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Leva Bates is gone from All Elite Wrestling after four years with the company.

We’re told that Leva’s contract situation was a unique one, and that she was surprised by the news. Bates’ deal had expired and those close to her said that AEW didn’t have a conversation with her about renewing the deal. Some in the company found out when an email went out notifying that they were not renewing the deal. Bates was said to have found out when people contacted her to check on her.

Bates was originally brought in as a wrestler, but was transitioned into a number of backstage roles. Starting in 2022, she’d become more active in the ring, most recently competing in AEW in February.

There were several in AEW that upon hearing the news, pushed for her to remain with the company, but we haven’t heard that there are plans to do that. Bates was heavily influential in the AEW Heels group, and putting those events together. Bates’ statement on social media was also applauded by many in the company as the circumstances surrounding her finding out she was leaving were less than ideal.



Ugh... this can't keep happening after four years as a company. They need to do better, and it begins with TK.

Joe Donovan

That's a very shitty way to treat someone who seemingly went above an beyond their paygrade.

Joel Allison

Chris Daniels is less than great at talent relations.


Get your shit together, TK

Ty Jans

There needs to be a better talent relations staff, I’m not sure what CD’s role exactly is, but this kinda stuff can’t happen

Christopher J. Avros

This is really distressing to read. Leva is one of my favorite people.

e d

I agree with most of the comments on here, no way to treat someone who has contributed for as long as she had with the company, or anyone for that matter.

Matt Hennessy

Not the way to treat a talent especially with how she helped out on a backstage capacity. Disappointed in AEW for this

Kyle Hart

Leva is legit one of the nicest people i have ever met. She deserved better than this. TK needs to do better. Maybe Will can help provent stuff like this too.


If anything no one is truly gone from aew. They brought back Stu Grayson after all, maybe in the future TK might bring Bates back


This sucks.

B. Joseph

They made a big deal about all the people that got promotions into roles dealing with talent back when they were catching crap about how they had treated some folks. Yet, it seems to still be happening. So aside from pushing for themselves to be on TV (Dutt, QT), what exactly are they all doing?


Didn't Joey Janela and I think Jack Evans point out that they wished there was better communication between talent and staff? Tony, tf are you doing not adhering to the actually valid criticism here?


Pretty sure Fightful confirmed Will didn't take Leva's position in the company.


Very disappointing at the lack of communication


Death, taxes, and AEW communication issues.


Why are all of you fake caring about this

Brad Mays

Marko Stunt too. TK is such a non confrontational bitch. His autistic ass probably can’t even pass a Voight-Kampf test.

Brad Mays

Why are you here trying to stir up shit? No one else giving you the attention you so desperately crave? 🤡

Allyssa Golden

It's almost like giving talent leadership/talent relations roles within the company isn't working. If only there were people in the world with HR experience to hire in those roles, instead of people who communicate primarily with their fists...

Kyle Pribila

This is one of the problems AEW has for year's and I think it's time for a change and to fix this problem immediately

Joel Wood

It amazes me that with all the changes at the top and all the front office shakeups that communication still seems to be an issue

Jason O'Dell

It's not the internet wrestling community without some sort of outrage and/or high horse to climb on.


I don’t crave attention geek, I don’t have to do what the rest of you do which is complain about things you really don’t give a shit about. You’re looking at the wrong person when you say I’m stirring shit up

Marc Forbes

I feel bad for Leva, seems like a great veteran to help with the women and every wrestling company could use more women to help with their women's division and if she was helping with all heels, men and women, all the better.


You're a terrible person who SHOULD be ashamed of himself but that comment pretty much confirms you lack basic human empathy so maybe go to Reddit or Twitter or some other backwater internet shithole to express your brilliant insights.


Just to be clear, you're replying to Brad, right? Your reply shows up as a reply to me, so I got confused. Same with Jose's comment.