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SRS discusses what he's heard about Vince/WWE

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/K12-LNBGsIo



Please god no

Dave O'Neill

Let's Fucking Go. Time to get rid of some deadweight.


Jimmy, I wrote about food for 15 years, I would gladly do Hungry Haven: Wrestling.


Hey, if you actively root for people to get fired on our platform, you'll be banned. Only warning

Ethan Ilvento

BULLSHIT! A friend that works security at Mohegan said he was backstage at Mohegan a few weeks ago.


You can tell he's in it. Changes are happening again and they are very last minute.

Ryan Martins

how tf would you know lol ill take seans word since he actually talks to people there over some random person on the internet lol

Ryan Martins

lol sorry you would rather ignore facts and run with a stupid dumb narrative, sean says it's not true then it's not true , enough with the mass hysteria already.

Dave O'Neill

I never said anything about anyone getting fired. I never used those words. I BELIEVE, that Vince McMahon has a better handle on talent than Hunter signing anyone he wants and hoping for the best. Furthermore, Vince's return to creative means that the right people will get tv time again.


I think people that actually work in the company might be a little more clued in


I have always thought that he would be back in some form of creative the closer to Mania. I just want a fully booked Hunter Mania.

Ethan Ilvento

He’s the one that told us AEW and Smackdown were coming to the arena even before they announced it so yes, I do

Jeffrey Pollard

No he didn't, he literally fired a bunch of people during the pandemic when no one was running shows


So if I heard right, it’s just a bunch of people overreacting in wwe and someone is just starting crap?


Guy probably just found an old man with white hair and said it was Vince just to have a story

Aaron P

The thing that makes the concern so valid for me is the absolute dud of a finish at the EC main event. There was so much there they could work with and solidify depending on where they wanted to take things heading into mania and it felt super flat. Like they didn’t want to make a character choice for anyone.

Ryan Martins

Lol Imagine telling sean someone who actually TALKS to people within the company that he's lying about what he's saying , like cmon let's be real here lol


Name more than 2 last minute changes from triple h’s whole run