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With Winona’s promise of some naughty fun still echoing in my ears I am absolute buzzing as Briar finishes setting up the system for the garage.  Amos stands behind Briar listening and watching over her shoulder, over her head actually, as she showed him how to use the set up that she and Meadow had whipped up.  Cheryl meanwhile hovered nearby taking in Briar’s words while also going through the boxes we’d carried in.  They turned out to be a mish-mash of various things.  A cash box, business cards, a couple of display stands for the counter, and various such accoutrement.  As the others talk Winona and I keep shooting each other saucy little glances and smiles, each of us counting the minutes until we could be alone again.

“Okay, I gotta go!”  Briar says at last.  “I’m going to be late.”

Amos tosses me his keys and I, of course, fumble them.  Picking them up off the floor I say.  “I’ll be in the car.”

As Briar goes into Winona’s suite to get her backpack and Cheryl goes over a couple last things with Amos Winona and I head outside again.  She folds down the back seats and loads Briar’s borrowed ebike into the back while I get my bearings in the driver’s seat.  Needless to say I have to adjust the seat, from all the way back to all the up, as well as shift the mirrors and every other thing that could be tweaked.  I settle in and feel the texture of the wheel in my hands.  Sitting up high in such a big vehicle brought to mind the Anna Bella.

Winona comes up to stand by the open door.  I look at her.  “Want me to pick up supper?”

The casual question makes her smile.  It made my little heart beat double time as well.  It was such a…couple sort of question.

“Nah, we’ve got stuff here.”

We.  We’ve got stuff.  Gosh I liked how that sounded.


She leans in and we kiss.  “Miss you.”  She whispers with a caress across my forearm.

“M-Miss you too.”  I say back softly.

“Okay.  Break it up.”  Cheryl says as she and Briar approach.

Winona laughs.  With a flirty wave of her fingers she shuts my door and steps back.  With an expression like a forlorn puppy in a pet shop window I wave back already knowing that every minute away was going to feel like an hour.

Cheryl hops into the passenger seat.  “Ugh.  You two are going to be insufferable for awhile, aren’t you?”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I giggle and buckle my belt.  Briar gets in behind me and buckles in as well.  I start the truck and we are soon on the road to town.

Along the way I find out from Cheryl that she and Amos were renting one of the little modular modern bungalows in New Town.  As it was near the edge of Haven Point and not that far off the highway it made it a handy location for Amos who would have to make this trip more than a hundred times in a year.  Since she was on the way I swing by to drop her off first.  While we were getting along now I confess I was relieved that Briar’s impending class left little time for Cher to grill me anymore.  I glide down the street of nearly identical houses with single car garages attached, their color and minor decorative details the only real difference among them, and find their place to be one of the green ones.

I stop the car and both of them hop out.  As Briar hurries around to take the front seat Cheryl turns back to me.  “It was good to meet you Avery.”  She says.  “I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.”

“Yes Ma’am.  It w-was wonderful m-meeting you too.”

She points at me.  “Behave.”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I smile.

Briar hops in.  “Bye Cheryl!  Tell Amos he can call me if anything goes wrong with the system.”

“Oh, he knows.”  Cher chuckles.  “Free tech support?  You’ll rue the day that you ever gave him your number.”  With a very motherly looks she then says.  “Now get your ass to class young lady or you’re gonna be late.”  With that she shuts the door and heads off.

We are back in motion the moment Briar was buckled.  “They’re really cool.”  Briar says.  “The Crows.”

“Yeah.  The c-coolest.”

“Hey, sorry again for, erm, popping by unannounced.”  She lowers her blushing face.  “It won’t happen again.”

“It’s okay.”  I assure her.  “It was awesome t-to s-see you.”

“You too.”  She says…then gulps and blushes even more as she remember just how much of me she saw.

It is only a couple of minutes later and we are pulling up to one of the gleaming new tech towers of the college.  I whistle as I peer up the white and chrome edifice.  “I still c-can’t get over all these ch-changes.  When I was a k-kid there was nothing like this here.”

“There’s more yet to come.”  Briar says brightly.  “They’re already calling Ehkolie Silicon Island in some circles.  Investment is booming.”

“Yeah.”  I say.  “I just hope they d-don’t ch-change things too much.”

“Only for the better.” She winks.  We get out and I help her take the bike from the back then walk her to nearest charging stand.  As she clicks it in and taps her student card I continue to look around.  “You should see it on the inside.” She says.  “I’ll show you and Winona around someday.”

“I’m not sure W-Winona would like that.”  I quip.

She chuckles.  “True.  You and Amos then.”


“He was asking about the EV technician program.”

“He did?  Like…to join?  Amos?”

“Not sure.”  She cocks her head.  “But you’re never too old to learn Avery.  Anyway!  Gotta bolt.”  Grabbing both shoulder straps of her backpack she turns and jogs, brown hair bouncing, for the main doors.  “See you around Althea!”

I laugh and wave.  “Bye Scourge!”

That gets some looks but I try to ignore them as I return to the vehicle.  Once inside I pull out my phone and call Grandpa.  As it starts to ring my heart lifts as I knew he was in an area that was receiving signal.  My heart soars when he answers already in song.  “My little buttercup I looove youuu!”

I giggle. “Hi Grandpa!”

“My boy!”  He says with a happiness that could not be faked.  The connection was faint and crackly which told me he wasn’t back yet but close enough to the island to get a signal.  “And how is Ehkolie’s handsomest, smartest, doggone coolest dude today?”

“Grandpaaa.”  I laugh.  “I’m good.  And you?”

“The sun on my face, a beer at my side, and a line in the drink.”  There is a small garble before he continues.  “Life is good my boy.  Life is good.”

“I w-wish I was there.”

“Me too Buttercup.”  He says something but it is lost as the weak signal cuts for a moment.

“Sorry.”  I say louder.  “I missed that.”

Again I miss most of what he says except the very end.  “…Winona?”

Guessing at what he was asking I say loudly.  “She’s good Grandpa.  Really good.  She’s my girlfriend now.”

I giggle as there is some rustling and whooping on his end.  “That’s mah boy!  Ha ha…”  Again the signal fails us.

“Listen Grandpa.  The reception’s really bad.  I’ll tell you all about it when you get in.”


“I’ll tell you…”  I sigh.  “WHEN ARE YOU BACK?”

“…morrow morning.”

“Great!  I’ll see you tomorrow then.  Winona really wants to meet you.”

“Hee heeee!  She’s comin over?”

“If that’s okay?”

“Okay!?”  Again I lose a sentence or two, although I knew him enough to already know what he was saying.  ‘My plank is always lowered’ or some similar folksy way of saying ‘YES!’.

“Tomorrow after work.  Maybe in the evening.  How’s that sound?”

“What?  Evening?  Yes!  Of course!”  A hiss cuts him off a second.  “…can’t wait!”

It touched me how excited he was for me.  And it felt really good to hear him so happy.  After so many years of hearing about my challenges and daily struggles I could imagine that for him it must feel like all his time and energy in supporting his very flawed grandson was finally paying off as I was at last starting to find my joy.  It felt like that for me too.  It was Grandpa that made me believe that true love was real and that I was deserving of it.  More than anyone it was him who kept a spark of hope alive in me.  Without him…none of the great things I was enjoying now would have been possible.

“I love you Grandpa!”  I say it again louder.  “I LOVE YOU GRANDPA!  I LOVE YOU!”

“Love you too Butte…”

A sudden static followed by a click tells me our call had been disconnected.  Then there is silence.  He was gone.  I hug my phone to my heart for a long moment then pocket it again with a sigh.  I start the truck and pull away.  Just a couple of quick stops and I would be heading back to Winona.  I could not wait!

Chapter 90



Potential Typo: "Cheryl says as she Briar approach." -> "as she and Briar approach"

Sulm Brampton

"He was gone" ... I do not like that foreshadowing. Goddamn it. I want him to be there for the wedding