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We hit the $1500 a month mark! However I will mention am a little suspicious that the very high monthly amount a patron pledged may have been just to hit the milestone goal this month. I'm going to honor the milestone by starting more work on the RPG and aim to get you guys a text-only playtest copy in the next month or two.

However there won't be a 10 update month this month, just 2 per week as normal. If the milestone persists into next month, I will start updating to try and hit that 10 update goal!



That's fair. Lord knows there's a nasty habit of dine-and-dash going on in patreon lately.


It is reasonable to be cautious. And hopefully the number of backers will keep increasing so the $1500 goal won't be dependent on any one patron soon.

Michael Dougher

i think thats a good idea. let this pay for your month of work in advance. you never know when/if any of the backers will drop out, so best to decide what work to do once it has been paid each month.


Richard how bad is it?

Peter Queckenstedt

Smart move. We want you to continue the work for a long time.

bradley vender

"Goals not effective until the funding to actually perform those goals is received" is a completely reasonable policy. An "Oops, that patron's billing didn't go through, sorry" doesn't pay the bills. So having the milestone goal effective for the month you got paid for it is fine with me.


This whole patreon funding thing seems a little weird to me. I don't see why they don't just charge you when you start pledging