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Hello all!

I'll be running the KSBD RPG again, this Sunday, July 23rd, from 2:00pm Pacific Standard time (UTC -8:00)

We'll be doing it on the KSBD discord, which I'll link shortly before the play test starts.

I had a great time running the game last session, and want to wrap things up and test a little more. I'm keeping the same story as last time, and we'll have four of the same players. However, I'd like to add a fifth player.

If you're interested, please post here or e-mail me at ksbdabbadon@gmail.com with a name you'd like to go by and your e-mail. I'll choose a random person by Saturday, July 22nd to take part in the test. This is open to anyone!

All you'll need to play is discord, two six sided dice, and the 1.5 version of the RPG, which I'll get to you if you're not a $10/month patron. If you have a copy already and are thinking of a character idea, we already have a Beggar, Boss, Law, and Hunter.

See you there!



jake.wendell.patton@gmail.com i go by Wendell. On discord im WendyOfMarz. let luck shine on me and my Refined Herald!


I go by Fugl and my email is bellinei@hotmail.com