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You know what is missing? SOLO PICS. My reasoning for the many duo-pics so far was to cover more ground on that huge number of available heroes, but honestly now that I reflect on that choice... might have been poor reasoning! @n@ Solo pics enable different poses or experiments because I'd have more time for those! I have to compromise on a lot of things to make two characters with complex design work in one pic within the given time I have (Dota 2 characters are overloaded with details after all). So I think it makes sense if I do one or two multi-character pics for each theme at the beginning, then some solo pics, and if there is still opportunity and time later on, then one more pic with two or more guys UwU. I'm still learning about how to structure this Patreon so it works best for me (and you, too), but that is the point, right. :P There is no one else I can copy a working approach from because not many people do exactly the same thing on Patreon that we're doing here. I've looked around and many do a bit ... disappointing little scribbles and comic bits?.. okay >_>? If that is what their patrons want, fine >3>/. GUESS I GOT THE FANCY BUNCH WITH YOU PEEPS, EH? ;D I am just prone to force myself into a fixed scheme out of habit (commishworking for 5 years does that to you), but I'm enjoying the freedom here, so there'll be a golden mixture that works. JUST GONNA HAVE TO FIND THAT! Next up is gonna be a solo pic ~ Just wanted to ramble a bit UwU Feel free to ramble about things below, too~ Tell me where you hid your gold stashes #soicangoandstealallofthem



<a href="http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me39ueXsjE1ramrvmo1_500.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me39ueXsjE1ramrvmo1_500.gif</a>


Any idea on who you're gonna go with? :)


But of course~ One who shall shake the Earth with his schlong :&gt; IT IS A RIDDLE!


When you goona do brew :/


There was only one vote for him, I'm afraid. That, together with me not being that interested in him at the moment, makes him being done in this batch very unlikely. Perhaps in a second round of Dota2 later this year or next year though :O