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All of them.

As many as you want.

About anything!

Thanks! -- SRS



Which wrestler appeared the most at the non wwe events this past Wrestlemania weekend?


Has Alex officially declared himself to be an Ali stan yet?


I am interested to hear to what you think of Salina de La Renta in MLW. She seems like such a good character and looks good also. It does not seem like she gets talked about much.

Jonathan Ma

AEW should post a graphic welcoming Bully Ray because his booking for ROH at MSG was that bad. How badly does bringing in Beautiful People and Enzo/Cass smack of TNA-leve stupidity? Is there a better illustration of the difference between ROH’s direction and AEW than that ROH brought in Beautiful People and AEW brought in ...Sadie Gibbs? Do you think ROH even knows Gibbs exists?


In your opinion, do you consider Bayley and Sasha to be WWE lifers or do you see them taking a chance elsewhere?


Do you think there is a chance Sable ever appears again on WWE tv, or has a chance to go into the WWE Hall of Fame. It is interesting they never mention her anymore, even with being married to Brock.


Am I the only one that does not fully understand the Orange Cassidy gimmick. Is this more for only indy wrestling? Can you elaborate any further on him?


I hate open air stadium Wrestlemanias. What say you SRS?


If you could sit down with Vince McMahon for 1 hour, what 3 questions would you like to ask about most?


Do you think the WWE will look back on Roman vs. Drew as a hugr missed opportunity? A loss could have set Roman up so well for a redemption story and Drew could've been made into something special with a vicious win. A rematch for the title could have been a killer Mania main event.


Do you think there's any chance next year's Wrestlemania in Tampa will be shorter in run time than this year's event was?


Which currently active MMA fighter, male or female, would you pick as the most likely to start training as an active wrestler with WWE?


When Paige said on Twitter: “I’m back.” Does she mean as a manager type of role, or as a wrestler?


I thought Wrestlemania was great this year what did you think? I hated the ending to the main event tho .

Rob Wilkins

a few weeks ago I asked you about being the Vegas oddsmakers for Cody’s mystery opponent at Double or Nothing... I was curious if you would change any of the odds. So I’ll ask again Dean Ambrose, Dustin Rhodes, or someone we are not thinking about


Early prediction for main event of next years show?


Who can you see winning the money in the bank?

Rob Wilkins

I know things obviously change.. do you think Vince already has a vision for next years Main Event at Mania?

Rob Wilkins

what will happen first Fightful Basketball Podcast or Rusev winning a match at a PPV


Marty Scurll WWE or AEW? Whats the scoop?


Has there been any serious discussion of Big E turning on Kofi?


Whats next for Daniel Bryan?


Club reunion after the superstar shakeup? Or finally give us Balor, AJ and G n A all together?


Do you think theres legit chance that Riddle retires the beast? IMO he should and they should start building now by bringing attention to Riddles social media and do short videos on YT. Could be an awesome story which crowns Riddle as their next legit mega star IF done right. Fightful books it plug :-)

Charles Harkins

Is Seth the first wrestler to win the World Title in the first and last match at WM?

Charles Harkins

Did Seth actually win two World Titles with six moves?

Charles Harkins

I recently watched the WM 23 ME match between Michaels vs Cena where it seemed Cena was completely outclassed, yet still won. Has there been a WM ME where it was clearly lopsided, yet the lesser opponent one?

Charles Harkins

With the Gargano/Ciampa era in the books, could Seth and Roman, be Triple H's Rock/Austin and Cena/Orton?

Charles Harkins

Is it a cheat code to have Shawn Michaels as a coach?

Arturo Gonzalez III

Given that wwe is so determined to promote divas as women without children is there a reason they kept Jojo off tv?


Could you see Ambrose signing with AEW?


If AJ ends up on raw, who would you book as his first opponent?


Should Shane one day come out with CM Punk’s entrance song to get him more heat with the crowd


What do you think is next for the Undisputed Era?

Rob Wilkins

Today’s update it was mentioned that Vince was at Smackdown but sometimes he is not. Who runs Smackdown if he’s not there? I assume Triple H but just curious


Do you think we see a Seth heel turn to set up Seth vs Roman?

Rob Wilkins

Wrestlemania 2021.. one or two day event. What do you favor?


Do you think Conor McGregor will head to WWE?


With the rumor of SD being 3 hrs when going to Fox, is that on Fox or does WWE want to continue with the more content?


What where your thoughts on Ronda in the main event? I thought she dipped into the Piper's Pit and the leaping knee too early and often. Thoughts on the other women's performance in the match, as well?


Do you think they will move almas to raw and fued for the ic title

Troy A Palek

Was drew disappearING part of the plan on sd? If not, any idea why it happened? And is Bray gonna bring the puppet to the ring with hum? Lol


Do you see Kofi's momentum slowing now that he reached the top? His story was focused on his one opportunity to fight for the belt in a singles match. I worry they might revert back to New Day shenanigans and lose the heart.


How long did it take NXT to get consistent Takeovers? When do you think NXT UK gets another Takeover and consistent Takeovers? Could both eventually do 12 Takeovers (6 each which would be 1 every other month)?

Charles Harkins

Am I douchebag for not caring about Rusev Day, Asuka's streak and Sanity and The Good Brothers not being on TV? Do have a point in thinking Kagetsu of Stardom is more badass than Shayna? Is it fair that the reason I can't get behind Asuka because I compare her to Meiko?

Charles Harkins

Who do you think WWE will steal from Stardom this year?

Charles Harkins

Do you think one of the reasons HHH is so radio silent on creative's booking on NXT call-up stems from him knowing the MR will basically be comprised of NXT Alumni?

Jonathan Ma

ROH didnt put the belt on the last Elite Member; lots of fans probably bought MSG thinking at the time theyd get the elite at the event. Reports are marty has at least a few months left on his deal...so wtf is ROH doing? They really gonna headline with Kenny King vs Matt Taven?

Charles Harkins

What female talent do you definitely see competing in MYC III? Shotzi, Shazza, and Jordynne are my top candidates.

Charles Harkins

Is it me or does HHH prefer smaller guys on his NXT roster?


Would you consider breaking up the riot squad? Liv and Sarah could be a good tag team on there own. And ruby could go to Smackdown and work as a singles wrestler


Listening to yesterday's List and Ya Boy and was struck by your conversation about how WWE is mishandling Becky Lynch. Should we be worried about Lacey Evans taking one of the belts? They really have done some wonky things with Becky, yet she is still super over with the fans. I feel like losing to Lacey might be the last straw for the audience.


How do you see the nba final four working out? Do you think the raptors have a shot at winning it all


i've heard rumours that asuka was never meant to move to raw or smackdown from nxt. can you elaborate on this? why wasn't she? why did she? HHH seemed to value her highly, I'm guessing Vince does too...right? how does this contrast or compare to samoa joe? was he in a similar situation?


What individual performer has your attention, that you will keep tabs on that maybe you wouldn't have had going into the weekend, after all the Wrestling you saw?


What will Sean "Michaels" Sapp do differently in his rematch with Latina Heat and capture the Fightful World Championship at the 500 subscribers match?

Jonathan Ma

This is an interesting point by rovert: NXT basically has the old EVOLVE/ROH roster and thats masked their own failure developing good characters and gimmicks. Outside of say, Velveteen Dream, what have they done? Do you think thats related to how these guys are used on the main roster?


do you think having samoa joe hold the US title until wrestlemania 2020 would bring the title into relevance?


any news on who paige is going to be managing? or is that still hush hush?


Do you think they would consider giving the money in the bank to Sasha to try and make her happy? Boss in the bank maybe?