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I continue to suck Daddy’s big cock.  Winona continues to rub my caged clit and tease my taint and butt with her middle finger.  With my hands I hold the base of her thick shaft and softly play with her warm, supple scrotum.  I do try for her pussy but she guides me back again, wishing me to stay focused on her balls right now.  I was only too happy to oblige.  Too many ignored the wonderfully sensitive sack, I recall how I had to beg Eddie to give me attention there.  As I suck her I caress her nuts and show them all the love brimming from my overflowing heart.  With her free hand she flicks at my little ponytail then gently strokes her fingertips and thumb tip on either side of my slender neck, which gave me shivers down my back and felt really, really nice.

“Hmm, hmm, hmm.”  I coo as I grind against her palm at the same steady rhythm that I was sucking cock.  Inside my cage my arousal was surging, tight against the smooth walls.  The plastic shell kept me small and apart from direct stimulation and yet the denial and control felt so good.  Plus it made the little bit of feeling I was getting from the shifting cage feel amplified.  “Hmm.”

“Beautiful.  My beautiful angel.”  She croons.  “You look so pretty.”  She grins.  “My pretty little cock sucker.”


“Ohhh fuuuck.”  Her eyes roll back as I stop on her knob to suckle extra hard, even going to so far as to softly and carefully chew on her tip.  “Baby girl!  Ohhhh!”

“Mmmm.”  The joy it gives me to see her pleasure is beyond words.  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”  I start to bob once more.I smooch and suck and slather her cock as if it were my reason for being.  I don’t just love it, I worship it.  Cradling it in my hands I smooch down the side then twist to go up the other before I go hard and steady once more for a good long stretch.  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”

“Hohhh.  Hmmmm.”  Her breath is deep and becoming erratic.  She was close but trying to hold out longer.  To assuage her Daddy ego I lighten up a little until I could sense she was ready to cum in her own time.  At that point then I give her all I had!  “OHHH FUCK!  Avery!  Gah!”  She grips the back of my neck as it goes up and down and up and down as my mouth sucks hard and my tongue dances.  “Hmmmm!  Ohhhh fuck.”  Her abs tighten, her pelvis quivers, and both her hands take a hard grip, one on my neck and other over my clit and balls.  Letting her hand guide me I quicken for a few more strokes then go still as I feel her shaft throb against my tongue.

“Mmmf!”  My eyes widen as my maw is flooded with hot, fresh jizm.  Sucking and slurping I do what I can to swallow it all down but despite my best efforts a few annoying dribbles escape my lips.  She just cums so much!  I gaze up into her eyes as her face contorts with ecstasy.  Like a good baby girl I gobble down my creamy treat to the last savory drop mewling my bliss.  “Hmmmm.”

When her passion is spent she sort of collapses back against the head board, her arms flopping to her sides.  Feeling really proud about how good I made her feel I slowly slip off her tip and plant a soft kiss to her knob.  I then finish my meal by licking up the bit of cum that had rolled down her shaft and onto my hand.  My lipstick gives her semen a different sort of bitterness but it does nothing to spoil my treat.  I then very gently lay her spent penis down to slump over her leg.  Still not done, when I spot my own frothy mess of precum on her right palm I go a step further and take her hand and clean it with long, slow laps across her palm.  She watches me in what I can only describe as awe.

“Thank you.”  I say sweetly.  Shuffling closer I kneel at her side and place my hands on her panting belly.

“Thank me?  Thank me!?  Ohhh damn.”  She sighs and rubs a hand up and down my arm.  “That was…ohhhhh.”

I giggle.  “I liked it t-too.”

Grabbing me suddenly she pulls me in for a hard, deep kiss.  “Hrrrm!”  She growls a Daddy growl.

“Mmmm.”  I hum a baby girl hum.

We kiss for a long time.

When we do part we just sit quietly for a time, gazing and connecting.  She cups a hand along the side of my willowy neck and strokes down across the shoulder.  She wanted to say something, something she didn’t have the words to say.  I knew exactly how she felt.  In the end the intimate silence said more than language ever could.

After a time we could both sense the moment faded.  Linking her fingers through mine she brings my hand to her face and kisses it.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m starvin.”

I let out a little burp and rub my warm belly.  “N-Not so much.”

She laughs and pats my chest.  “You nut.”

“May I fix m-my lipstick first?”

“Go ahead.”

While I go to the washroom and freshen up my lips Winona slips into a pair of sweats and a t shirt.  As I reenter the room she looks at me, admires me, then looks down at herself and shakes head.  “Give me a sec.”

I hurry to her side and take her arm.  “It’s okay.  You look f-fine.”

“No YOU look fine.  I look a mess.”  Before I can protest she spins me around and swats my tush.

With a hop and a giggle and scamper I hurry to the counter and put the finishing touches on the meal and start ferrying them to the table.  Meanwhile Winona brushes her long hair, with much swearing, and dresses in a nice set of jeans and a pretty red blouse.  She even puts on a touch of makeup herself.  Everything set out and the drinks poured I wait patiently by the table for her to finish.  Looking great, as always, she at last slips on her glasses and comes to join me.

“Double stacked!”  She says when she spies her tall burger slathered with fried mushrooms and onions.  “Thank you.”

“Y-You’re welcome.”  I smile.

Looking at my plate with its little square of salmon she asks.  “Not in the mood for burgers?”

“N-Not really.”  I reply.  I could have gone into detail about the reasons that I didn’t like to eat greasy red meat on a night that I was hoping, desperately hoping, to bottom, but that seemed crude and unladylike so I leave it at that.

“Fair enough.”  She says.  “Looks awesome.”  She pulls out my seat for me and I take it, then walks around to sit across from me.  She holds up her fizzy drink.  “To us.”

“To us!” I toast and we each drink.

“Alright.”  She rubs her hands and tucks in.  She grabs the burger in both hands and takes a huge, hungry bite from it.  I wait a moment before starting just to watch her and make sure all was well.  Again I see her eyes roll with pleasure.  And again seeing her happy made me feel so good inside.  “Mmm!”  She chews a couple of times and swallows.  “That’s a good fuckin burger Sprout.”

I beam.  Knife and fork held daintily I cut into my fish as Winona and I share our first supper together as girlfriends…girlfriend-boyfriend…whatever the heck we were.

Chapter 96 


Sulm Brampton

Looking forward to Winona and Grandpa meeting!

Sulm Brampton

"as always, she at last she slips on her glasses" there is an extra 'she' here