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Alrighty the votes are in! This time 51 peeps voted, which is more than half of all you fellas. :> Good! I like participation. The results are: Ben10 Aliens: 45% of all votes Doom1+2+3 : 35% of all votes Young Justice: 20% of all votes Actually surprised and TOUCHED that so many of you do have a craving for evil demons, so I'm sure Doom will get its chance eventually! :] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The theme for this month is: Ben10 Aliens. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (god I wish Patreon wasn't so primitive and would allow for text formatting GHUUUUUGGH) Also there were some interesting suggestions for future themes! Mass Effect came up a few times (no wonder, I guess xD), a lot of themes I will have to google, also Egyptian Gods? Hmm. Never drew any of 'em so giving them a fresh spin might be cool someday! But yah. I'mma get started on some alien stuffs soon. --- Also, QUESTION! I'm curious if you have any suggestions regarding the votes system. Right now it is like - one choice has to be the finalist, while the other two (in most cases) are doomed to be put onto the shelf even though a relevant amount of votes falls onto them. Would it make more sense to hold a vote every 2 months, and pick 2 winning themes? Like, a bigger selection of choices, and everyone gets two votes? The winning vote is done the following month, and the one with second-most votes the month after? Maybe this way things results like in this and the past vote - where one theme is not THAT clear of a winner over the other choices - can be avoided? just pondering! Curious if you got any input on that.



That would be kind of cool, but in a way it would seem like 2 months between voting doesn't give much variety per say. Unless you put up more themes to vote on for those months. And another idea I kind of would like to see is maybe for just one of the pictures of that month bring in a character from the second place winner, or just do one with nothing but them inside that month. Get a bit of cross series action going on


You could consider doing the last image of the month from the runner-up or maybe create a teaser piece for the runner-up and show it on the next month's voting page. Sort of a "Here's what you could have had last month, and you get another chance."


Eh; I'd leave it the way it is. As things stand I don't think we've really had many previous ones get rolled back in to really come to a consensus with what'll happen to them yet. Otherwise I'd probably go with what Dragonchild said.


I think that the current voting system is quite effective. Two months between votes seems like it might be too long of a wait.


A shame Doom didn't win out, but I have a feeling I'll still be happy with Ben10 :9 The 2-month idea doesn't sound so bad, but is an even larger burn to those who arent a fan of 1st or 2nd place. Moreso those who didn't favor any vote options and now wait 2 months for just a -chance- at seeing their favorite get picked (<insert joke about similarities to real world voting>). What might offset this is 2-month approach is a introducing smaller supplementary votes to accent the content selected. Like, a vote to pick the deed being done in the next piece (Bukake? Spitroast? Dom\Sub?) or a vote on a temporary crossover with the voted content and unvoted content ( "Vote on what non-Ben10 species the next Ben10 stud will be banging!" ). Such things could both keep the supporters involved during the 60 days and also keep those who didn't win active in the pieces being created. Overall I am happy with the current voting method but some ideas about how I'd want to see it expanded; •Voting on more general theme VS specific source material (e.g., Maybe "Hunks of Hell" wins against "Sci-Fi Studs" ) •Involvement with alt-versions - likely not the greatest amount of wiggle room but might be some time for more complex changes if its driven by supporter votes •Grab-bag - Possibly a risk given the supporter-driven nature of the service, but surprises can be fun! Add an unannounced piece to the month(s) that covers completely different subject matter, perhaps from a larger pool of popular options.


Mmmh. Lots of good points. More general themes, hm. You see the reason I haven't picked 'em yet is because given the really diverse mixture of preferences in the group of backers (virtually everyone likes something different!), I worry that I can't make anyone happy with surprises they cannot predict beforehand. :V Many of your suggestions make me believe that you see this pledging thing as a binding contract though. :P That's not the case, I mean I intended this to be on-demand. So if a theme is really not to anyone's liking, I EXPECT @N@/ them to be selfish and go "yeeeeeeah no thanks" and not pledge for that month and then check back next month. Hmmm...... Actually I'd have to change the way I distribute versions for that to work. Right now anyone who signs up gets access to anything done in the past, though that might not make sense if people backed away because they didn't like a theme. More complex alt versions could be done on solo pics, but there isn't any wiggle-room for multi character pics. :S The designs I tackle are too complex and take up too much time. I'll think about if there's anything I could do to shift time from that to alt versions though.


Yeah I'm not sure when to roll the previous votes back in just yet. Maybe do that more often rather than switching through to entirely new theme choices? So a +1 for Dragonchild's suggestion. Gooddie!


Cross series action... mmmmmh. Yeah I suppose that is a way to make use of second place winners :U Might be a bit weird if I were to cross over some Doom demons and Ben10 aliens, for instance. xD But could be fun.