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We're back at the home studio with Trucker Andy to discuss maybe the most popular dating and relationship podcast - Whatever. See you at 5p ET.


Ep421 - Whatever Dating Talk Podcast (Livestream)

We're back at the home studio with Trucker Andy to discuss maybe the most popular dating and relationship podcast - Whatever. See you at 5p ET.



Probably going to be an abundance of vocal fry and bad bitch talk in this one.


Guess the management can’t lock up Lucy Tightbox as WATP main bad bitch on the regular, she’s very good


I missed a couple weeks and wow! Where did speech impediment Annie come from? I threw up a little. Fuuuck Buuuud Light!


When is Vic coming back? Tra-Annie just isn’t the same.


Cardiff’s Australia hate had me rolling


Mr Hamburger the iTunes feed isn’t loading this episode


No nudes pls


That's because we upload the edited version to the feed. It's up now. The feed is updated on Thursday and Sunday mornings.


Karl, PLEASE PLEASE do NOT do a show with stuttering John. Do not allow him to “lean into” this and get paid. He sucks. He’s a piece of shit. Let’s just let him attempt to do his shitty show again and we’ll “roast” various clips. Like the good old days. He doesn’t deserve to get paid. He doesn’t deserve to join in on the fun. FUCK HIM!


I hear ya but I don't think John has the ability to lean into it. He totally despises me and I have a feeling this could be an epic show.


I actually think you SHOULD do a show with Stuttering John so I cancel out Derek's vote against it.


In the teaser that graveyard guy or whatever sounded a lot like a reoccurring character from the dick show are we sure that's not the Niggler?


Agreed, there is a 0% chance he controls himself. It'll be a final, fantastic trainwreck on the StutJo Express


Dating Whatever was a gold mine of cringe. How can a host with zero charisma or speaking ability run a """show""" for 6 hours a day? Amazing. Hard pass on the new review person btw, I'd rather stick with the potato or the AI anyday, thanks.


Another great episode. What was the Dick Masterson cameo the boys brought up in this episode?


‘Who he believes is gay.’… and ‘IF HE TURNS 60’? I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.