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New Day Celebration

  • There is a beautiful set up for the New Day celebration. Blue canvas, balloons, etc.
  • Big E does the split after the crowd chants "you deserve it" at Kofi.
  • They name drop Becky Lynch to a big pop.
  • Xavier Woods and Big E put over Kofi's accomplishment. They said they want to reshape culture and history. Xavier says meeting Kofi Kingston was like meeting a hero to him.
  • Kofi Kingston shows his wife and kids in the crowd, and the audience chants for her.
  • The Bar came out and challenged New Day to a 6-Man tag match.
  • Drew McIntyre. Number 26 to cross brands over the past three months.

Ali, Ricochet & Aleister Black defeated Rusev, Shinsuke Nakamura & Andrade (w/ Zelina & Lana)

  • A bunch of tags on Raw, a bunch of six man tags on Smackdown.
  • We've had a Superstar Shakeup since December. What makes next week so special?
  • All they talk about on this show is the Shakeup.
  • Ali comes in and gets offense, but gets worked over during the commercial. He hits a tornado DDT on Rusev.
  • This match has the benefit of a good crowd. Black and Ricochet both hit moonsaults.
  • Ali gets the win with a 450.
  • This was a lot of fun. It was a great display of all three of these men.
  • Randy Orton shows up and hits Ali with an RKO. I need the Rookie Killer Randy Orton to be a thing.
  • Kevin Owens does a bad Stunner to Rusev to a huge chant.

Carmella and Truth

  • They name drop Becky Lynch and Kofi Kingston.
  • R-Truth says Carmella beat Andre the Giant in the Royal Rumble.
  • Samoa Joe shows up and Truth immediately gets ready to fight.
  • He fights off initially, and gets choked out and dumped out of the ring.
  • He trashes Mysterio and says that he may end up beating up everyone else quicker.
  • Braun Strowman comes out to a big reaction.
  • Joe almost chokes him out, and escapes a powerslam.
  • Braun Strowman is number 27 to jump brands, and yes I'm keeping count.
  • IIconics hilariously make their entrance as Braun leaves.

WWE Women's Tag Team Champions
The IIconics defeated The Brooklyn Belles

  • The IIconics challenge all comers tonight. And have two jobbers in the ring, Karissa and Kristen -- The Brooklyn Belles. Kris Stradtlander is one of them.
  • Excited for the Brooklyn Belles to get bookings.
  • Peyton Royce lays in a nice wheel kick, and Billie hits a boot.
  • An elevated knee wins it. They're gonna need a new finish.
  • Paige was shown backstage watching the match. She says she's bringing a team of her own next week.

Other crappenings

Shane McMahon

  • This was a huge, giant waste of time. Shane bragged.
  • Greg Hamilton says he was physically threatened to not introduce Shane as the Best in the World.
  • I think we're past Greg Hamilton heat, here. What are we doing?

WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions
The Hardy Boyz defeated The Usos (c) to become champions

  • The Hardys find a lot of success early on. Well, until the Usos toss Matt into a barricade.
  • Matt gets worked ever before a hot tag to Jeff as the commercial break ends.
  • Whisper in the Wind lands to a big ass pop. Poetry in Motion, Twist of Fate are next.
  • The Usos hit Jeff with superkick and Uso Splash, but he kicks out.
  • For some reason Jeff thinks rolling under a Double Uso was good and ate a shin to the head.
  • Either way, the Hardy Boyz finish off Usos and win the tag team titles!!
  • Lars Sullivan cuts off the celebration and lays a beating on both Hardy Boyz. He's number 28 to cross brands before the SUPE SHAKE. Waddup.


  • Becky seems like she's putting on a...different voice? I dunno. Maybe it's because she's talked more in the last week than any other in her life.
  • She gets great chants.
  • She knows she has a target on her back and is ready to defend.
  • She's blindsided by a huge WOMEN'S RIGHT from Lacey Evans.
  • Becky got over that punch really well and sold like crazy.

New Day defeated The Bar & Drew McIntyre

  • Sami Zayn comes out, but just says the crowd isn't worth it.
  • Drew McIntyre hits Xavier Woods with a BAMMASLAMMA on the announce table!
  • Big E is running a hot tag as we come back, but he and Cesaro mess up a catching body slam spot.
  • Double White Noise on Big E. A pump knee takes out Big E.
  • Sheamus gets hit with Trouble in Paradise, and that's a wrap.

Rating guide

10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a "star rating," which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive "TV match" lands at a 5.The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones. Don't take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!



For new subscribers, welcome. If you're wondering my line of thinking as it relates to posting things on the main site after this -- when stuff gets aggregated, I usually go on and post it. Thank you for your support.