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Hey all!

I have paused next months billing cycle as I have spent this month on June's rewards. You will not be charged your pledge tonight/tomorrow.

My apologies for this taking till the end of the month, but I wanted to add as much as I could. There is about 20 new seconds added this month; ~14 to MLK, and ~5.5 to DGA. I didn't quite finish shot 065 in time; but I will be working on it tomorrow.

I'll keep you posted on when the next rewards will be, but it will be focused on DGA. I'll be making a few posts about various things in the mean time.

Thanks everyone, for your support and patience! Please feel free to send me feedback if you have something on your mind!

EDIT: whoops, Forgot the most important bit! I still need to package up the scene file for the $25 reward tier, as it takes a long time to set it up. Please cleck back to the reward post in a few days; I will edit the post to include the link.



Thank you for what you are doing! Nothing to say. Hope everything it’s going fine 👍🏼👍🏼


Come on, man. We'll wait for you


Thanks for being honest! Aside from your phenomenal work, it's a big part of why I'm still subscribed.


When u said working on it tomorrow did u mean the next day after that or a couple of days


If only MLK vid got more muscle gain...


Why? I think the Proportions are very good as is! ;)


he should soon im pretty sure there was a vote on how he would grow near the end im guessing and muscle growth won

Wolfie Randolf

He's great as is, don't get us wrong. It's just mmm even more muscle on him would look even better :).


Dunno If i'm losing track of time, and I know how very hard you work. Would appreciate another update maybe before the end of this month or maybe within the week? Hows the family?