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The Young Bucks, Kenny Omega and Adam “Hangman” Page have all been negotiating new AEW contracts this year.

When we asked for an update this week, we were told that the deals aren’t done yet. However, both sides have felt like several deals had been close, with one side noting that could have been said for several months, and not a lot had changed on that front. Those we spoke with in AEW were confident they’d retain the Elite, despite CM Punk returning to the company. We’ve not been given any update on Elite and their willingness to work with Punk, though creative is planned for several of them for quite some time.

Hangman Page, Omega and The Bucks have all retained Barry Bloom to represent them.

It’s worth noting that Omega had time added to his deal due to missing out via injury. At this point between injury time, option years, and any other variables with all four wrestlers, it’s tough to determine when exactly each deal is up.

We’re told by WWE sources that they would absolutely have interest in all four talent in the event they become available, but that they don’t actually expect that to happen and that WWE are “nowhere near being legally allowed to talk to any of them.” There were rumors that the Young Bucks had reached out to WWE last year, but sources close to them denied it.

We’re told that most people in AEW expect that each man will remain in AEW on significant money increases.



I hope they get the deals done and announced.


I can say if kota ibushi comes over to AEW that would tell me Omega plans on staying.

Marshall Enloe

Considering all their lifestyles, WWE wouldn't be a good fit for any of them


I imagine if the Elite ever work with Punk, we'll never find out about it until it happens. At least, that's the way it should happen if it does. I would think they'd want to play up any of the speculated animosity, real or not.

Dave Stroble

I’d rather not have Punk back if it costs The Elite but if they stayed then I’m good. Personally, I still think Collision ends with a face off between them and CMFTR.


It'd be some messed up irony imho if they give them more money after refusing to pay Cody more money. I'd prefer if they stayed in AEW, regardless, I just can't help but make the comparison. ....it was mostly pay reasons as to why Cody left AEW, right?


Omega and the Bucks are more important than Cody imo, The Elite are the three wrestlers that TK wanted when he first thought of starting a wrestling company.


Thanks for the update Sean.

Matt Hennessy

I’ll say this. Part of me would love to see The Elite in WWE considering how well Cody been treated plus the dream matches they could have. But there also another part of me that hopes they stay with AEW. They are the heart & soul of the brand & to me AEW was at its most interesting during the Page/Omega Elite storyline

Benjamin Brown

Cody didn’t leave due to money, he was offered more to stay. Cody left because he didn’t want to be an EVP anymore, and felt like he couldn’t just be a regular person in the locker room after being a boss. It’s as simple as that. He’s said so much.

Benjamin Brown

Pretty sure Hangman and the Bucks really enjoy the time that they get to spend with their family in AEW. The WWE schedule really can do a number on your family life. Plus, generally speaking, ALL of the Elite have been around long enough and been through enough in the business that I doubt they want to go somewhere else where they will have no creative control over what happens with them. Just makes sense. The grass isn’t greener. It doesn’t really make sense for them as people.

Matty Nice

Cody, booked in a long running fued with Lesnar and Now fighting Dom. Cool While Roman sits at home with the Belts

Colin Boyle

Would actually be fun in WWE. Feel omega and the bucks would be more over there… and would hangman tho the cowboy S**t would be bleeped. carry on would be over as well…