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- As you can imagine, WWE sources we spoke to were very happy with the publicity they received from the Super Bowl, specifically Patrick Mahomes wearing the belt everywhere. I'm positive that they would have preferred Joe Burrow and that absolutely isn't sour grapes.

- Davey Boy Smith Jr. told us that Court Bauer and MSL both reached out to him in order to make his MLW return a reality.

- MLW on Amazon Prime via Reelz is said to be in the works.

- Fightful spoke to Titus O'Neil for a new interview. He told us that he's not tired of seeing the Titus World Slide and Greatest Royal Rumble spot yet. he said that he fell down and got back up, and at the end of the day he's an entertainer. He got paid a lot of money to slide under the ring and survive, and made it to the WWE Hall of Fame. He's proud of the moment and what he's done.

He said that making a difference as a WWE Ambassador was huge for him and he wanted to make the community experiences much more immersive. He also spoke about the benefits of the WWE NIL system and how it's a two way street.

- Fightful spoke to Omos at a 2K event. He told us that he was invited to breakfast by a person on the University of South Florida Football Team, and Steve Kiern was there. He said Steve's eyes lit up. Due to immigration issues he was struggling to play pro basketball, and was recommended back to WWE. He reached out to Canyon Ceman, who got him a WWE tryout.


Scott Newcomb

Until they get rid of Microman I refuse to watch MLW. Zero realism with him in the ring.

Scott Newcomb

Maybe but it’s so bad. Guy can’t move the wrestlers basically have to stand still for him. If he wrestled guys his size he still wouldnt be legit.