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SRS' live Q&A show!!

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/HGGFJ8GAH1k



Please tell me Omos vs Brock is not the actual plan for mania.

Matt Hennessy

The Bloodline is the hottest storylines in all of wrestling. I think most would agree Sami Zayn deserves to headline a night of WrestleMania. If WWE are set on doing Cody vs Roman as a singles match for night two of WrestleMania. Can you see night one being headlined by The USOS vs Zayn & Owens.


Is Edge done after Mania?

Paul Anthony Moss

Outside of the title holders, who else from AEW main roster do you expect/think should be at the ROH Honor Club tapings this weekend? Interested to see which young talent gets a chance to shine there


Lesnar and Stevenson vs Lashley and Omos a possibility?

Hailing from Smakamuthafukka, WI

I love AAA, but it is a bear to buy any merch from their website and they and their talent don't seem to have updated merch store at Pro Wrestling Tees in forever. I even have had to contact wrestlers directly through instagram just to buy their merch and one even hinted stuff at PWT was not being sold by them. Is there a better outlet to buy wrestler merch that doesnt involve insane shipping costs (like buying from a wrestler in Mexico) or I can be sure the talent actually gets a fair cut of the money


Is it safe to say that long term booking has gone from being AEW’s greatest strength (along with match caliber) to its greatest weakness? Tony seems to be purposely holding back dream matches and dragging out programs to last the entire 3 month PPV cycle. Revolution feels like all old programs and rematches. Sean, please fix it. 😉

David C

What’s your feeling on the relationship between the Elite & TK in the aftermath of Brawl out? Is there esidual anger from their end around the suspension or their treatment during that period from the company?

e d

what's going on with Cameron grimes and Roderick strong?


Monster Rehab Orange Tea was my fave, been gone for years now 😩