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Brock Lesnar has been on a WrestleMania carousel, with about a half dozen options thrown his way since the fall.

We'll start in chronological order based on what we've heard.

Sometime towards the summer or fall of 2022, after the major WWE regime switch, we're told Stone Cold Steve Austin was approached with the possibility of facing Brock Lesnar. Austin would decline, and we're told that a subsequent offer was made for a possible match with Roman Reigns. However, we were also informed that there was a huge disparity in payout, with the pitched Lesnar match nowhere approaching that of the Reigns offer.

Later in the fall, internal WWE documents had Brock Lesnar scheduled to face Gunther. That was listed as the plan as of November 21, heading into Survivor Series, with news leaking to WrestlingNews.co a few weeks later. We weren't given a reason as to why this match was nixed or by who, but sources indicated to us that by the time that news emerged, the match was nixed. It's worth noting the Intercontinental Title wasn't mentioned whatsoever internally for this match. For the past several months, Gunther's plan has been solidly in place, and we're told Gunther/Brock was not considered for any extended period of time.

As one can imagine, Bobby Lashley was also on the table for a possible Brock Lesnar WrestleMania match. We're not sure what happened to cause that one to be off, but that led to Lashley facing Bray Wyatt...who was also pitched for Lesnar.

We're not sure necessarily when Bray Wyatt was pitched as a possible opponent for WrestleMania, but he was mentioning it as recently as right before WWE Elimination Chamber. Sources familiar with the situation claim that Brock himself nixed the idea, though we weren't given specifics as to why.

That leads us to Omos. That is the current plan for WrestleMania, though it was hinted to us that there was an undisclosed "backup," but that it isn't factored into creative plans. We should reiterate, it was never confirmed to us who pitched the match. However, it was confirmed to us that Brock Lesnar personally approved the Omos match.

WrestleVotes had implied on Twitter, and later intimated to Fightful that Vince McMahon was involved with pushing for this match to happen. We haven't confirmed that internally, but sources close to Lesnar -- or at least as close as sources can get to Lesnar -- had indicated that "could be true." Sources in creative since last week said that it wasn't a Vince McMahon decision, and that Vince McMahon has had no contact with creative directly. Last week, Fightful reported that one talent believed McMahon had more of an influence on creative than publicly believed, which was echoed by others on the roster, before WWE told us that wasn't true. That talent has since doubled down on that stance.



Read the headline and briefly thought it meant that Brock vs Vince was on the table at one point...Imagine.

Matt Hennessy

The way I look at it is like this & it’s just my own speculation. Trips has said he gets final say but Vince has input to pitch him ideas. If Vince pitches Trips ten ideas he will probably do one to keep the old man happy. Vince is playing checkers Trips is playing chess. If your in Hunter shoes your likely to go with one of the man’s ideas to keep him happy


I’m assuming the back up is in case the audience completely shits all over it over next couple weeks?


At least Brock will have an easy night at Mania with easy big money. Can’t blame him.


I don't even know how they'd expect Brock to work with Bray among all the other silliness. Brock doesn't seem like the guy to care for that shit.


Brock be like it doesn't work for me brother

Jeffrey Pollard

Brock Lesnar rejected a match with Bray Wyatt faster than Buff Bagwell's WWE run


So what’s our take on the undisclosed talent doubling down in their vince stance? Is this somebody who hasn’t gotten their way mad trying to cause a fuss, is WWE lying to SRS in an official capacity, or some other option?

Jon Blain

I think it’s a combination of the first option, combined with someone thinking HHH would just entirely pivot to black and gold booking


I agree, and it could be as someone else implied as being of course vince has input because he talks to hhh but trips has the final say, maybe this is something that vince suggested that triple h just liked or let slip through to keep the old man happy

Aaron P

I mean, if memory serves Brock was the one talent upset when Vince stepped down - so there is logic to the possibility that Brock specifically wants his stuff directly booked by VKM. If Vince’s decision making stopped there it might not be the worst choice. I just wish I believed that there were lines of demarcation drawn as to the rest of the roster who were glad to have other creative freedom

Aaron P

Also ; I think I would have loved Brock v Gunther, especially if Gunther went over.


I think it’s just vince has input and hhh says yes every now and then to keep the old man happy, this just happened to be a convenient one to do


While I already can tell how Brock vs Gunther would've gone, I feel like we've been robbed. Imagine the hoss fight between these two. Hell, imagine the look of Brock's chest after being chopped by fucking GUNTHER. Still not used to calling him that, btw. It admittedly still feels wrong.