There will be rewards this month (Patreon)
Hey everyone! Really quick update; there will be an update this cycle! It will be about 12 seconds of dragon growth animation; the remaining 2 seconds from shot 065, and about 10 seconds from the following shot 075. I ended up significantly changing this shot as I was not happy with what it was showing. As usual, there are other updates, but that is the main addition ^^
It will probably be out around mid October; I have almost finished Andre's animation in shot 077 but I then have to do about 6 seconds of Renee. So I will need an extra week or so to finish it up.
Sorry to be silent for a while; I have been very busy but I will try to communicate more frequently during times like this.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I will try to respond to my notes over the coming weeks; if you have sent me one then please hold tight!
Cheers everyone!