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Hey all, here's today's page, I'm running behind on this one (it'll be up shortly however), so here it is. Still have to fix the anti-aliasing on the text but that's super easy, then have to finish the colors off.



Marko Filipović

I really love the new design of Chains!

Dog Kisser

Man, I'm SO glad I backed this yesterday.

Merle Blue

Why shouldn't we say Princess Mamoru Moonshine Jagermeister Jack Jacck Daniels Timothy Tim Bill Freddy Mercury Blueberry Luna, Esquire? :D

Dan Hale

Do you do your own flats? It takes me waaay too long and I have a day job so I hire flatters although I need to edit them a lot. Also - How many rendering layers do you use?


I do actually do my own flats, and I hate it. Fortunately, thanks to you beautiful people and the low rent in Portland, this is currently my day job, so I have the time. I usually use a layer for stuff that I want to keep separate when shading or want to possibly drop a gradient over. Typically I have one for the background/basic background color, one for background details, one for furniture, etc, then one each for skin, clothes, hair, and jewelry/other details, since they all shade differently.