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Alfred: Saturday, 6:04 pm

After his brazen request I look to Sarah and back to Cody’s groin.  We all knew what he meant.  He wanted me to get him hard for her.  With own dick harder than ever and my lust running hotter than it ever had I wanted so bad to obey him.  It was madness, but I WANTED to get my bull ready for my wife.  And yet…I cannot move.

Sarah was there for me yet again.  Her hip tight to mine she rubs my leg and whispers.  “Go ahead Alfred.”

She said it in such an honest and supportive way.  And yet, that slightly urgent undertone in her voice…she was getting impatient.  She wanted to make love to him.  Sarah was eager for it now.  She wanted to give herself to another man, only her second ever.  She wanted to experience the younger man’s size and stamina.  God why did that excite me so?

I look up and down Cody’s leanly muscled torso.  He really was quite attractive.  Hands on his hips, a cocksure smirk on his face, he waits patiently.  Reaching up I hook my fingers in the waistband of his shorts…and pull them down.

“OH!”  Sarah gasps as our neighbor’s massive member spills into view.  “Oh my goodness!”  She whispers, hand over her mouth.

The reaction was genuine and for good reason.  He…was…HUGE!  Not only had I never seen one this big, not that I’d seen many penises in my time, I didn’t even realize that they could get to be this size.  I’d read and heard about big ones but to actually see a true schlong in the flesh was another thing altogether.  I might have been nearly twice his age but this young buck was easily TWICE the man I was.  And that was just measuring by length.  By girth his superiority was even greater.  Beyond the sheer bulk of it was just the way it…hung there, impossible to ignore.  Like a separate and independent presence had entered the room.  Thick veins ran along the thick shaft, a fleshy knob damn near the size of a tennis ball, and lurking behind his heavy hanging balls dwarfed my own in similar proportion.  The weirdest, WEIRDEST, thing though…was the fact this monster was attached to my sweet heart assistant.

“He’s…big.”  Sarah whispers, awe oozing from every word.

“Yeah.”  I whisper back.  “Jesus Cody…wow.”

He chuckles.  “Wait until you see it hard.  Come on boss man, get to it.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure.”  My fingers grip at my dry palms.  “I can do this.”

“You can do it.”  Sarah says, oh so helpfully.

Taking the back of my left hand she guides it up toward his waiting penis.  I do not fight her as she fills my open hand with Cody’s cock.  It was warm, the skin soft.  It was quite unlike anything I’d ever felt before.  Meaty, boneless, and alive!  That life demonstrates itself as I very gently wrap my hand around it and give it squeeze which causes it to swell in my grip.  As it swells my middle finger and thumb are forced apart.

“Ooo!”  Sarah giggles.  “That got its attention.”  She rubs the back of my hand.  “You’re doing great Alfred.”

Reaching across she grabs my other hand and bring alongside my other hand.  With my own penis a single hand grip eclipsed most of it, but Cody’s beast allowed for a two-hand grip with plenty to spare.

“Mmmm.”  Cody hums at the feel of a masculine touch.  “Yes.”

“He likes it Alfred.”  Sarah urges.

At her guidance I give Cody’s dick a long, slow stroke in a light grip.  His dry yet supple skin glides easily through the skin of my hands.  “Ohhh Alfred.”  He closes his eyes as his cock SURGES nearly to full hardness.

I smile, his reaction giving me a lift.  “Feel good my lad?”

“Oh yes!  Oh yes!”  He breathes.  “Don’t stop.”

Sarah pulls her hands away to cover her face from her nose down, her eyes huge and glued to the massive manhood in her husband’s hands.  “Oh my God.”

I sit forward for a better angle and begin to stroke him in earnest.  The experience is surreal.  It was so different than touching myself.  Not only from coming at it from the opposite end but the size and weight difference was insane.  His eyes burning with desire, desire for me, I am only a dozen strokes in and his cock was already taking on a virile rigidity.  I don’t know why I thought it but I’d somehow assumed that because it was so much larger it wouldn’t get as hard my skinny five incher.  I was wrong.

When his cock reaches its magnificent peak state my grip tightens just a little and my speed picks up.  The more I did this, the more I liked it.  The noises he made, the way his trim body twisted, the way his dick would twitch and flex, I was drinking it all in.  Even though it wasn’t Sarah, even though it was a man, to give another person sexual pleasure felt really, really nice.  I was really getting into this now.

“You’re incredible Cody.”  I say.  “Your body is as beautiful as you are inside.”

“Mmmm!”  Cody runs his fingers through his hair then grips his head.  His chiseled torso flexes, his pegs bulging and his abs tightening to reveal an impressive six pack.  “Fuck Alfred.  Oh my fucking…RRRM!  I want you!”

I look up into those blazing blue eyes and say.  “Her first.”

“Yes Sir.”  He nods.  “Don’t stop.”  I stroke him faster.  “RRRM!”

Lower face still covered Sarah, her eyes bulging at Cody’s full erection, she says through hands.  “He’s bigger…than I…oh golly.  I don’t know if I can handle one that big Alfred.”

“We’ll take it slow and easy Queen.”  Cody warmly and confidently assures my wife, the voice of experience.  “We’ll get there.  Don’t you worry.”

I glance at her wink and say oh so helpfully.  “You can do it.”


Sarah, 6:12 pm

If my brain were a circuit board it would be smoking, sparking, sizzling wreck of itself.  Watching Cody go down on Alfred, watching my husband stroke another man’s cock…and enjoy it, watching them look at each other and speak with each other with care and affection.  It was all too much for this horny housewife.

I push back to the far side of the sofa.  Moving on its own my right hand finds my coochie and starts to rub it furiously.  Just minutes ago it had been too tender to touch, but now it screamed for vigorous attention.  Man on man action was SO MUCH hotter than I ever imagined.  Especially that man and that man!  “MMMMM!”

Alfred chuckles and shoots Cody a wink.  “I think somebody likes the show.”

He laughs, then reaches down to stroke Alfred’s hair.  Not only does my husband not recoil, he tilts his head into the caress.  “Girls love guys getting it on.  It’s a thing.”

“You like this Sarah?”

“Mmm!”  I nod, my wildly wet pussy grinding into my diddling fingers.

“What if I…played with his balls?”  Alfred frees a hand to cup Cody’s testes and fondle them.  The young stud jerks at the touch.

“Oh Alfred!”  I gasp.

“What would do if I…kissed it?”  Alfred says.  Stopping his stroking he holds Cody’s manhood in front of him, as his other hand continued to fondle.

“Ohhh!  Yes Alfred!  Kiss it.”

He smooches the tip of Cody’s fat glans.  Not a quick peck either, a long, hard smooch.

Two fingers slip into my drooling sex and I thrust them in and out with frenzied speed.  “OHHHH!  Lick it!  Lick it Alfred.”

He licks it.  A long, full-tongued lick straight up the front until the tip of his tongue flicks off the tip.

“Suck it.  Suck it!”  I plead.

The guys laugh together in that way guys do.  It was so CUTE!

“You heard her King.”  Cody says.  “You gotta do it.”

“I think I do.”  Alfred says, his eyes wide and his growing hunger evident.  I realize then that, as much as Alfred wanted to be cuckolded, I could have gotten up and left and this little scene between the boys would have continued.  With a woman I would have been out of my mind with jealousy, but as it was…the sparks flew!

“Yes Alfred!”

Taking us both off guard Cody suddenly takes charge again.  Holding Alfred’s head in one hand he grabs his dick and lines it up with his mouth with the other.


Alfred, 6:20 pm

Before I knew it Cody’s thick meat was forcing its way through my parted lips.  Something about the way he cupped my skull and held it so firmly and dominantly lit up that same submissive fire that watching my wife with Rocco had.  “Mmmm!”  I moan and open my mouth as wide as it would go.  And as my mouth opened it allowed cock to jam in.  “MRRM!”  The hinge of my jaw was strained to the limit but it had opened enough to allow him full entry.  The flared edge of his knob presses through my lips and my maw is FILLED with his man meat.  When he pushes in as deep as he could go, not even half way but right to the back of my throat, I let out bassy growl and SUCK.  “Rrrrmmm!”

“Ohhh Jesus Christ!”  Cody groans.  “That’s it Alfred.  Ohhhh God yes!”

“Oh!  Oh!  Oh!”  Sarah’s voice rose, the sloppy sounds of her sex filling the air.  “OHHH!”

His groan, her cry, it was music to my cuckold ears.  The cock-sucking was a pleasure in itself, but knowing that I was sucking this cock so that it could penetrate my loving spouse made it downright delicious.  Sucking on the dildo had been a naughty thrill but it was nothing compared to the real thing.  The dick in my mouth responded, the man standing over me reacted, and the way he stood over me really put me in my place.  This man, this sexually superior man, did for me what no mere toy ever could, not matter how big.  I suck a few times then grip his thighs and go still, ceding full sexual control to my secretary.  He reads the hand off of power for just what it was.

Gripping my head now with both hands Cody fucks my mouth.

“Yeah!  Yeah!  Fuck yeah!  Suck it Alfred.  Suck that young cock.”

“MRMM!  MRRM!  RRM!”  I hum and moan as his long, thick dick glides in and out of my lips.  I suck him as best I can though his sheer girth gave me little room to freestyle like with Rocco.  All I could do…is suck and let him have my mouth.  “HMMM!”

Sarah’s foot slaps down against my shoulder.  Out of my peripheral vision I could see her legs spread wide.  With no shame at all Sarah fingers her snatch huffing and heaving at the wild homoerotic display before her.

“That’s it Sarah.”  Cody grunts, his hips thrusting forward and back.  “Get that pussy ready.  I’m gonna OWN that cunt baby.”



I hear Sarah orgasm beside me but I was too busy too acknowledge it.  With Cody in control all I could do is suck, suck, SUCK.

Part 27 



I shouldn't have got my hopes up for this one. Even as a cuck fan this isn't working for me. It's essentially a gay swinging work first and a cuck story second. Hopefully this is someone else's cup of tea. Because the story has a lot of teeth even if the porn softens my boner in particular.


I actually agree. I'm enjoying it, but it's lost its erotic oomph. As mentioned in a previous comment this one just got away from me. I shoulda kept it focused. Tried to do way too much.