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Fightful has confirmed a major free agent’s landing spot, barring some unforeseen catastrophe.

Fightful has learned that legendary New Japan Pro Wrestling star Kazuchika Okada is headed with All Elite Wrestling after leaving NJPW. We’re told that the deal was effectively agreed to in the last couple of weeks, but we haven’t confirmed that pen has been put to paper as we’re told it is being finalized. AEW has been confident that they’d land him for the last several weeks, and even as far back as mid-January.

We haven’t heard firm plans on when Kazuchika Okada is slated for his debut as an AEW-contracted star. However, we’ve heard it’s expected to be after he finishes up his commitments with New Japan Pro Wrestling. There had already been creative ideas for Okada tossed around as of January. We’ve also heard discussion out of Las Vegas this past weekend discussing that the first half of March would be big for the company.

WWE talent sources that we spoke to in Las Vegas did claim that there were talks between Okada and WWE, but WWE have denied that. We’ve heard from WWE talent who noted Okada was weighing the pros and cons of heading to WWE compared to AEW. In the end, we’re told that AEW was very confident in their offer to Okada. It was since noted that there were no real discussions of Okada going to NXT as rumored. 



WWE wont overpay. Tony will. I cant fault anyone for taking all of the marks money, especially when youre one bad move away from it being over.


It's funny, if WWE signs a talent, its for fair money. If AEW signs a talent, they overpaid. None of those commenting actually know the dollar amount, what happened in negotiations or any wrestlers motives for signing where they did.

Robbie Wray

Very excited about this. Have Osprey "debut" this week on Dynamite, set up his first PPV match at Revolution as an official member of AEW. At the PPV, have Okada debut, then have Boston be his first official match under AEW, same night that Mercedes debuts. Build upon and make it all big. With WWE continually missing out on free agents, it makes me wonder whether WWE actually has the budget to bid on free agents. they keep getting missed out on. I would think they would go beyond to sign either 3 of these, and they opt not to. AEW does have the schedule and freedom availability though, that very few would ever get in WWE.