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Cassie steps forward to be at my Lady’s side during this moment of my caging.  It hadn’t the deep significance like when I was collared but this felt a landmark moment nonetheless.  There wasn’t an hour that went by that I didn’t miss that comforting, physical reminder of my submission around my neck.  Though I’d only felt it for a short time it had left an impression.  Even now I felt its lack.  It made me feel good knowing that until my Lady made me a new one this could stand in for it.

Flickering in the warm lamp flames that flanked us Cassie’s beautifully curvaceous body is still dirty and sweaty.  The bruise on her forearm, reddened knuckles and the rosy glow across her left breast showed the aftereffects of our hard training.  She bore them with pride.  The texture and lines of the tight Amazon style wrappings that Rosa had tied around her chest, wrists, ankles, and fists could still just be seen imprinted on her full, supple flesh.  They reminded me of the impressions our special rope had left on me.  I knew already that Cassie would be helping out, being my Lady’s eyes, when we began to explore bondage again but seeing those imprints made me wonder if Cassie would allow herself to be bound as well.  If so my Lady would need me to be her eyes as we tied up Cassie.  I found myself looking forward to that day very much.  Within arm’s reach she stands, arms folded beneath her tits, and watches with a curious twinkle in her eyes.

Beside her stood my Lady, fair and soft and delicate.  Her perfect flesh was immaculate and without a blemish, as it should be.  My Lady’s precious skin, smooth as fresh cream, would see no bite of rope, chafe of manacle or strike of hand or lash for the rest of her days.  Not if I had any way to stop it.  She was a delicate Lady and I would defend that delicacy with all I had.  Beside the buxom Cassie she was shorter, her shoulders are narrower, the lovely curve of her hips slimmer, her small, plump breasts less than half the size, and her sexy body more lithe and willowy in every way.  While Cassie’s posture exuded a quiet brashness Rosa stood and moved with that effortless grace that never failed to bewitch me.  Where Cassie’s blue eyes glimmered with lewd amusement as they stared at my dick, Rosa’s were bright and playful and full of adoring love for her boy’s penis.  Both beautiful, equally feminine, yet so different.  The pair were such a contrast, and that was even ignoring the horns, ears, and dick of Rosa’s ancestry.  Between them the women were a diverse feast of womanly beauty.

My manhood was cooler than ever as Rosa’s concentration focused onto it.  Swiftly and precisely she raises it to my groin and feeds my penis into the pocket within that was designed to cradle it.  It is a snug fit and she has to wiggle it back and forth a few times so that it nestles into its place just right.  From there it was just a matter of tilting the rest so that two cupped bits hug my nuts.  As Rosa adjusts it just so I marvel at the material that felt unlike an other I’d ever felt against my skin.  The leather was as gentle as cotton against my skin yet form fitting and as strong as cow’s hide.  It had a bit of stretch to it, but only a bit.  When that limited elasticity ended it ended all at once.  Rosa had said that it was made for longterm use and I could already sense it in its comfort and quality.

“It is comfortable?”

“Yes my Lady.”

“You must be certain.  It will be very difficult to remove on your own once it is on.”

I pause to consider.  As of now there was nothing of concern.  The way the cage swaddled my bits it wasn’t just comfy, it was downright cozy.  There was nothing harsh about the incredibly supple material and what warmth and damp that it did trap it seemed to wick away any excess to leave everything feeling…good.  Bound, but good.  “It is comfortable my Lady.”

“If that changes you will tell me.”  Her voice is full of love and authority.  “Do not let pride and obedience come before wisdom my boy.”  Her tone softens.  “This should do no harm.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I say softly, humbled yet again by having somebody in my life that cared about me even more than I did.

“Good boy.”  She kisses my stomach.  “Cassie, hold this in place.”

“Yes Lady Rosa.”  She is only too happy to step in and grab my junk.

“Mmf.”  I grunt as Cassie takes a firm squeeze and holds the cage in place.

As Rosa wanders off toward the bundle Cassie is gazing into my eyes.  “You must trust your Lady to allow her to do this to you.”

“I trust my Lady.”

“Without trust a Lady has nothing my dear.”  Rosa says as she feels around for what she was looking for.  “It is the source of our power.  Without trust a boy is simply a man with a fetish.  While that can be entertaining in the end it is…unsatisfying.”  She turns, a blunt leather working needle and a length of stout twine in her fine hands.  “I can honestly say that my Quin has been the only man to fully satisfy me.  He has ruined me for other men.”

“Thank you my Lady.”  Looking back down to Cassie I whisper.  “I hope I might trust you like this someday Miss Cassie.”

“Me too.”  She says.  “I’d like that.”  She watches Rosa come to my side where she finds the pair of straps that formed the belt that would support it.  As my Lady cinches the belt tight around my waist she asks.  “Does trust mean gentleness Lady Rosa?”

“Oh no.”  Rosa says as she sews the twine through the holes of the belt.  “My sister…”  She pauses.  “…she was not gentle.  Not in speech and certainly not in flesh.  She was no bigger than I yet she could bring a man to heel better than any meretrix in Alexandria.  She could turn a hardened Centurion commander into a mewling kitten or a meek merchant into a roaring lion.”  She pats my bum.  “How’s that my pet?”

I feel along my sides, marveling yet again at this incredible leather.  It lay so flat and so tight along the groove of my waistline as to be like a second skin.  It was incredible that something so thin could hold so strong.  “Perfect my Lady.”

“Good.”  She finishes her bum pats with a pinch.  “Stay still now.”  Reaching down she fishes out the pair of straps that would now go around my left leg.  She pulls the rear strap so that it nestled in along the border of my butt cheek then brings the front strap up around the base of my leg.  The fact that the straps had a bit of stretch to them made the sizing far easier than regular leather or cloth.  Once the ideal length is found she begins to sew this one into place as well.  As she does she carries on her advice to Cassie.  “If you wish to be rough with your submissive it is even more crucial that you establish that trust.  And once it is given you must never betray it.  If he is interested pain, embarrassment, and humiliation are things you may play with.  Injury, shame, and indignity you may not.  Not in my house at least.  And definitely not outside of it.  You will do no harm to my boy.  He will do no harm to you.”

“Yes Lady Rosa.”

“Yes my Lady.”

“He can be a rough boy sometimes.”  She says as she ties off the twine.  “Rougher than I can give him.”

“No my Lady…!”

“Shhh.  It’s okay.”  She pets my back.  “It is no fault of yours my love.  Or mine.  It is simply who we are.  Perhaps Cassie could be the rough to my soft?  Mmm?”

To that Cassie grins a wickedly playful grin as her firm grip tightens.  “Perhaps.”


She chuckles as she feels me swell against her palm.  “Better hurry Lady Rosa.  Your boy is about to put this cage to the test.”

Rosa giggles and kisses my arm.  “He is such an excitable boy.”

She comes around to the other side and secures the strap.  The moment she cinches it in I feel the true extent of my confinement.  Balls cupped, penis held in place by its pocket, my genitals were well and truly in bondage.  The belt around my waist and straps around my upper legs meant that the cage would be going absolutely nowhere.  By design it would still allow total range of motion as well free access out of, and into, my ass but my manhood itself was jailed until my Lady released me.  A flutter of bondage bliss fills my loins as my cock SURGES with…

“Hah!”  I gasp as suddenly that virile swell of masculine power is stopped dead in its tracks by my dick jail.

“Just in time.” Cassie quips as Rosa ties me off and nips the extra twine to make my caging complete.

“Mmm.”  In the blink of an eye the soft and supple leather had become as firm as chain mail against my plumpening pecker.

“How’s he look?”

Cassie lets go of me.  And steps back to check it out.  She laughs.  “Looks good Lady Rosa.  As cute as you were hoping.”

“Oh good!”

I look down myself.  Where once there was my dangling dick and balls there was now…a hedgehog.  An adorable hedgehog resting between two small stones.  And with everything all snugged up and cinched in an incredibly humbly sized little hedgehog.  Caged like this my average size suddenly looked downright tiny.

“Hmmm.”  I hum as I struggle with the passion this was eliciting inside of me.

What was once cozy just a minute ago was now insanely tight and confining.  Not simply confining.  Denying.  The other bondage I’d tried had kept me wonderfully helpless but this…this was denying me even the physical expression of my arousal.  Even my erection was now my Lady’s to control!  A searing roar of wild erotic fire engulfs my whole groin as at the same time the cool of my Lady’s magic disappears.  My cock SUR…nope!  Nuh uh!  Nothing!  My tightly confined penis tries to flex with every ounce of power it could must in order to expand.  Gods!  Being held soft as I was I couldn’t even really flex it properly.  Try as it might the only result is that my tip mashes harder into the slotted end of my pocket and the base of my shaft pushes back into me.  I get no longer, no thicker, and already at my maximum I don’t even make the hedgehog’s nose wiggle.  My dick though goes exactly nowhere and that is where it would stay.  At barely a couple inch chub my manhood was as big as it was getting.

“Mmm.”  I grip my legs as the more my desire is denied the more it soared.

With a sassy smirk an innocent tone Cassie tilts her head and asks.  “Is there a problem Quin?”

“Mmm.”  I shake my head.  “No Miss Cassie.”

“He he he.”

Rosa gives the straps and codpiece a quick feel.  Satisfied she pats my bulge.  “Very nice.”

“Thank you my Lady.”

“You’re welcome.”  She says then walks back to put the needle and twine away.  As she goes she says over her shoulder.  “You may test it now my dear.”

My eyes widen as I peep.  “Test?”

“And don’t hold back.”  My Lady commands.  “We need to know if it’s up for the job.”

Cassie’s smirk grows as she rubs her hands with delight.   “Yes Lady Rosa!”

Chapter 101 



A century of chapters! Woot!


White hot setup followed by big (reasonable) gap. It is as if Grimbous has, through his writing, locked us in chastity too. :,D