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Branden from Shitty Song of the Week found over 100 old episodes of 21 different podcasts starring Sheamus McKillian. We revisit the world's most prolific podcaster before he was corrupted by all those jerks who started goofing on him. 

On this jam-packed bonus we cover three different podcasts - The 727 Podcast (about conspiracies), Conspiricity (not about conspiracies for some reason), and Chewed Gum (about movies for some reason). I had never even heard of two of these. 

And of course, because it's a Shitty Song of the Week crossover, we cover some Animal Crosley which includes karaoke, an original rap song, and an original jam from his band Kevin. 



Bob K

I miss Patrick so much.


Luke was a moisture farmer Carl, he was farming moisture.


3rd bonus of the month and you're digging up more old shit than an Indian plumber. MLC are right about you Karl


This is gonna be great! 👍😀


So fun to hear a young Patty C Cups before he lost his enthusiasm and became embittered.

Derek from Texas

I like him better when he is disgruntled. And actually trying. While pretending that he’s not trying. Haha


Brandon is an actual hater. This is like the Zumack episode all over again. It’s supposedly a roast show but all he brings is spite and animosity. Thumbs down 👎

Glenn Jay

It’s obvious how jaded Patty has gotten listening to this old stuff. Hopefully that spark isn’t gone for good.


Speaking of dark mode, whoarethese.com is still assaulting my eyeballs with that white background.


Disney did the whole stupid concept of zombie families and zombie teenagers going to school with "normies" and being discriminated against. It looks so bad. "Zombies is an American musical and dance Disney Channel Original Movie that premiered on Disney Channel on February 16, 2018."


Oh goodie. I'm excited for this one.