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Like a dancer from the Bolshoi ballet Pyushun crosses the threshold in one graceful leap.  He lands and gives me a deep bow.

I laugh, as much at myself as at him.  His amorous intentions couldn’t have been more clear.  What did I think I was doing here?  Was I really going through with this?  I know I WANTED to but…I’d barely even come to grips of his existence, was I really going to ask him to spend the night?  One step at a time Lil, one step at a time.  Let’s see where this leads.

I close the sliding door, lock it and slip the pole used to secure it even better into place along the rail.  As he sees me put it down, the very stick I’d nearly smashed him with a couple of hours ago, he shines with a beaming smile.

“I’m just closing the door.”  I tease.  “Don’t make assumptions now.  I’m just inviting you in for some tea.”  I was glad he couldn’t understand the words because otherwise he’d know I was lying.

Pyushun slides some sort of lever across the bottom of his lantern and the chemical glow fades.

“I wasn’t really expecting any company.”  I say as I lead the way out of the office and down the hall.  “You’ll have to excuse the place.”

I open the door into the divided tatami room that acted as my living room and bedroom.  I slip from my shoes and enter the dark room to find and turn on the soft light of my reading lamp to reveal the meager furnishings.  In this first half of the room there was the lamp, a stack of books, my ghetto blaster on the floor, a case containing the dozen cassettes I’d brought with me from the States, the low kotatsu table complete with the heavy blanket that skirted it on all sides, and the single legless chair where I would sit with my legs all toasty beneath the table.  The walls were bare and nearly the same color as the firm mats that carpeted the floor.  Only now, looking at this room with my date at my side, do I realize how lonely and pathetic it looked.  Nothing I could do about that now.  I move to the opposite side of the room and slide the panels that connected this room with my bedroom shut then turn to face Pyushun.

He looks around the room, seemingly impressed despite its sad bachelor state, then makes for the table.  As nimble as a mouse he scutters up a spot along the blanket that formed a slope and crests to the top of the table.  At the corner her sets down his pack, lantern and sword the walks toward the end of the table that had the chair.

“Um…would you like some tea or…a beer?”  I ask.  He smiles and extends a hand, inviting me to sit.  After a moment’s hesitation I say.  “Hold that thought.”  I first walk to the stereo, quickly scan through my limited selection, then pop in Private Dancer and hit play.  The smoky voice and smooth tunes fill the room.  Turning it down so that provided background ambiance I return to my date to find him nodding along with the opening track.  “You like Tina?  Me too.”

Stretching my legs beneath the table I sit and lean back in the chair.  I lay a hand close to Pyushun.  He comes around it to sit the curve where wrist turned out to thumb.  Stretching his legs out just as I was he leans back and uses my hand a backrest, his lean, muscular left arm resting along my wrist.  His hand begins to softly stroke and tease at my soft skin.

In that moment all of the rational doubts and confusion that had been raised during our walk back evaporate as my heart and libido take over again and I am once more drawn back down into his world.  I bring my other hand closer and very lightly brush the edge of his calf with my finger.  He relaxes further, sliding down a bit to more lounge than sit.  Those huge walnut eyes gaze into mine and he say something.  Something sultry and smooth.  On one hand I wished I knew what he’d said but on the other it just didn’t matter.  The sensual mood he expressed meant more than the details.  The lack of understanding also brought with it the advantage of being able to speak the unvarnished truth.

“God, you are so fucking hot.”  I whisper as I feel the firm muscle of his calf against the pad of my index finger.  “If only you were six foot taller.”

With his right hand he strokes the middle finger of that same hand and says something back.

“Why did my dream man have to be a Lilliputian?”  I sigh as my finger slides to feel his shin.

He gives a slow and suggestive nod.  “Lil.  Pyushun.”

“That’s not what I…” I stop and chuckle.  “Smooth Pyushun.  Real smooth.  Have you done this before?”  I lean forward and lay my cheek over my shoulder as I gaze at him close up.  “Am I just another notch on your tiny bedpost?”  I’m glad he couldn’t answer as I didn’t really want one.

We gaze for a time as Tina’s serenade dances around us.  Pyushun stands and approaches my face.  I have to strain my eyes to keep him in focus but I manage it.  From this perspective I could truly appreciate the specimen of a man that he was.  So beautiful.

He touches my cheek and softly runs his hand across it, his minuscule fingers feeling like hairs brushing my skin.  I move my arm so I could bring my face even lower, my opposite cheek now laying directly against the tabletop, and I turn my lips up toward him…hoping.  He reads my hope, a reflection of his own, and kneels to kiss me.

“Mmmm.”  I hum desirously.

It was a kiss unlike any other.  In a flash I could have gulped his whole body up up in one big bite which meant that his head was the size of a grape.  First he kisses the top lip, his one hand holding my cheek and the other alongside my nose.  Then he shifts to kiss the bottom lip and I feel his muscles tense with rising passion.  I stroke his strong back with the tip of my middle finger.  He presses in harder, burying his entire face into the tender flesh of my lip then quickly shifts to kiss me right at the center of my pucker, one cheek against my top lip and the other on the bottom.  It felt so…different.

As he backs away I look at him ready to swoon…then instead begin to giggle.  His brows furrow, affronted my my inappropriate laughter.

“Sorry.  Sorry.”  I say, sitting up again so I could see him better.  “Your face!  He he he!”  I point at him then bring that finger to my lips to swipe some of the lipstick away and show him.

Pyushun, literally red faced, throws his head back and laughs.  Tugging his loose vest from his body he uses it as a cloth to clean himself.  Oh my GOD!  That fit, firm figure I’d been getting glimpses of all through night was even better than I’d imagined.  It was manly perfection carved from flawless mahogany and sanded to a smooth finish.  If he had any body hair they were too small for my big eyes to see which meant there was nothing to get in the way of those gorgeous, muscular contours.  Defined abs, ripped pecs, muscles I didn’t even know the name of, everything flexed and twisted tantalizingly.  And his shape!  That narrow waist just…MMMM!

He peeks over his vest, his face now clean, catching me checking him out.  I smile bashfully at getting caught red handed.  He chucks his vest over his shoulder and like the world’s smallest Mr. Olympia strikes a pose and flexes.

“Damn baby.”  I brush a finger down his chest.  He catches it in his hands and presses himself into it.  Against the pad of my finger I feel his firm pectoral muscles heave and lower down his tight abdomen harden.  And that wasn’t the only thing I feel harden!  “Oh damn!”

With a devilish grin and a raise of a brow he leans down and kisses the tip of my finger.  He then walks his fingers down that finger.  Backing away he lowers my finger then strides boldly onto my hand.  From there he starts walking up my arm.

I smile as I lean back and stretch my arm to make the journey easier on him.  “And where do you think you’re going?”  I giggle.  As if I didn’t know.

Once he reaches my bicep he suddenly turn and leaps onto the great mound that was my tit!  He bounces and it takes him a second to find his footing on the soft terrain.  He looks down at my breast then back to me, his eyes alight.

“Got a thing for big tits?  He he he.”  He replies not with words but more with the celebratory cry of a man who had found the promised land.  I laugh at his joyous reaction at summiting a mountainous boob, a genuine belly laugh which gets everything jiggling and him swaying.  “Men!  They’re all the same at any size.”  He falls flat on his stomach to hold on tight as both of us roar with laughter.

I’m catching my breath and he’s still giggling when he rolls toward my center then slides to a stop in my cleft.  At that point I go very still.  Gazing at Pyushun I quietly hope that does…exactly what he ends up doing.  Using my second button as a foothold he unfastens the top one, needing to use both hands to do it.  He peels garment apart and peers into my ample cleavage then back up into my eyes.  I swallow hard, my breath quickens, my inner thighs squeeze together.  With that athletes dexterity he lets his foot slip off one button to slide down to the next, and another one is opened.  Then another, then another.   With a little help from me he untucks my blouse and throws the two sides wide, one at a time.  His toes hooked into my belly button he eyes slowly pan up mocha flesh, taking in every soft inch.

When his gaze reaches my bra he makes a funny sort of smirk, clearly disapproving of the garment.  Eager for him to see me I hurry to reach behind and unclasp it.  He watches closely as if taking notes of how a bra worked.  I wriggle, doing my best not to jostle him off my tummy, and shimmy out of my shirt and bra.  I then lean back again.  Unclasping my hair clip I shake my head to let my curly locks spill free then settle in.

Those eyes!  Those wonderful eyes.  The way he looked at me…made me feel beautiful!  More than beautiful, desirable.  He wasn’t simply looking, he was consuming.  Drinking in a body that stoked his fires to burn every bit as hot as what his body did to me.  His hungry gaze glides across my large, heavy breasts.  He licks his lips as he ogles my big cocoa colored nipples.   But his eyes did not stop there, taking in my belly and arms, shoulders and neck, everything I had revealed to him.  Despite my vast size he wasn’t awed by me.  He wasn’t all doe-eyed and fawning over me, not that there wasn’t a charm in that in its proper place.  No.  The little warrior Pyushun LUSTED after me.  This was carnal.  Physical.  Sexual.  And as he does he fills the room with his raw, masculine energy.  My nipples respond to his gaze with a rush of swelling blood.

“Ohhhh.”  I sigh wantonly.  I’d never wanted to be fucked so bad in my life!  I softly touch one of his pointed ears just to feel it flick against my finger.  He grabs my finger with one arm and with impressive strength pulls it to his body.  “Oh Pyushun.”  I mewl, loving his display of controlled aggression.  Cupping the end of my finger with his hand he pulls it in and kisses it hard.  In my imagination the end of that finger was my head.  I could see myself there, his fingers through my hair as he kissed me the way I liked to be kissed.  “Mmmm.”  A slow writhe rolls down my body as my pussy screamed for attention.

“Lil.”  He says, staring me in the eyes.

“Pyushun!”  I gasp back, trying so hard to stay still for him.

He grins that sassy, cocky grin of his as his hand slides to the tip of my finger, then pushes down.  Following his lead and still imagining my finger as my head I stroke down his lean, powerful torso thinking about how I would be kissing every hard muscle on the way down to my knees.  In tune with him as I was I am not surprised when he brings my finger to a stop directly over his cock.

“Oh my God.”  I whisper as I begin to stroke his arousal through his shorts.  “You’re fucking huge.”  Huge being a relative term of course.  But as I rub and feel the shaft of his manhood I am wildly impressed.  He had to be an inch long!  That might not sound impressive but had he been human sized that would have made him a foot or more!  Little man was HUNG and though his diminutive dimensions would do little for my throbbing pussy the mere idea of him packing such a unit lit me up like bonfire.

Pyushun holds my finger there, staring into my eyes and grinding against my finger in way sexy and lewd.  That over-sized confidence!  That…that…swaggering machismo.  All combined with those elfin good looks and that gentlemanly kindness that let me know that I was in safe hands.  He was everything, EVERYTHING, I ever wanted in a lover.  Just in miniature.

“Mmmm.”  I moan wanting desperately for him to touch more than my finger.  “Ohhh Pyushun.”  My other hand reaches for my crotch.  But he stops me.  Holding up a finger he waggles it back and forth in a ‘nuh uh’ gesture.  I pull my hand away again.  He smiles and pets my finger as if to say ‘good girl’.  My cunny clenches as my body warms with lust.  “Ohhhh!”

Pulling my finger away from his dick he looks to me then to my bedroom door then back to me and says something nasty.  Wonderfully, wickedly, nasty.

“YES!  Ohhh yes!”  I say.  “Fuck me you little stud bug.  Fuck me!”

He kisses my finger, a wet and sucking kiss, both to show appreciation as well as to make promises that would soon be met.  Keeping hold of my finger he pulls it along after him as he hops down to the floor by my hip and pulls me to follow him.  He wanted me to follow, yet he wasn’t letting go of my finger.

“Um.  How am I supposed to…?”

Seeing no other choice I roll out from under the table onto my hands and knees.  I lean down close to him and look.

He nods approvingly.  Letting go of my finger he reaches out and grips my earlobe just behind where it was pierced.  Stepping in he kisses me on the cheek.  I kiss him back the only place I could while he held my ear, which ends up being his foot and lower leg.  A brow rises at my inadvertent gesture of submission.  I smile and lower my eyes meekly in that way that I knew drove men crazy.

The next thing I knew…he had a lock of my hair!  Holding it like some kind of leash he begins to walk and lead me toward the bedroom!

Without resistance I crawl along at his side on knees and elbows with my ass high and my head kept so low that my tender nipples were brushing along the scratchy tatami floor.  “Hah!”  The sensation forces a gasp from me.

Now I was modern 80’s kind of gal but…holy shit!  I had been plenty horny before but NEVER like I was now.  Being forced to crawl was SO hot.  Being lead by the hair by a smokin hot and powerful and sexually confident man was so insanely arousing.  Him so dominant.  Me so…so…submissive!  I am stunned to find that I loved it!  This was not where I thought tonight was going to go but I am suddenly glad that it had.

Pyushun with a feat of herculean strength grips the partition in his free hand and heaves it, sliding it open just enough that my wide hips could pass through.  With him walking proudly, chest out and chin up, and me grovelling behind him we enter my bedchamber.  I didn’t know what could happen and I didn’t know how it would but I didn’t have to worry about that anymore.  Pyushun had taken control.  I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

Part 5 


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