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Thanks for your support and patience over May!

image WIPS: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/b6ukyhpg8r2sgjrocuqlu/ABUi8jtMZEmyBCbNDMyZV7A?rlkey=s23jldwdqvyxaki2n6pa7fz7e&st=afqycjml&dl=0

video WIPS: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/opzmxa222e8e6zw6dg5ya/AOmpcIWTqGuBz8PhHPxmopw?rlkey=t6hd8ef4eegf2y3l8ycjuggam&st=pcdakhw8&dl=0

I strongly recommend downloading the videos and watching them locally, as dropbox's playback compresses the life out of them :(

Please let me know if there are any issues, or you have any feedback!




So are you adding this to the other WIPs we have seen or are you changing it and will the model from those stay?


Oh wow, I know you said this was an extended remaster but its nice to see you use elements on part 1's remake, it looks great, looking forward to hearing the sound effects and new voice you'll be using for Andre =3