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Alfred: Saturday, 5:30 pm

Sitting paralyzed on the sofa I watch as my fit young secretary looms over my petite wife in a most unmistakable way.  It was the way she looked up at him though, with awe and worship and fiery desire, that was the reason for my petrified state.  My dick was granite and the rest of me might as well have been too.  Their touches, their flirting, their intimate whispers for their ears alone, all of it had me utterly mesmerized and aroused like I never thought possible.  I never thought Sarah and I could get here, yet here we were.  There was no doubt anymore.  She was going to cuckold me.  She wasn’t going to stop this and I was incapable of stopping it.  I could not move.  I could not tear my eyes away from them.  I couldn’t even blink!  I don’t know how I managed to speak a reply to Cody’s question.  This week Sarah and I have been flirting with this new kink that we’d discovered in me but it was only now, seeing it happening in the flesh with another real man, that I truly appreciated the power it had over me.

With my blessing given Cody wastes no more time on the preliminaries.  Literally one second after his rather cheeky ‘You’re the boss’ the buttons of my wife’s blouse get unfastened one by one to reveal the fair, supple flesh below.  Without a hint of resistance Sarah lets the young man remove her top and ogle her soft body.  There is no hesitation as he fills his big hand with one of Sarah’s big tits through her bra.  As one wife and husband let out a shocked gasp as another forbidden line is crossed.  It wasn’t just that he did it but how he did it.  His long fingers sink into the plush flesh with power and contained aggression.  This was no soft cupping caress but a lusty grope.

“Oh gosh!”  Sarah trembles as he massages her breast with growing need.  He whispers something to her that I cannot hear, again sparking that cuckold jealousy in me at their private communication being denied to me.  With wide eyes and her mouth agape she nods consent.  Reaching behind her he deftly unfastens her bra, faster than I ever had, then pulls it from her body to leave her naked from the waist up.  Instinctively a blushing Sarah’s arms move back to cover her decency but Cody guides her arms away and holds them for a couple of seconds to force her to adjust to being exposed in front of him.  Staring up at him with trust and bashful desire she quickly relaxes and even subtly tilts her back to display her full rack even better for his perusal.

“Fuck, Sarah.”  He sighs and once again fills his hand with her tit, lifting it and squeezing it tight.  “I love your tits.”

“Oh Cody!”

My cock STRAINS against it’s cloth prison, leaking like a faulty faucet and screaming out for attention.  I knew that if I touched myself I would surely blow.  I worried that if I climaxed my sober mind would take charge again and that was the last thing I wanted.  Even if I regretted everything later right now I wanted to get swept away, I wanted to ride this insane high for a long as possible, and I needed to see how far this would go.

Cody gropes her and handles her and even lightly yet stiffly slaps my wife’s bare breasts all the while she stands supported by the counter behind her loving every second of it.  I could tell by that hazy look in her lovely brown eyes.  A look that, until this very moment, belonged to me alone.  Between thumb and knuckle he pinches her tawny brown nipples and pulls them harder than I would have dared.

“OHHH!  YES!”  Sarah’s high moan nearly sends me over the edge, forcing me to close my eyes a moment to contain myself.  When I open them again Cody is hunched over, slurping and sucking at her left tit as he continues to grope the other.  Sarah’s fingers comb through his thick, black hair.  Her eyes stare out into infinity.  Her expression twisting and shifting to every squeeze and suck and swipe of the tongue.  “Sssss!”  She hisses and tenses up, her fingers clawing into the back of his head, and I realize that he must be right now biting her tender nipple.  I thought she might protest.  I was wrong.  “YESSS!”

Cody suddenly stands upright and hastily strips out of his shirt.  It wasn’t even off before my Sarah has her hands on his body, running up and down his firm, fit physique.  His flesh was tanned, his muscles lean, his skin smooth and shaved to reveal every graceful contour.  Even at his age my body was never that good, to say nothing of now.  The way my beloved touched him and drank him in with her eyes let me know that she appreciated this fine manly specimen before her.

They trade gropes and kisses to each others bodies before Cody scoops her into his arms and carries my giggling spouse away from the counter.  As he turns my breath catches in my chest at the massive bulge filling the crotch of his shorts.  I am even more shook as the pair walk my way.  I had been so caught up in being the invisible voyeur that I actually forgot I was even here!


Sarah, 5:38 pm

Positively swooning, my body on fire and my boobies tingling, I am carried toward the living room in Cody’s strong arms and I am shook at the sight of my husband sitting there on the sofa, his wide eyes glued to us.  Golly!  I was so swept up in all the good feelings…I’d almost forgotten he was still there!  As he gawks at me in sexual wonderment I flash him a smile.  As we come around the sofa I notice the little tent in Alfred’s pants, at the tip of which was a small dark spot.  I wasn’t the only one wet in this house.

“Did you cum in your pants again baby?”  I whisper as we near.

“Hrrm.”  He clears his throat and shakes his head no as his face glows a bright pink.  I wasn’t sure if he was fibbing or not.  If it wasn’t semen it must have been a heck of a lot of precum to be able to soak right through like that.

“Bit of a hair trigger there King?”  Cody chuckles.

“Sometimes no trigger.”  I titter, knowing full well the reaction my words would have.  Alfred does not disappoint.  Closing his eyes and balling up his fists he fights back the urge that I knew was there.  “Isn’t he cute!?”

Before the red faced Alfred can reply, Cody says.  “I got some techniques.  And ya gotta work them kegels.  I’ll show ya someday.”

“Uhhh…thanks?”  He squirms uncomfortably.

Cody sets me down beside my husband in a most gentlemanly sort of way.  The young man pushes the coffee table away with his foot then kneels down in front of me.  He looks at Alfred, sitting there at arm’s length, and shoots hims a saucy wink before turning his attention back to me again.  In that decisive, forceful way of his he hooks his fingers into the elastic waist of my light summer skirt.  With just a slight pressure of his wrists he has me lift my bum then he pulls the skirt away, my panties going along for the ride!

“Oh!”  I peep at my coochie suddenly being out in the open and looked at by someone not my husband or doctor.

Giving me no time to come to grips with my total nudity Cody hooks an arm under my left leg and hoists it up and out while simultaneously heaving me out to the edge of the cushion.  Gosh I loved the way he handle me!  It was so…so…masculine.  He licks his lips once then dives in!

“Oh”  I flinch as a long, light lick of the young man’s warm mouth up my wet slit sends electric arcs of bliss through my crotch.  “Oh gosh!  Oh golly!  Oh my goodness!”  I squirm as Cody’s mouth envelops my sex, his gently dancing tongue doing things to me that…OH MY GOD!  “OH!”  I gasp as I grip the arm of the sofa to the left and Alfred’s forearm to the right.  “OHHH GEEZ!”

“Mmm.”  Cody hums, his eyes smiling as his tongue teases at my button and his bottom lip laps up and down my labia.

“Hmmm!”  I moan as gradually he increases the pace and pressure at precisely the rate my body was begging for it.  “Mmmmm!”

His left hand glides up along the side of my body to find my breast.  Taking hold he begins to massage it, his strong thumb giving the nipple a firm upward petting until it is as erect as my husband’s penis.  With that thought I reach for Alfred’s crotch but to my surprise he stops me, probably worried that he’d ejaculate.  Too caught up in my own pleasure to give it much thought I return my hand to his arm to grip it again.

Down below Cody’s tongue was now taking slow, grinding laps around and across my clitoris.  The way he rubbed that wonderful tongue of his against my most sensitive part was magical!

“Ohhhhh!”  Oh my goodness!  I had no idea oral could be this good!  When Alfred had gone down on me it was all fun and frenzied passion.  It felt great but…nothing compared to this!  Cody’s tongue, Cody’s whole mouth, was sucking me and licking me and summoning forth carnal pleasures I didn’t even know where possible.  He wasn’t rushing anything nor slowing anything down.  He read my motions, my noises, even my taste to allow my rising orgasm to bloom at it’s own natural rate.  I never would have guessed that eating pussy was such a developed skill but Cody made me a believer.  “Gollyyy!”

“Is he good?”  Alfred croaks.

“He’s good.”  I nod as my back arches and my hips grind back, my body now more in Cody’s control than my own.  “He’s good!  He’s good!  Ohhhh my God!”  Just then he slips his middle finger all the way into my drooling pussy to add a whole other dimension to his oral!  My cooch, so desperate for anything inside of it, bears down on his finger with all its strength.  “OHHH GOD!”

“RRRNNGH!”  Cody lets out a deep growl, his eyes staring up at me with a hard fervor as his tongue gradually shifts into a forceful, repetitive direct lapping of my clitty.  While his tongue was doing wonders it wasn’t alone.  His whole mouth was involved.  His lips kissing and sucking on mine and his bottom teeth ever so gently rasping against my upper petals every few licks.  And of course that quick thrusting finger!

“Oh Alfred!”  I gasp.  “I’m gonna…cum!”


Alfred, 5:51 pm

Hearing my wife cry out that she was about to climax for another man and feeling the intense passion behind those words in the tightness of her grip on my arm nearly makes me get there first.  Damned if I know how but somehow, someway, I hold back the orgasm that hovered at the very edge of release as Cody’s skilled mouth carries Sarah inexorably to the other side.

Watching him eat her out with such incredible skill and passion was a humbler.  Him having more size and stamina I could chalk up to God given gifts, but on performing cunnilingus better than me on this woman I loved more than life itself there was no excuse.  I’d been with my angel for decades and here comes this man, this…boy young enough to be our grown son, to totally upstage everything I’d done before.  By the lust drunk look on her face I knew that Cody was rocking her world like never before.  She would not forget this.  And neither would I.  I had to seriously step up my oral game.

“That’s it baby.” I whisper encouragingly, though it wasn’t needed.  “Cum for him.”

“OHH!  OHH!  OHHHH ALFRED!”  Her whole body tenses and begins to tremble as another name spills from her full, open lips.  “OH CODY!  OH CODY!  OHHHH CODY!”

“Rrrrmmm!”  Cody growls once more as mouth fucks and finger fucks my woman to a frenzied finish.

“OHHHHHH!”  My wife cries in a high, sweet tone that could only signify sexual ecstasy.  Letting go of my arm Sarah grabs Cody’s head and through soft, peeping grunts humps his mouth with a wild desperation I had rarely seen in her.  “Ohh!  Ohh!  Hmm!”  Her soft, voluptuous body jerks and writhes as waves of orgasm course through her.  It was her first orgasm with another man and by God it was a good one!  “OHHHHH CODYYYY!”

Chapter 25 



Aw shit, maybe bepising next time.