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Tomorrow's update! (in full this time)

controversial of me to kill my protagonist 700 pages in, i know




"i AM alive. you have killed me, true. but i CHOOSE to be alive, so therefore i shall live to see another day."


Gotta clench yourself back together.

James K

“I have just killed you, have you nothing to say for yourself?” “I got better…”

13 39

A young disciple comes up to his master, after several days of meditation, claiming to know the true nature of existence. "As all things contain nothingness within them and are suffused by suffering, they are all false. Life, in this way, is an illusion, and therefore so is suffering. To escape suffering I simply become aware of my illusions and through this dispel them." The master thought long and hard about this, smoking on her pipe, seeming to toy the idea around in her head. After a time, she smacks her student on the head with the pipe. He exclaims in discomfort, asking to know why and swearing to all the gods he knows. In response, she says, "If life is an illusion, why do you yelp and shout in pain?"


Welp, I guess this is it then. The moral of the comic: don't get ganked like a noob