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10 Vigilant Gaze is a good 'un.


phew, Salami Dave didn't murder her out of spite. I wouldn't have put that past him or Abbadon.

Hayden Andre

HE'S SO CHIVALROUS I LOVE HIM... can a person marry an angel im just wondering


So happy to see White Chain smile!!!

Paul Hannah

Angels are supposed to remain emotionless and stoic, so I would say no to being allowed to marry.

Paul Hannah

I don't think it's in character for Solomon David. It would have conflicted with his self-image and personal pride. He sees himself as the stoic, fair, restrained philosopher god-king. Killing someone in a temper tantrum is not something his pride would allow.

Guy Rixon

Maybe, but WC and VG look very much like a couple in panels 4 and 5.

Guy Rixon

In fact, if the last-panel dialogue was WC announcing their engagement, it would fit the art perfectly.


oh my god ;_;