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Here's a preview of tomorrow's page. Don't like some of the lineart here and will probably adjust/fix, but I do like how the page reads.




The page composition looks exceptionally well done, I'm actually really excited seeing Incubus's character being fleshed out over time.


(accidentally posted my comment too early, blegh.) If I could ever offer any advice, Incubus in the fifth panel seems larger than in the previous panel. Enlarging him in fourth panel could save up on color work for lineart. His sentences in the fourth panel also repeated himself, as he motions for Allison to look at the group twice. The sentence structure could flow better if just the second bit he were to say "Just total fuckups!" instead. But this is all really only up to your discretion; I never want to extend workflow on a labor intensive comic.


So, would his Word be Ambition? :p


At first, I thought the third guy was The Beggar from the RPG cover and thought Incubus was just secretly the patron of all RPG characters. :p