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It's another podcast with washed up actors talking about a show they did that was popular 30 years ago. Was Boy Meets World a popular enough show that anyone is going to want to relive it? I watched bad shows when I was a kid and now I'm embarrassed by them. And I wasn't even responsible for them.

I also play some choice clips from Tim Dillon because he agrees with me that celebrity hosted podcasts almost always suck. Tim's a smart guy. 

Then we wrap up checking in on Literally! With Rob Lowe because his guest was Paris Hilton. What a boring bore. She might be the worst talk show guest of all time. And her life has been crazy, she SHOULD be interesting. 



Principled Uncertainty

Holy shit! What actor doesn't know the word cameo? Camayo? Cameeyo? What?!

The Useful Rooster

Will Friedle was Batman (Beyond), he could get real work easy with all the revivals and nostalgia jerk off they have nowadays.

The Useful Rooster

Also they had a reboot a while back (Girl Meets World) where Cory has a daughter and he's the teacher... apparently half the episodes are of the original cast showing up and they awkwardly share at each other for like 3 minutes.


Who’s a colder fish, Paris or Taylor Swift? Poll that on your Creepoff Kevin!

LC Brock

Pod Meets World makes Office Ladies look like a heartbreaking work of staggering genius in comparison. almost. All of these worthless podcasts where stars of a show get together to try and squeeze some more juice out of it - they come off as the worst of nostalgia-bait and podcast-as-friendship-simulator mushed together.


Wait, is Karl claiming he has his "dynamic ads" timed perfectly? In the last episode I had an ad happen right before he was going to introduce Trucker Andy, was going to submit it to Cringe of the Week.