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Join Branden, Producer Chris, and me at 5p ET, we'll be doing a deep dive into Patrick Michael including some old podcasts, karaoke, and original music.


Bonus #49 - Patrick Michael Revisited (Livestream)

Join Branden, Producer Chris, and me at 5p ET, we'll be doing a deep dive into Patrick Michael including some old podcasts, karaoke, and original music.


Principled Uncertainty

History will recall the brokenskull era like we do the Syd Pink Floyd years. He's achieved lift off in defience of the odds.


Pattys going to be like Hendrix or Tupac. Long after he's gone, more unreleased stuff will be discovered, and released, for us the undeserving masses.

Jackie Marlowe

Please please please more Patty C Cups content. I could listen to this for a decade


Oh damn ! Here we go !

Julio Scissors

"Trip to the Moon" is my new favorite tune.


Patrick Micheal is like the monkey with cymbals toy clanking them together….Floyd-Hendrix? um no


Ive never related to Karl more than when he mentioned Waiters/Waitresses who are "so smart" that they dont carry around a notebook to take orders. I love getting my order totally fucking botched because they dont want to spend 3 seconds writing down basic kitchen shorthand.


The Patrick Michael archive is one of the greatest discoveries in human history


I love Paul bet-tawny