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The Hardy Boyz are back.

At TNA Against All Odds, Jeff Hardy made his return to TNA Wrestling after being gone for 7 years and spending time in ROH, WWE and AEW. Jeff Hardy’s AEW deal was up at Midnight starting that day, but we’re told the wheels were already in motion earlier that week for Hardy to come in.

Fightful Select’s Sean Ross Sapp was able to confirm that both Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy are still free agents, and are working in TNA Wrestling without contracts. Many people in TNA were assuming that Jeff Hardy would join the fold, but hadn’t been outright told before Friday.

We’re told by sources in TNA that the original agreement with Matt Hardy was supposed to be short term, but there have already been dates and plans added to that. There have been creative pitches for Reby Hardy to also work a match of some sort, though we’ve not confirmed if that will happen or not. Though Reby worked matches regularly for years, she last competed in 2016, also in TNA. 

We’ve not heard of any continued extended talks between the Hardys and AEW, outside of hearing that the door “seems to remain open” for both sides to work together again in the future. 

Sources within TNA we spoke with were very happy with the post-show speech that was delivered by The Hardys, Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry.



“When Edge and Christian tag, give us a ring.”

Sokun Ros

How about WWE? Are there any interests in them?