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Visibly a bit miffed at cumming first Winona gives me a ‘how dare you’ sort of glare.  I just give her my best cutesy eyes and ask.  “Something wrong?”

“You cheeky…insolent…impudent…little…”

“I love you Daddy.”  I smile.

“Pfff.”  The effect was instantaneous, in a heartbeat my dominant Daddy was putty in my hands.  I might have felt guilty if I didn’t mean it.  She gives my tush a gentle squeeze and stroke.  “That’s not fair.”

“Sorry.”  I giggle then  nuzzle and smooch her spent schlong, loving the feel of her softening weight pressing against my nose.  “So wh-what did I win?”  I whisper again, knowing full well that I was asking for trouble.

She gives my ass a hard squeeze.  “You win a serving of seconds ya brat.”


I reach for her dick with my mouth but it is taken away from me.  The next thing I knew I was being rassled around the bed.  I try to be quiet but I cannot help but giggle as she grapples me in the most wonderful way.  In her naked manhandling and heaving me this way and that she always careful to keep control of my body while never causing even the slightest discomfort.  It was like being mauled by a teddy bear.  All if it results in me suddenly upside down on my neck and shoulders with her sitting tight behind me.  My outstretched arms were pinned to the bed by her legs.  My back was hugged tight against her front with my butt pointed right at her face.  She gives my left bum cheek a big yet gentle bite as I giggle and wriggle in her arms, my feet kicking through the air high above.

She shifts to slide her cheek alongside my hip and grins down at me.  Holding me to her with her left arm she grabs my dick with her right hand.  My dick that was currently directly above my face.  Without any ado she begins to milk my stiffy.


She strokes me at a steady pace in a medium grip.  “You swear you didn’t jerk it last night?”

“Oh!  I swear.  Ohhh!”

“You were pent up AND I had a head start?  It’s official then.  I’m terrible at giving head.”   She winks.  “Good thing I’m a top, huh?”

“N-No!  You’re awesome!  It felt wonderful!”  I writhe.  “Y-You’re just…”


“…not as g-good as me.  He he he!”

She bites my bum again.  “Cheeky.”


She chuckles.  “Shhh.”  As she holds me and strokes me, always careful to keep my tip pointed straight down at my face, she motions to the wall.  “You think he’s beating his meat right now?”


She laughs.  “I bet he is.  Probably has his ear pressed against the wall.”  Raising her head she lets out a long, lewd moan.  “Ohhhhh Avery!  Ohhhhhh yes!”  Her voice rises.  “Ohhhh!  Ohhhhhh!  I’m cumming!  OHHHHH!”  All at once she falls quiet again and listens intently.  To her disappointment she hears nothing.  She bites her tongue in a trouble-making smile.  “I bet the perv is listening.”

“He mi…” I start.  “N-Nevermind.”

“No, what?  Tell me.”

I shouldn’t say it.  I couldn’t say it!  It would be a roommate betrayal.  But I can’t help myself.

“He was p-probably d-done awhile ago.”  I blush, and not simply for the blood rushing to my head.  In a super quiet voice I say.  “He c-cums really, really fast.”

“And how would you know that?”

“H-He’s not too secret wh-when he faps.”

“Oh no.”

“Sometimes he does it r-right in the living room.  Even when I’m home.”  I say.  “He’s so fast!”

“No way.”

“Once he started while I was in the washroom brushing my teeth.  He was done before I was!”


“Shhh!”  I titter.  “You c-can’t say anything.”

“I won’t.”  She winks.  “Enough of that, ugh.  My girl will never cum thinking about that.”

“Mmm.”  I hum as Winona’s pumping hand has me feeling that pressure again.  “Ohhmmm.”

She rests her head against my hip, gazing down on me with a lovey-dovey smile.  “You are so pretty my girl.”

“Thank youuu.”

“Gonna look even prettier with a nice big load on your face.”

I laugh.  I wriggle again and try to reach to touch her but her legs had my arms pinned good.  I was utterly at her mercy.

“You gonna squirt for Daddy?  Mmm.”

As if on command a little stream of precum oozes out to drizzle over my face. I catch what I can in my mouth.  “Mmm.”

“Good girl!”  She pauses to spit in her hand and quickly starts jerking me again, even quicker this time.  “Ten more seconds.”


That cocky Daddy smirk brightens her features.  “Ten more seconds or baby girl’s gonna have to wait until next time.”


“My pussy needs some love too and it ain’t waitin all night.  Let’s go.  Ten.  Nine.”


“Eight.”  Her grip tightens.



Gah!  I wish she’d slow down.  I was used to trying to hold back my orgasm to last longer for my partner, not hurrying it along.  I pour all of my focus into the good feelings Winona was bringing out in me.  Her warm body against mine.  Her breasts and cock pressed against my back.  The smell of her musk and jizz that wafted through the air.  Her beautiful face watching me.  And of course her hard stroking hand tugging on my sex.

“Six.  Five.”

“Hnngh!  Hnngh!”  I help myself along by thrusting with the strokes as best as my topsy-turvy position would allow.  I stare up at my own hard, slender penis pointed straight at me.  “Ohhh Daddy.”

“That’s it baby girl.” She urges me.  “I wanna see you gush.  Four.”


“Three.  Cum for Daddy baby.”



“Hahhhh!”  I sigh, my voice high and soft, as the bliss takes me.  With my mouth wide as orgasmic rapture claims me I am treated with my ‘serving of seconds’.  Hot cum blasts from my clit-dick and onto my waiting face.

“One!”  She says with a celebratory lift in her tone.  “Good girl!  Good girl!”

“Hnngh!  Mmmm!”  I take my self facial like a good girl, glorifying in each sticky wad and gobbling up every salty dribble I can catch as Winona milks me to the last drop.  I’d given myself a self-facial before but having someone to do it to me was SO much better.  I loved the way the aroma and taste of my load blends with hers.  She gives my member a shake and my balls a little pat as if to say, ‘well done’.  My face a mess I smile my prettiest smile and whisper sweetly.  “Thank you Daddy.”

She laughs and rolls out from behind me, allowing my to flop down onto the mattress.  “You are too much!”  She kneels over and grabs my shoulders to shake me.  “You are too much!”

“He he he he!”

She kisses me, a big wide-mouthed sucking kiss across my cummy lips so that she could taste me too.  Our tongues dance a moment before she pulls away again.  “You are so fun!  Ah!”

“You t-too.”

Her face twists.  “But you taste…terrible!”

“Pfft!  What?”

“Is that what cum tastes like?”  She pauses.  “Guhhh.  Nasty.”

I cannot hold in my sounds any longer as laughter seizes me.  “Ha ha ha ha!”

She sticks out her tongue as the flavor really hits her.  “Gah!  Ulgh!  What do you like in this stuff?  Ewww.  EWWWW!  Water!”  She starts looking around for something, anything to drink.  “Water!”

Paralyzed by hilarity I was no help at all.  That sour look on her face!  “Ha ha ha ha ha!  Ha ha ha ha!  Ahhh ha ha ha ha!”

Not seeing anything right away to wash the taste from her mouth she gives up.  “Ah, fuck it.  Gotta get used to it sometime.”

She kisses down my body and scoops up my dick in her mouth to give it a long, super hard suckle to draw out every last blessed drip.  My toes curl at the force of her hard sucking at my tender sex.  It felt like she was going to suck my testes right up through the shaft!  “Hnnnngh!”

“Pah!”  She releases me to lavish my balls with some kisses before smooching back up my body to kiss and lick and suck around my smiling face.  “You taste so bad.”  She whispers, her hands groping my titties.  “So why can’t I stop?”

“He he he he!”  I beam.

Holding me down to the bed she presses her body down on mine and ends with another hard, deep kiss.  “Mmmm!”

Chapter 71 


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