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WrestleMania is two weeks from Saturday, and nothing feels important.

Unless you're a huge Cody fan, I guess.  So then, not us.

Everything sucks. Let's talk about it.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/ztJNPjFROpI


Trevor D.

Everything sucks, including complaining about everything WWE.


you paid 5 dollars for this show and sought it out. get ur life together lmao

Trevor D.

hah I don’t listen but just find it odd people like to be negative about wrestling when they make a living because of it. But hey, it’s not for me. Hope others enjoy.


Fella........the name of the show is SOUR GRAPS. It's subjective entertainment. "just find it odd people like to be negative about wrestling when they make a living because of it" -- how much money do you think a two hour wrestling show draws? Also, should even if this wasn't a specifically negative show, people who make a living off of it shouldn't be negative?