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There won't be a livestream today because the internet where I'm at is not great. I will attempt to stream in the discord though if you want to listen live. We're starting at 3p ET. 



Karl did you record this in an empty gymnasium? I got a whole line today when I marked off my 'Bad Echo' box on my Shitty Audio BINGO card. I want my prize. I want my favorite podcast to not be aurally offensive while I listen to it. Is this a Ron & Fez type work? Because this is going on longer than 'Straight Fez.' Do you need a hearing test?


Alex Stein and Geno Bisconte? Fuck off! Not listening to this shit


Geno is awful.


Unlistenable tbh, bad guests bad audio


Sorry. Terrible host choices with Alex and Gino. Alex is such a non-factor and takes the opposite side to be edgy or is just stupid. Gino is also a waste of space.


100% I had same comment. I’m Alex, let’s take the opposite position and stupid issues and no one cares

Penis Breath

Thanks for the TED talk on live streaming/podcast. Horrible guests. More Trucker Andy and Vinnie please.

Felix Fitzgerald

Shoulda had just missy, atleast she knows what the show is meant to be


One Geno = 6 guests.


Geno might be the least fun person I've ever heard too much of. He's the guy who tries to get in on a group hating on someone and IMMEDIATELY takes it to a weird place no one is feeling and has to go on rant after rant justifying his weird legitimate vitriol. Geno is literally the antithesis of what "Who Are These Podcasts" is about, I just don't think he can handle banter, roasts or the kind of smile talking Karl & Co do.


I was going to listen but as soon as I heard geno was on it’s not worth it I’ll never get those 90 mins back.


He’s not even really a comedian is he he’s just Anthony’s friend. ?

Blart Sampson

one more thing im glad cros is gone


Dave above sucks


This episode is unlistenable. Geno and Alex can’t shut the fuck up long enough for any thing to move forward.

clean crevice

I don't even know what to say; the guests getting CAUGHT UP with details about the show I'm currently watching is terrible. "Yeah but Chad is like good because he's bad" HOT TAKE ALEX! Talking shit and airing irrelevant grievances isn't the format geno, I wish you could talk over yourself!


What a clusterfuck...


I hate this episode I love this show but this episode is taxing to listen to Gino officially sucks

David Friesner

Karl there is no link. Karl KAAAARRRLL

Extreme online NJ guy

After all these years I finally sign up to patreon…..and the podcast has never been more of mess ….Ham—Burger


Just as expected, the pussies in here can't handle a strong, confident dude that says it exactly like it is. If you douchebags took your heads out of your address, you'd understand and like Geno, but you're all little cunts and can't handle it. Not surprising at all. Geno rocks, Alex rocks, this episode was great. Fuck the haters Karl, great episode.

Penis Breath

Karl, are you going to review this episode on the next episode of WATP?

clean crevice

:People who disagree are haters and people with any critique are pussies" -every 15 year old on the internet.


Hot take I know but I honestly enjoy Geno in moderation. Having all these cohosts on at once kinda blows though, everyone talking over each other just to get a boring zumock joke out is tiring to listen to.

Blart Sampson

When geno and Aaron berg were together on “In Hot Water” there was much hilarity afoot those two had me in tears alot

Blart Sampson

Carl you need to do the exact same thing every week never deviate or try anything new/take chances or I’m gonna take my fuxxing $5 and leave


Maybe because they paid for this pile of shit of an episode to listen to something funny or interesting? Not a strong independent Geno

Kaptain Chaos

Karl listen you are not allowed to make fun of ad drops anymore the last couple episodes have had horrible ad placement 😂😂 ur asking geno something then black guy singing uber 1 will save you 😂😂😂😂


the idea was great. going to nyc grabbing alex stein. he was radio shy a weird one. not as bad as everyone says it is.

Helen Hunt's Forehead

I'll take a thousand Genos over that insufferable twat Vito.