fiends' official liaisons arrived. After a valiant – but failed – effort at holding in their lunch, they started to dress Rob with a special cloth to ensure that the crowd waiting outside wouldn't have a similar reaction. Silky-smooth coverings were wrapped around his body, concealing every part of him except his hands, eyes, mouth, nose, and ears. The cloth was able to dull the effects of Soul Sight, and its effectiveness was increased the more of his body it hid. His hands were left uncovered because he required skin contact to Purge Corruption, and his ears were left uncovered to prove that he was Human, which was part of the whole song and dance he was about to take part in.

The cloth wasn't entirely effective – Fiends would still be able to vaguely see his Soul – but at least his first public impression wouldn't end with a mass of thousands vomiting at the sight of him. He Came From The South had prepared them for an acceptably twisted soul, not an outright revolting one. When Rob asked why he hadn't been given these wrappings ages ago, Fiend Liaison #1 explained that the cloth was actually banned, and that this batch was manufactured specifically for him. When Rob then asked why it was banned, Liaison #1 tentatively answered that, in the past, it was used by Soul Devourers to hide their true nature. When Rob then asked what the cloth was called, Liaison #1 squeaked out the name 'Sinner's Shroud.'

Thankfully, for both their sakes, Rob stopped asking questions after that.

His dress-up session finished by covering his Sinner's Shroud with another layer of clothing to hide the fact that he was sporting serial killer chic. With that done, the moment of his big debut had finally arrived. Rob procrastinated in front of the door for thirty painful seconds before his liaisons all but shoved him outside. The awaiting Fiends' murmuring fell to a hush as the star of the hour strode towards them. Rob kept his back straight as he approached, plastering an aloof-yet-cool expression on his face. The rest of Riardin's Rangers were standing in line outside, relegated to the roles of his Elven entourage. None of them – Rob included – were happy about their being reduced to what were essentially his backup singers, but they were mere supporting characters in He Came From The South, and today's game was about playing to the crowd.

Rob observed the Fiends' reactions, searching for the telltale signs of impending vomit. Thankfully, his Sinner's Shroud performed its task well. By the looks on the Fiends' faces, they were at the level of disgust that inspired interest rather than revulsion. Relieved that he'd avoided the worst-case scenario – besides an angry mob tearing him to shreds, which was admittedly still in the cards – Rob walked forth, stopping short in front of a Fiend child resting on a bed in the middle of the street. This particular patient was a heavily-ill orphan girl whose Corruption would be purged as proof of Rob's ability. The whole setup was manipulative to the point of absurdity, but if the crowd noticed, they didn't seem to care. Silence blanketed the street, thicker than cold molasses, as Rob took the girl's hand in his.

His eyes narrowed, blazing with fury at what he Sensed. Corruption was suffused throughout every inch of her body, the parasite within devouring heaps of Vitality and leaving her HP in the single-digits. It was one of the worst cases he'd encountered so far. Rob grit his teeth and viciously seared away the Corruption like lancing a wound, relishing the way it recoiled in fear at his energy's touch. Manipulative or otherwise, the Overseers chose well when they recommended this girl for treatment – she wouldn't have lasted another day.

Rob continued the operation slowly and carefully, the watchful eyes of the crowd long since forgotten. In this moment, there was just him, his patient, and the Blue energy flowing out from his core. Bit-by-bit he worked, forcing himself to exercise restraint and only cleanse a portion of the girl's Corruption. It was a dilemma he struggled with often. Why leave Corruption inside his patients' bodies when he could remove all of it one go? They'd be safe again. Free again. Unfortunately, his internal Locus' energy was a finite resource, and negligently wasting that resource lessened the number of patients he could stabilize in a day. Based on his estimates, completely purging this girl's Corruption would delay three others from receiving treatment.

He couldn't accept that. Putting on a better show for the audience wasn't worth three peoples' safety, even if doing so would put an end to one person's suffering. Rob hardened his heart like so many times before and ended the procedure, having purged enough Corruption to stabilize the girl's condition – and no more.

She'd awaken in a day or two. Maybe she'd even live something resembling a life. But her every moment would be filled with pain, and there wouldn't be any further relief until he returned to excise the rest of her Corruption.

Soon, he thought, squeezing her hand once. Just wait for me. Don't worry, you little brats have gotten me emotionally invested – I can't and won't stop until all of Fiendland is cured.

He paused. Wait, was that part of the Overseers' plans?...Eh, fuck it. I would've gone down this path regardless.

<You would have,>
Diplomacy affirmed. <Soft-hearted fool, and all that. By the way, look up.>

Rob raised his head to find thousands of awestruck eyes staring at him. After a few seconds, he realized that they were waiting for him to make a speech.

<I recommend Version C,> Diplomacy instructed. <Short and simple.>

Rob mentally nodded. He raised his arm straight up and clenched his hand into a fist. "I'll end this nightmare," he proclaimed. "You have my word."

The Fiends erupted into raucous applause. Rob nearly staggered back at the wave of emotion that crashed into him. It didn't seem like a proportional response to two sentences of canned responses, but as the crowd kept cheering, he became aware of a deep undercurrent of desperation among their celebration. In that moment, he wasn't a Human, or the star of a play, or a soul-twisted weirdo; he was a miracle given flesh. Nothing else mattered. He could've been a literal monster and they would've applauded just as vigorously.

As disconcerting as it is to be put on a skyscraper-tall pedestal, Rob thought. I'll just have to roll with it. They need this.

"ROY!" The Fiends began to cheer. "ROY! ROY!"

...They need this. He suppressed the multitude of expletives rising in his throat. They really, really need this.

Suddenly, a chill shot down his spine, at odds with his mood. Rob's confusion morphed to horror as he realized what'd triggered the sensation. His head snapped upwards, and seconds later, everyone else followed his gaze. Their cheers and adulation died almost immediately, leaving a stunned silence in its wake – save for the curses bursting nonstop out of Rob's mouth.

Gales of black wind were circling high above the city. At first glance, they appeared somewhat like smoke that was blowing horizontally instead of straight up. Rather than the billowing clouds one might expect from smoke, though, the black wind was split up into separate streams that looked like miniature rivers flowing through the air. As Rob watched, the winds gradually shifted downward, going from spinning in a circle to diving straight towards the crowded streets. Even from a distance, Rob could Sense the intense mana pulsing from within.

And the Corruption, so dense you could see it with the naked eye.


To their credit, the vast majority of the Fiends obliged. Hundreds and thousands ran like their lives depended on it, doing their best impression of sardines-in-a-can as they squeezed into the nearest available buildings. Rob hurried Riardin's Rangers back inside his hotel along with the stabilized Fiend girl, and was about to join them when he noticed that a dozen Fiendish fuckwits were still in the middle of the streets. Half were picking themselves off the ground, having apparently been trampled, and the other half were just. Fucking. Staring. Frozen like deer in the headlights, maybe? Or struck by an overwhelming sense of morbid curiosity? Either way, they were outside, when being outside was seconds away from becoming a very bad idea.

He hesitated. Like, come on. This was pretty silly. At what point is a person morally justified if they stand back and let nature take its course? Rob's internal debate was still raging as his feet brought him towards the Fiends, Step of the Wind and several casts of non-explosive Rampage closing the gap in short order.

So what's my excuse this time? Rob thought. He activated Bulk Up and the Anklet of Moderate Brawn, then used his boosted Strength to start chucking the Fiends across the street and into his hotel. Can I spin this in a pragmatic way? I guess that each Fiend I help out is one less patient I have to purge Corruption from.

Fiend #4 let out a high-pitched shriek as he soared through the air. Thankfully, some of the others had broken from their stupor and were making a run for it, reducing his workload. Yeah, that's a good excuse. This definitely won't be seen by the populace as an act of altruistic valor. He grimaced. Look everyone, it's Roy! The rising star sensation sweeping the nation! A brave hero who always chooses very smart decisions-

Miasma fell upon the ground like a heavy snowfall.

Rob sank to his knees and coughed so hard he nearly hacked up a lung. The black wind dispersed and faded almost immediately after touching down, but that was long enough for a gust of Corruption to pierce through his chest. The parasite wormed its way inside and burrowed next to his soul, gorging itself on Vitality with abhorrent glee. Rob activated Push Through out of reflex – and then turned it off. Compared to the overfed leech he'd been subjected to before, this amount of Corruption was a newborn baby, costing him a measly scant 50 HP. For someone with 1200 HP to spare, it felt no worse than sleeping on an arm the wrong way.

For the few unlucky Fiends that hadn't made it to safety, 50 HP meant a lot more. They collapsed to the ground and wailed in agony, dark eyes wide with fear. Rob moved to grab them, then paused, his own eyes widening as well. The black wind was gone, but its remnants remained – he could Sense minor amounts of Corruption everywhere outside. Like an invisible fog dispersed throughout the air.

The parasite within fed, growing by a sliver.

1 Corruption gained!

Rob shook his head to clear his thoughts and tossed the leftover Fiends towards his hotel. Stay calm. Don't panic. He repeated that mantra even as concentrations of Corruption all across the city began to coalesce and merge together. Two of those pockets formed on the other side of the street, and Rob didn't stick around to see what would happen. As he ran, the first pocket of Corruption flashed with a burst of energy, solidifying into a gigantic bird with four bat wings and the festering head of a lizard.

Name: Grotesque Avian
Level: 37
Status Effects: Eager
Description: HELLO

The second pocket combined itself with the soft, vaguely-organic matter that Fiendish roads consisted of. A deafening rumble shook the earth as the ground split open, widening into a hole that stretched from one side of the street to the next. The surface surrounding the opening seemed to resist the twisted reality forced upon it, but soon enough it was transforming from Fiend-road into overgrown patches of nettled thickets that dripped blood.

Rob's face tightened. He summoned a longsword from his Spatial Storage, activated Imbue Vitality, and cast Enmity on the Grotesque Avian to bait it closer. Killing it wouldn't take care of the bundles of monsters and Dungeons appearing in every corner of the city, but it was better than doing nothing.

1 Corruption gained!

As avian blood splattered across the ground, and Rob finally got a moment to decompress, he began to comprehend the full scope of what had just transpired. He'd – they'd been too complacent. The Corruption plague that'd been devastating Fiend territory up until this point? That was the Blight when it wasn't trying too hard. Whatever otherworldly intelligence governed its decisions had been content to sit back and let the Fiends slowly succumb to a gradual, inevitable extinction.

But that was before its victims resisted. Before they found a cure. Fiends who were supposed to die grisly, agonizing deaths were being stabilized by a certain interloper. Can't have that, the Blight must've thought. Time for the kid gloves to come off. No more slow and steady; the Fiends' reckoning was now upon them.

Let the feast begin.


Changes, Character Sheet, Skills List 

Thanks for reading!



Hello! Die a painful death blight!


I guess it's time to chew ass and kick bubblegum... Wait! I meant the opposite!


But I don't wanna wait until Thursday to see the next adventure of Roy! Dx


For the record, anyone who's wondering what 'He Came From The South' is like from the perspective of Rob or his Party...it's basically this story's version of the Ember Island Players. Roy is an edgy-but-cool loner, everyone else is a one-note stereotype, and there's four times as much romantic drama than what actually happened in reality. The public fucking loves it.


These updates drop at the perfect times for me. 10pm on Sunday, and 10pm on Wednesday. End my weekend on a good note, and something to make humpday a lil better


OH SHIT I dunno if I forgot or didn't see an update or something but your book is gonna be on audible? Fuck yeah congrats! Now I can reread while I drive


Amazing chapter and damn oh shittt


wait a moment he got regen 18 so dos he heal 180% max in1h? if so taking how much of a tank with dmg redoction skills and pasive and bulldozer he is with now 50% life steal imbue vita and fact that 53 str base aint nothing to scofe at nothing other ther a full on blight nation leader or op 1 v 1 high lv fighters like zamira {i mean come on by way you describe that women i would not want to stand in her way with 20 lv a head of her} should not put much of astoping power vs him her can recover just about anything in moments as long as he slashing he aint droping anytime


this guys make buldings grow like trees you bet your ass they should be got at growing some bangers shows