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Hey so Logan Paul is exactly what I've always said he was. Imagine that.

Also, Cody Rhodes is probably going to go 2 for 2 in Bloodline Rules matches, which begs the question: Why aren't they called Cody Rhodes Rules matches?

The Non-Spooky Scottish Muggles somehow retain their titles against Bianca & Jade, possibly setting up a three-way women's trios feud across both brands featuring nine exciting women who are all great workers ... and the Tag Titles will feel like an afterthought yet again.

Also DIY lose the titles in Cleveland ... but Jacob Fatu gets to wear gold already.

What a bunch of Catch 22s.

So everything's pretty great, but also...

Everything sucks. Let's talk about it.

(And Rampage, we'll also talk about Rampage.)

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O63xSQ_ahfE


JD Larson

If Tiffany cashes in the new case on Sat, that really will be a "brief case".