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If you listened to our latest episode, number 231, you might have noticed something was missing. I can't put my finger on it but there was just something that seemed incomplete for lack of a better word.

Well good news, here's the entire, unedited interview with Heather W. We also dig into some behind-the-scenes DMs and text threads. Unlike Patrick Michael, our "behind-the-scenes" content is actually interesting. 

TL;DR Stuttering John is a broke alcoholic who has hit rock bottom. 



Clyde Frog

I love how this woman blames Trump for her getting covid. "Remember, we weren't told!" Bitch mainstream media didn't start the fear campaign until well after Trump shut the travel down. It's called a novel virus, nobody knew anything about how to treat it. Now we do, and the death rates have dropped like a rock. I feel bad John swindled this poor mentally ill woman, and then threatened her, but I can't feel THAT bad for her. She voted for a dimensia addled, warmongering racist to be president. End rant.

Bob K

Karl you fucking swine, this is horrible, a complete train wreck. I sometimes wonder what dumb motherfuckers are thinking but I never once sat through a chain of dm's between stupid people. As the DM's went on I started to think Sal D was a legit third party. Rich white people and lawyers? My sister is a lawyer? We have DC lawyers? My dad in Naples will come after you. The great part of this is she is worried about John's fans coming after her? i have been in the youtube thing, there are 70 people tops and I know 80% of them from here. If Patrick Michael hasn't made me dumber this fucking bonus episode certainly did. Holy shit, please create a new Karl Defense Fund tier and take my money. Heather going after you will be the trial of the century.


Jesus Christ. John is a bigger shmuck than I even thought, but this lady is a total nutcase .


Wow this woman is retarded


WTF did I just listen to? This hole was considering letting Stuttering John enter her 💀💀


Good lord, the more I listen to this cunt the more I hate her. Make this interview public so John puts a hit on her, that's a public service.


If I didn't know this was about a podcast I'd think this lady was preparing to defect during the height of the cold war. The melodrama is off the charts.


Heather W is the poster woman for birth control...god bless her ex husband...I couldn’t imagine dealing with that at home. And her politics turned me into a Republican. What a mental case!!


This woman is retarded. Good insight into John's listenership. Why is she in Texas if she has it so much? Is it so her apparently wealthy father can pay lower taxes?


What a ditzy bitch. And of course she's now in Texas - another yankee cunt trying to destroy the rest of the country. Why was Caitlyn Jenner reading her part?


This was painful to listen to. I was more convinced that she was mentally ill by the minute. Extremely bizarre lady, paranoid schizophrenic maybe... anyone’s guess is as good as mine, but WOW. John clearly took advantage of her unstable state but... just fucking WOW.


I don’t know who’s more hate-able, Heather W or John. Actually...John, that wasn’t hard, but what a kooky lady. Whoever that fiancée is deserves whatever he gets for not recognizing the absolute danger he is in.


Holy Shit

Vexatious Litigant

Only someone who loves SJ that much could possibly believe they were bedridden by COVID for 6-8 months starting from over a month before the first known US case. This person is completely unhinged.


John drove away the one person who was delusional enough to listen to him AND HAD MONEY!! This is an endorsement for any has been to start a podcast and cash in on some fame chasers 20 years too late.

Ben Olmstead

She was at least correct on Geno cause he is ass cheeks


Can you imagine how much worse her behavior would be if Trump had won? Her guy FUCKING WON and she's still in Stage 4 TDS. She's so terrified of the "death and rape threats" that she begs you to take out her interview, but can still muster up a lengthy political & Covid lecture for Geno? Yeah, ok. I say fuck this loony and release the interview to all.


Karl, did Heather give you any idea of how much money she's spent on John total? Are we talking hundreds, thousands? I'm almost afraid to ask.

Davey Dee

Lol this lady is fucking nuts. 5 Stars Grandpa Simpson onion on his belt

Howard Crane

Now I get it! The interview wasn't removed because John was attacking her, it's because WE WERE. By the sounds of it, they belong to each other. I woke at 5am and got excited that a podcast dropped that can help me sleep, but NOPE

Howard Crane

Either she's been unfaithful or she is engaged to someone 20 years younger AFTER LESS THAN A YEAR. Yeah, that's going to end really well. I've been in relationships with older women, and I'm in on now, but not that big of a gap! An age gap of 13 years is interesting and different, but it's also hard at times to see eye to eye. Also, I'm pretty sure she sometimes looks down at me. So add another 7 years onto that. Woooooo-weeeee


When I was 25 I dated a coworker at Amazon who was 41, lived in a trailer had two kids in their teens, and smoked but she had massive boobs that still looked nice so I dealt with it. The worst thing ever about older women with kids is the post-sex conversation is ALWAYS about their kids. I just nutted and now she suddenly wants to tell me about how her son is 13 and still wetting the bed.


How utterly unfuckable do you have to be to swoon when Stuttering John wants to bang, holy shit.

Brian Walker

So she lives off her rich white parents, she’s probably disgustingly fat, and she’ll have sex with a strange, but only with a condom. Yuck. Knowing she uses condoms makes her even more repulsive


Holy shit this woman has made me recuse myself from the white race. No wonder everyone hates you guys. Her doctor told her she’s compromised because she is just so fucking soft in general. Fuck this cunt


Thanks For putting it up K K K Karla

The Useful Rooster

I can’t believe John would take advantage of the elderly like that... I mean I could, but come on now...


My God Heather is a terrible person. John is worse, but holy hell she’s awful


Ha ha atleast we got a look at Stuttering John fans. I was wondering who these people were. Apparently, unhinged, bored, covid scared, idiots.


Covidiots are real


It's funny when people talk like the president is directly messing with them.


That thumbnail gif is wonderful


Thanks for the Heather W. voice. I jerked it harder than Maddox's Heather S.


OMG That Stut Jo gif is perfection!!!!


God, this woman is the perfect sucker for people like john.


John is so obvious. Hey is such a long Island douche , using the name Sal


Wow! Not one person told/advised her to call the police, and only laughed at her situation. I get it, it’s a comedy show, but this woman is clearly struggling.


This is fucking disgusting.


Call the police over what? Being bullied online? Being retarded with money?