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WWE is interested in when MJF's contract is up.

MJF has been AEW Champion since November, working an angle where he often references the notion that his AEW contract is up at the start of 2024. To make it abundantly clear, we have had absolutely zero confirmation as to the date of MJF's current contract, although an extension that he'd signed early in AEW's life did in fact have it expire at the start of 2024. Regardless, MJF has told anyone that asked the same thing that he says on AEW TV -- that his deal is up at the start of the year. 

This extends to WWE, as well. Including one WWE talent outright admitting that MJF said "I'm looking forward to being there in 2024," before noting that while MJF wanted them to think he was serious, they take it with a grain of salt. Word of him saying that had made its way to other talent there, as well.

One WWE source we spoke to said that "obviously" WWE has been and would be interested in MJF if and when he was available, but that many in the company aren't even sure when his AEW contract is actually up, and are operating on assumptions, and what he's told to people. Thus far we haven't heard from anyone who has actually heard from MJF that he's extended his contract, though it's assumed by many.

To reiterate before any possible aggregations misconstrue, we have no confirmations regarding the actual expiration date of MJF's contract, if he were to have signed an extension at any point.


Samantha L. Sayre

Max is the epitome of a worker always working.

David C

I’m sure he tagged a couple of years on there. Could still be out and at the fed before his 30th birthday…


MJF plays his character 24/7, but ever since Cody jumped ship I assume that anyone from AEW is capable of going there too. I hope he stays in AEW though.


I hope we get to a time in wrestling when stars have the full power to follow their heart and the money. Every couple/few years I want to see MJF as WWE Universal Champion and Steen and Generico with the AEW belts. Let each company lean into their own strengths. Let New Japan have Roman Reigns kick the everliving shit out of Braun Strowman. Give Kenny Omega the biggest 3D virtual wrestlemania entrance of all time. Let wrestlers cycle through all the companies big and small, earning more money and putting together the ultimate version of what the world has to offer.


Is said WWE talent trying to get MJF in trouble by snitching?


This would be such a good idea and one day I would love to see this happen I just don’t know if wwe would ever see it as a good thing for them to get into

Magan Yusuf

You never know what is true with him

Sean Sarah

"To reiterate before any possible aggregations misconstrue" is the most IWC comment ever.

Jake Salazar

MJF would be a waste in wwe


I think it would be more about having wrestlers force each company’s hand. Probably a union of some sort, or at least have WWE actually embrace the whole independent contractor thing. But yeah, the only thing holding everything up is WWE’s financial stranglehold. But who knows, change is slow.


They need another star on the NXT brand 😂


I think if Sami Zayn were to ever leave WWE he’d hopefully have the good sense not to go back to being El Generico.


People who just take MJF at his word LOL


I mean, that's what happens when there are multiple viable companies. People will jump from AEW to WWE, and the same applies for WWE stars deciding they want out from WWE too. Happened all the time in the WWF/WCW days.