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“Mmmmm.”  I moan softly as I am woken with a sweet, lingering kiss.  The smell of sweat and mechanic soap fills my nostrils and I feel the weight of Winona’s hip pressing against my arm.  “Hmmmmm.”  I hum dreamily as I savor this most wonderful way of waking up.  Only when our lips eventually part do I open my eyes.  “Hi.”

“Hey.”  Winona says back as she sits tall.  Her tired eyes were smiling.

“Oh.”  I rub my face.  “I fell asleep.”

“That was kinda the idea.”  She pats my chest.  I sit up and stretch feeling completely refreshed.  Looking off to a glistening little puddle on the floor beside the kitchen counter she says.  “Someone had an accident I see.”  The guilty culprit of said accident was currently padding back and forth along the back of the love seat and looking as innocent as could be.

“He’s little.”  I say.  “It w-won’t take l-long to litter train him.”

“That’s good.”  She says.  “Dad just left.  We’ve finally got some time to ourselves.”  The way she emphasized the word ‘finally’ I felt right down to my bones.

She looks back at me and again I see that same happiness trying to shine through the clouds of fatigue.  Reaching out I stroke her long hair.  “You’re t-tired.”

“I’m exhausted Sprout.”  She sighs as she slumps into me, her head bowed and resting against my chest as she leans her weight into me.  “I’ll be okay.”

I hug her, cradling her head and shoulders to my body, and softly kiss the back of her head.  “Why d-don’t you take a little lie down?”  I whisper.  “I’ll take care of the mess and m-make us some supper.  Okay?”

She lets out a breath and sits back up.  “It’s cool, I just need a…”

“Hey.”  I turn her face toward me.  “If you’re gonna l-look after me…you gotta l-let me take care of you.  It’s only f-fair.”

A grin slowly grows.  “You sure Sprout?  You don’t mind?”

“I’d like that actually.”  I say warmly.  “What do you want for d-dinner?”


“Then I’ll m-make burgers.”

“You’re the best.”  The hug she gives me makes my happy heart sing..  “Okay, quick shower and a power nap.  Don’t let me sleep too long though.”

“I won’t.”  I assure her.

She gets up, unzipping her coveralls as she shuffles off toward the washroom.  I get up, get dressed, and clean up Brutus’ piddle as he sits beside me watching.  I boop his nose.  “Naughty boy.”

Winona wasn’t kidding when she said quick shower as only five minutes later she comes shambling back out as naked as a newborn.  Her long raven hair, damp and wild, poured down over her shoulders like an inky waterfall.  She walks straight to the bed, stands there a moment, then goes down face first like a felled pine.  Whump!  She hits the covers, bounces to a rest, and conks right out.  It is only a couple minutes later as I am playing with Brutus with one of the toys I’d bought him that I hear a soft snore.  I giggle under my breath and hold a finger to my lips to tell the kitten to be quiet too.  She fell asleep so fast!  I take a knit blanket that she had folded on the love seat and lightly drape it over her nude form…after a cheeky little peek of course.

I stand and just watch her for a little bit.  Black strands of hair lay across her calm face.  She was so beautiful.  So beautiful.  I loved her so much.  Oh how I hoped that she would take me tonight.

After a swoony sigh I turn and take a step toward the kitchen, then pause.  What I had planned for our meal wasn’t going to take longer than twenty minutes to put together and I wanted to give her at least an hour or more of shuteye.  There was no hurry.  Instead I look toward the closet.  My heart quickens.

Silently I tiptoe to the dresser.  There I find my pretty pink clit and the three pairs of pantyhose Daddy had bought for me.  My palms were clammy and my hands jittery, though I didn’t know why.  There was nobody to stop me anymore.  Nobody here but Winona, Brutus, and Johnny to judge me.  I was safe.  I was finally safe.  Yet still the old fears glow like hot embers inside my chest.

“I-I-I’m not af-fraid.”  I whisper.  “I-I-I’m n-not afraid anym-more.”

I’m not sure if I convince myself but it was enough to get me moving.  I choose the black hose with the dots.  It wouldn’t have been my first choice except for the fact that I knew my Daddy wanted to rip one of these and I sure did want to be in the pair that I didn’t mind getting wrecked.  I stand there looking at my cage and pantyhose.  I couldn’t just wear these.  I mean, I could but…I really wanted to look pretty.  I could look slutty later, right now my need was to be pretty.  And it was too early yet for my nightie.  I glance to my slumbering girlfriend then back to her dresser.

“She w-won’t mind.”  In fact I’m pretty sure she would encourage it.  She wanted to see her baby girl looking good.  I’m sure she does.  Besides…better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.  Especially if it meant I might get a spanking!  “He he he he.”

Trying my best not to snoop too badly I start looking through her clothes for something soft and feminine to match my mood.  I find a swooshy powder blue knee length skirt that I instantly fall in love with.  What an awesome color!  For a top the best thing I can find is a blousy pastel yellow short sleeve.  Everything else either didn’t go with the skirt or was too form fitting as to make my meager bust look silly.  Speaking of bust, I wish I had a bra.  Not that I had breasts that needed the support but…I just really wanted to wear one.  Maybe Daddy might buy me a pretty training bra if I asked nice.  I giggle.  I bet she would.

Not giving up right away I open the top drawer in the slim hopes of finding a bra to fit my flat chest.  I don’t, but I do find a cute pair of pink panties that I think would fit my plump bottom oh so nicely.  I add it to the pile and in moving the undies I make an inadvertent discovery.

I blush a little as I recognize the veiny shaft of a dildo.  Oops!  I wasn’t supposed to see that.

Again I glance Winona’s way to make sure she was snoozing.  Unable to contain my curiosity I lean forward and peel the other underwear away to reveal the toy.  Not nearly as big as her but way bigger than me the tan silicone phallus was maybe six and half or seven inches with a barely above average girth.  I touch it and feel the texture of the fake scrotum, snaky bumps of the shaft’s veins and ridge of its knob.  It was a darn nice dick.

With another nervous glance Winona’s way I pull it from the the drawer just to admire it.  I wanted to suck it honestly but I wasn’t about to do that without permission.  Feeling playful I put the toy against my crotch, holding it as if it was my own cock as I momentarily fantasize about wearing it as a strap-on for her.  I sure as heck wanted to make love to her with my own equipment at some point but also being able to have sex with a bigger dong that wouldn’t go soft would be soooo cool!

“Mrm.”  Winona groans and shifts.

I startle and quickly plop the toy back in the drawer and bury with panties.  Closing the drawer swiftly and silently I look to Brutus who was watching me with a perplexed tilt of his head.  “Shhh.  You d-didn’t see anything.”

I collect my outfit and, last but certainly not least, grab Winona’s makeup case and take them all to the washroom.  After one glance in the mirror and spotting the verrry light peach fuzz along my upper lip I scurry back out to dig through my overnight bag and grab my toiletries kit as well.  I close the washroom door and take a deep, fortifying breath.  My transformation was about to begin.

Chapter 93 


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