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Hello all, just a reminder that we have a play test coming up this Sunday, the 16th, on the KSBD discord server at 2:00pm Pacific time US (UTC-8:00).

The four players have been randomly selected from a pool of 21, so check your e-mail if you applied!

This play test will be open to anyone to just drop in and hang out/listen in. If there are no-shows or people have technical difficulties, I will fill in player slots from people listening. If our first session goes pretty well and doesn't run too long, I might run a second with people hanging out as well.

Long story short, hope to see you there,




What's the KSBD Discord URL?


here's a working link for now: <a href="https://discord.gg/vkaHatp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/vkaHatp</a>


it was great! hope i get the lottery for the next one! Got a Refined in mind or a Fated! all in all cant wait!