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Weapon practice ends up being the easiest bit we had done thus far.  Gyasi and Cassie move off to work on their archery apart from the group.  For the rest of us this initial lesson involves simply getting a feel for our weapon.  Toke shows us how to wield our chosen tool as well teaching a couple of basic strikes to practice.  While the others focused exclusively on the weapon they’d been assigned he has me switch occasionally between the ax and a pair of two foot sticks.  Despite my split in attention he still expected me to keep up with others.  I swallow any objections I might have and instead pour that energy into working twice as hard.  Obviously sparring was right out so much of the session involved facing off against imaginary opponents as Toke went around with pointers and corrections.

Afterward we get another very short break before we turned to what we all knew would be toughest and most grueling section of the evening, grappling.

As I stand grabbing myself a drink Cassie approaches wincing and rubbing her left tit.  “They didn’t make those things for girls with curves I tell ya.”  She gripes as I hand her a cup of water.


She downs her drink and wipes her lips.  “Thank the gods Rosa bound me up.”  She passes the cup to Gyasi who takes his drink.

“Maybe archery wasn’t for you?”  I say.

“Nah.”  She pats Gyasi’s back, a friendly gesture that I note out of the corner of my eye Lucas isn’t particularly pleased with.  It still bugged him that his sister was ‘one of the boys’, but to his credit he keeps that opinion to himself.  “Gyasi says I just need to stay more mindful of proper form.”  She rubs her breast again.  “It’s gonna be a lesson I learn pretty quick I think.”

We share a laugh then walk together to the platform.  We are paired up based on size then pick up right where we’d left off the night before.  The difference from 24 hours ago to now was massive as we are able to skip past the rudimentary basics and dive straight into real training.  Every so often our partners are switched so that we can practice our Pankration on various opponents.  As we do so Toke’s teachings cements another layer of knowledge onto the foundation we’d built the day before.  While I am never paired with her I keep what eye I could on our new addition.  Rarely does she come out on top against her male foes but by Minerva she battled with the indomitable spirit of a lion and the shrewdness of a fox.  Like last night we sweat and strain and grunt until the sky turns dark and the torches are lit.

When Toke at last claps his hands a round of thankful gasps are let out as we all believed we were done for the night.  We were wrong.

Toke points to the center circle which bore the Minotaur’s fierce image.  “Quintus.”  I let out a huff and wipe my sweaty brow then walk to stand where he pointed.  “You are the Ringmaster.”


Without answering my question Toke has the others line up along one edge of the platform in order of strength.  “Pin, submission, or push your opponent from the platform.”  He says.  “Cassie.  You are challenger.  Go.”

“Um.”  She looks at me as confused as I was about the hopeless mismatch Toke was setting up here.  “You want me to wrestle him?”

“Go!”  He barks.

“Right.”  She nods and hops to the platform to stand a few feet in front of me.  I almost miss her checking out my sweaty body as I was checking out hers.  We catch each other’s eyes and smirk at the little private moment then quickly get into our readied postures.

“So do we…”  I start to ask.


“Oof!”  At Toke’s shout Cassie launches herself into me.  Her sweaty flesh slaps into mine as she takes a hold of me and goes for a throw, which I counter with just a slight settling of my center of gravity.  For a time I let her struggle, enjoying the feeling of her body against mine and the aroma of her scent on the air.  There are some chuckles as Cassie groans and heaves against my much larger frame.

Toke however was not laughing.  Glaring daggers at me he growls.  “You will NOT disrespect your opponent.  She is a warrior!  And she is one of us.  You fight with all you have or you will sit out tomorrow.”

I give him a firm nod…then take Cassie to the ground as gently as I could and pin her.  She resists me with all she had but she couldn't even slow me down.  I watch a fascinating realization dawn in Cassie’s wide blue eyes as I overpower her writhing and wriggling to effortlessly press her shoulders to the stone.  With all of our playful banter and her engagement with my ‘boy’ side it was only now that she appreciated my true strength.  It was a revelation for her that the boy she’d seen on his knees in willing obedience was one and the same with this brawny giant manhandling her with ease.  Once she is pinned, for just an instant, she goes completely still as she gazes deep into my eyes.

I smile and whisper.  “Sorry.  I had to.”

“Up!” Toke orders.  “Julian, go!”

“Huh?”  I am back to my feet again with Cassie rolling to the side just in time as Julian comes at me hard and fast.  I am just barely able to set my feet and push back so that we meet in the center like a pair of bulls crossing horns.  Going from our weakest member to one of the strongest forces me to adapt quick.  While I was much stronger than him he had enough heft to him that I couldn’t simply overpower him to the ground.  For about a minute we push and heave and turn trying to get the advantage on the other until at last I am able to force him off the edge of the platform.  “Whew.”  I blow a tired breath as I watch him stumble to the earth.

“Lucas, go!”

“Fuck.”  I mutter and spin around to see Lucas charging at me in hopes of taking me off guard.  I try to side step and trip him but Lucas had seen that trick before as I’d done it to his brother during the scuffle we’d had when we first met.  While he hadn’t gone flying past like I hoped it did still leave him at the lip of the platform.  I grab onto him and we begin to wrestle.  Stout, strong, and with a low center of gravity Lucas was no easy foe but his single-mindedness ends up being his downfall.  As he is focused on trying to shift my upper body I am able to kick out one of his legs and in that blink of an eye moment where his balance was off I roll his weight to the side and off the platform.  Learning from before I hurry to claim the center of the ring before my next opponent is called.

I am not even there when Toke calls.  “Gyasi, go!”

From short but thick to small and wiry the only similarity between Lucas and Gyasi was their height.  From yesterday I knew the Nubian to be frustrating in the extreme.  And with him having a short rest and me going nonstop that frustration is exacerbated.  He wasn’t particularly fast or strong but the guy was as slippery as a trout.  Every time I thought I had him he would twist or weave out of my grip.  Gyasi hadn’t the skill yet to overcome my natural advantages but by the gods he makes it one of the Labors of Hercules to finally pin him.

“Oeneus, go!”

I am sucking wind hard and my limbs feel like lead as I turn to face my newest opponent.  By this time the others were really getting into it, half of them cheering for me to keep my streak going and the other half urging Oeneus to beat the reigning champ.  The Hispanian throws me for a loop by approaching with his hand extended.  Tired and desperate for even a couple seconds of breath I reach to accept the shake.  Quick as a striking viper he drops low and launches himself into my gut.  Grabbing both my legs he takes me off my feet and drives me down into the platform back first.

“HRFF!”  I grunt as what little wind I had is forced from my lungs.  “You…bastard.”  I huff.

He chuckles as he scrambles higher to pin my shoulders.  For the first time I am on full defense.  I twist and writhe and bend, doing anything and everything I could to keep myself from meeting defeat.  I just need a few seconds to breath!  Oeneus gives me none.  The quickest of us wrestling him in my current state felt like going against two foes at once.  He would try one thing and when I would counter it he would already be moved on to his next move.  We roll around ground fighting as again and again he nearly has me pinned until he makes the critical mistake of letting me get a proper grip on one of his arms as he pushed for what he believed would be the final pin.  Instead it ends with him crying out and slapping the stone for mercy as I twist his arm behind his back and wrench against his shoulder.

“Good fight!”  He says with a pat to my leg as he gets up and walks off.

Panting like a dog I struggle to my hands and knees as Toke calls.  “Quique, go!”

Quique hurries forward.  He says something to his friend in their native tongue as the Hispanian pair pass each other with slap of the hands.  He pauses a moment just out of reach to look at me, his hands on his hips in a cocky posture of confidence.  His confidence was well founded.  He was fresh and an able fighter.  I was done.  Exhausted.  I had no chance.

With a smug little smirk he looks off to his right and says.  “I dedicate this victory to you Miss RosaAAAHHHH!”

The very next second I found my legs under me and driving toward the edge of the platform, hoisted above my head a wailing Quique.  The next second after that I give him a mighty heave and send him ten feet or more out to land with a thud in the mossy forest earth.

As the others howl with laughter at his hubris Rosa turns her head, a pointed ear tilting upward, and asks.   “What was that Master Quique?”

“Nnngh.  Nuthin.”  He croaks, laying face up where he landed.

I let myself crumple backward to land on my ass.  I’d done it!  I’d defeated them all!  The whole damn group.  Surely now I could rest.

“Cassie, go!”


“Keep fighting!”

Cassie eagerly hops up and bumps her taped fists together as she approaches.  I hold a hand out to try to keep her at bay.  “W-Wait…”

“Sorry Quin.”  She winks.  “I have to.”

She leaps on top of me and uses her momentum to drive me down.  I try to fight her off.  Gods I try.  But after that final surge my strength was gone.  Completely sapped.  Spent with absolutely nothing left in reserve.  Her legs around my torso and a hand on each shoulder Cassie slowly but surely presses my shoulder blades flat.  A great cheer goes up from the boys.

Sweet defeat!  At last I could rest.  I gaze up at her as she stares back down, her eyes alight with the fires of victory…and a flame more carnal as well.  I let my body go limp and in our locked gaze oh so subtly signal my submission to her womanly power.  Had there not been eyes on us Cupid only knows what would have happened next.

“Cassie.  You are Ringmaster.”  Toke’s hard Northern accent breaks the moment.  “Julian, go!”

Weary even beyond yesterday I drag my carcass from the platform.  As behind me Cassie launches herself into Julian Toke gives me a nod.  “You did well.  Your night is done.”

I nod back, to breathless even to answer, and crawl my way to my waiting Lady.  I am halfway there when I hear a thud behind me.  “Julian, you are Ringmaster.  Lucas, go!”

A few seconds later I discover Cassie at my side.  I stop crawling to look up her sexy, sweaty body glowing like a golden statue in the torchlight to her smiling face above.  Kneeling down she gets in under my armpit and helps me to my feet.  Each of us grimy, battered, exhausted, and defeated the two former ‘Ringmasters’ stagger their way to the delicate and dainty slave waiting for them.

Chapter 98 



I am increasingly happy about the Cassie fighting vote.