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Sarah: Saturday, 12:33 pm

I’m bent over with a happy coochie full of fresh spunk, my husband behind me with the cutest dumbfounded look on his face, when I turn my attention back to the sink full of dishes in front of me.  With a tuneless little hum I continue washing as if nothing had happened.  Besides Alfred’s heavy breathing and the occasional splash of water all is quiet in our kitchen but I can feel his eyes on my bare behind and sense the struggle going on inside of him.  His manhood was spent, in record time, but I had asked for more.  Without the zeal of erotic energy that pent up testes gave to a man, in that exhausted clarity that came just after an orgasm, what would he do with my request?

Though I was acting nonchalant from his perspective I was actually smiling like mad.  He had cum SO FAST!  Like crazy fast.  How wild must a man be for his lady to finish in just three strokes?  When we started stepping out of the ordinary I had never expected that this was the direction we were going to take.  I had been looking to unlock my husband’s ‘beast mode’ and instead stumbled into some sort of ‘beta mode’, and I LOVED it!  The loss of control wasn’t what I expected but it was just as intoxicating.  The faster he got, the less control he had, and the more embarrassed he felt the more of a naughty thrill I was getting.  The subversive rush of power that coursed through me was definitely a sexual high but far more psychological than physical, different but equally delicious.

As for physically my body still ached for a man’s touch.  Even as heated up as I was three and half thrusts barely even got my engine running never mind revving.  And after my playtime with Rocco still fresh in my mind it was difficult not to notice how my Alfred’s smaller dimensions just couldn’t quite fill me and reach those new areas in the way my coochie was becoming accustomed to.  A little voice inside of me began to worry that I might never be satisfied to go back to the way it was before all of this started but I console myself with the knowledge that this was all just the first blush of a new sexual adventure.  After so long of the same thing of course everything felt amplified right now.  We’d have our kinky fun for awhile then settle back into our comfy contented ways again.

A thump to the floor behind me causes the water to ripple.  Briefly I peek back to see that my husband had fallen to his knees.  A hand, fingers splayed wide, sinks into the soft flesh of my right buttock.  It happens again to my left.  He grips them both then spreads my cheeks wide apart.  His thumbs reach in to open my labial lips in a similar fashion to reveal my pink slit slick with his semen.  A moment later his mouth is on my pussy, his lips pressed into mine in a most passionate kiss.

“Oh!”  I gasp at the ferocity of his oral.

His tongue drives deeply into my tunnel then scoops and draws back again culminating in a hard swallow before it stabs back into me again.

Oh my goodness!  Alfred was eating his own cum out of my pussy!

“Rrrrrmm!”  He growls as he laps up more and more cum and pussy juice to devour.  Locking his lips on mine he sucks hard, a loud slurping sound echoing through our kitchen.

“GOLLY!”  I drop the plate I’d been cleaning back into the water and grip the faucet.

“Mmmm!”  He rummages deeply and aggressively into my vagina greedily hunting for more seed to suck from me.  His head dips low suddenly and I feel his tongue lap up along my left inner thigh, catching the cum that had dribbled down my leg.  “Hrrrmmm!”  His mouth finds my coochie again and suckles onto it even more intensely than before.

“Ohhh geez.”  My legs tremble as my husband eats his spunk out of me like a starving man.  So desperate was his need he slips two fingers inside of me to reach deeper and draw out more of his creamy load.  His lips pursed he slurps it all up as if through a straw then continues to suck on me as his two fingers thrust in and out.  “Ohhhhhh Alfred!  Ohhhh my gosh!”

My body is alight with erotic pleasure as my wifely power trip is taken to yet another level.  I had my King literally on his knees doing things to me that his masculine pride never would have allowed him do just a week ago.  If a man was willing to eat his own ejaculate from out of his woman, what wouldn’t he do for her?  Drunk on lust and ego I decide to test his limits.

“My bum.”  I gasp between hard breaths.  “Eat my bum you…you…you cuckold.”

“Oh my God.”  I grunts.  Despite the surprise of the request my hubby does not leave me waiting as the very next moment his whole face is buried between my ass cheeks, his mouth and probing tongue squarely on my anus!

“OH GOSH!”  The trembling in my legs spreads up through the rest of me as unfamiliar sensation being touched there swirls with the pure pleasure his thrusting fingers were arousing in my sex.  I bring my head and shoulders lower, not even caring that my hair was now dipping down into the water, and push back against him  “Ohhh baby…you’re gonna make me cummm!”

“RRRMMM!”  With all the ravenous hunger he had shown my pussy he makes passionate mouth love to my back door, his tongue jabbing and plunging around and into my sensitive sphincter as his fingers take me past the brink.

“Ohhhh!”  My trembling becomes full blown shudders as a powerful orgasm roars through me.  “NNNNGHHH!!!”

Unable to resist the sudden rush of nectar Alfred brings his mouth back to my climaxing womanhood to suck the orgasm right out of me.

After a heavenly minute of release I slump hard into he counter and gasp.  “Stop!  Ohhh my God.  Stop.”

Mercifully my husband obeys.  Like a big blob of jelly I ooze down the counter and into Alfred’s waiting arms.  He guides us to sit on the floor, our backs against the counter, and holds me close.  I look at him, his face wet with our combined juices and his breath pungent with the smell of cum.  To my smitten gaze he had never looked more sexy.

“That better?”  He smiles.

“Ohhhh.”  I sigh.  “That’ll do baby, that’ll do.”  I then pull him down into a deep, loving kiss.


Sarah, 1:41 pm

Over the next couple of hours the pair of us are as playful as kittens.  The whole time we are giggling and smooching and poking at each other.  He was loving what was happening every bit as much as I was and it was his joy that made it all so amazing.  I couldn’t have enjoyed any of this without him.  During our shower together not only does he prod me to tease his performance he actually makes a few self-deprecating quips himself.  And every time I gave in and hit him with some sarcastic praise or double-edged compliment I noticed his cute little dick twitch in response.  He was lapping his ‘humiliation’ up as eagerly as he had lapped up his jizm from my coochie.  If I was his rose and I was learning that my Alfred enjoyed the thorns as much as the bloom.  I didn’t pretend to understand it but seeing him happy made me happy.

After he had gone down for a much needed nap I stood at the door for a time just to watch my tuckered out cuckold sleep.  God how I loved him.

My ebullient buzz gets harshed when I am kicked back on the sofa reading my book and I hear raised voices from across the backyard.  Not the usual nocturnal cries and moans of sexual delight, these were shouts of anger.  I consider putting on some music to cover the sound but I am way too much of a nosy parker not to listen to drama happening so close to the house.  Creeping to the deck door I crack it open then stand to the side to listen in.

“You asshole!”  Comes Crystal’s voice.  “You can’t be serious right now.”

“I am.”  Cody replies, his voice just as loud but stern and controlled.  “I’ve figured some stuff out.  I know what I want and it’s not you.  I’m sorry.”

“Well fuck you very much.  Just like that, huh?”

“Come on Crystal.  You know this was never meant to be.”

Golly!  Cody was breaking up with Crystal!  This was so sudden.

“I don’t get it.”  She says.  “What changed?”

“I changed.”  He says.  “I’m done pretending.”

“Done pretending.”  She scoffs.  “If you want her, go ahead and bang her.  I’ll fuckin help!  I’ll keep hubby happy while ya pound her.  Hell, I’ve already been working on her for ya.”

“Keep your voice down.”

“What’s different this time?”  She says.  “We’ve got a totally open relationship.  Just like we always wanted.  You’re free to…”

“Just like YOU always wanted.”  He shouts.  “You!”

“For fuck sake.  Don’t pretend you didn’t like it.  You banged anything with tits.”


“What’s she got that’s so special, huh?  That little ugly bitch.  You really fell for that sweet and innocent act, huh?  Is that what you like?”


“Cody!  She’s twice your fucking age.  And she fucking married!”

I gasp, my heart beating double time.  They couldn’t possibly be talking about what it sounded like, could they?

“Be quiet!”

“FUCK YOU!”  All of a sudden Crystal’s voice is far louder.  She had stepped out into the yard.  “Hey Sarah!  You wanted an upgrade on that subcompact?  Well congratulations, you got it bitch.”

“Crystal!”  Cody’s voice flares with anger.  “Be quiet!”

“You like’em old now?  Old and fucking fat, fuckin pussy all stretched out from poppin a kid.  You like that shit?”

“Jesus!  Stop it!  Leave her out of this.”

“What’s she got?  Huh?  What’s that old bitch got over me?”

“Well…she’s kind.  She gave me soup.”

“Soup!?  Fuck, open a can man.”

“She treats me like a person.”

“And I don’t?”

“You treat me like a penis that you can dress up and take out.  All you care about is the sex.”

“All you care about is the sex.”  She says back in mockery.  “I treat you like a cock because that cock is all you’re good for, dumb ass.”

“That’s…not true.”

“You think anybody would give a damn about you if you didn’t have the cute face and the big schlong?”  She says.  “Wake up Cody.  You’re dumb as a sack of rocks with a ‘nice guy’ personality.  All your boring interests and stupid jokes.  You’re a loser in an alpha body.  If you weren’t packin you’d still be a virgin.  That cock is all you got going for you.”

“That’s not true.”

“What does every single girl we’ve ever been with say about you?  Huh?  Every single one.”


“Nice cock.  What a cock.  Jesus what a huge cock.”  She prods.  “BDC.  That’s you.  That’s all you are.  A pretty play thing with the big dong.”

“I-I’m more than that.  I’m a people pleaser.  I’m a good worker.  I’ve got a good heart.  I’m not as simple as people think.”  He says as I secretly cheer him on.  “And it’s okay to stand up for myself.  I deserve respect!”

“Listen to yourself.  You sound like such a loser.”

“I’m not a loser.”

“Listen baby, listen.  These two have gotten in your head.  This whole place has gotten to you.”  Crystal says, her voice suddenly apologetic.  “Let’s get outta here.  Let’s go back to the city where we belong.”

“I belong here.”

“You don’t need her.  Even if you could pry her away she could never satisfy you like I can.  Let’s…”

“It’s not her!”  He cries, his voice then lowers. “It’s…it’s him.”

There is a long moment of silence.  “What?”

“It’s…it’s Alfred.  It’s Alfred!”


His voice so quiet I can barely hear him he says.  “I love him.”


“I love Sarah too.  Sarah told me there are different kinds of love…”

“WHAT!?  Alfred!?”

“He’s a good man.  You don’t see him everyday like I do.  The way he talks to people.  The way he treats people.  The way he looks at me when I did something good.  How he helps me…”

“Alfred?  The nerd who lives next door?  The minute man with the tiny pecker?  That Alfred?”

“Yeah.  Boss man.”

“No, no, no, no.  No fucking way.”  She laughs.  “Wait a minute.  You’re gay!?  You’re fucking gay!?”

“I’m not.  I like women too.”

“You’re gay for HIM!?  Ha ha ha ha!”

“Stop laughing at me.”

“That’s why you liked watching so much.”  She says with a hard, cruel edge to her words.  “Were thinking about them when you were fucking me after?”


“Gross.”  She sighs.  “Listen.  Let’s just take some time and figure this out.  Okay baby?  You’re clearly all messed up.  Let’s not be hasty.”

“I have figured it out.”

“Fuckin…”  She grumbles.  “I’ll out you.  I’ll tell everyone your queer.”

“I don’t care.”  He says.  “You’re not a nice person Crystal.  You don’t deserve me.”

“You can’t just throw me away that easy.”  She says.  “I’ll march in there right now and tell them what a terrible person you are.”

“They won’t believe you.  They like me for who I am.”

“Like you.”  She seethes.  “Sarah just wants that big dick like every other bitch.  You’ll see.  That’s all they want from you.”

“It’s not true.”

“Alright then.”  Saving her best shot until last she says.  “I’ll tell Alfred you’re banging his daughter.”


“He doesn’t know, does he?”  She laughs.  “I didn’t think so.  I saw her pictures in his office.  He idolizes her.”

“Crystal, please…”

“He thinks Faith is this sweet thing just like Sarah.  Nobody’s had the heart to tell him, have they?  He doesn’t know her like we know her, does he?”

“I-I don’t think so.  And he doesn’t need to.”

“Oh, but he does Cody.  He does.  He should know what a filthy little slut he’s raised.”  She says.  “And I bet he’d be really interested to know you’re railing her on the regular behind his back.”

“I only did it twice.  You told me to the first time.  She begged me the second.  I wanted to make her happy.”

“A real people pleaser.  Ha!”


“He’s a proud daddy and you’ve been banging his precious little princess.  On company time no less.  You think he’ll like that?”

“No.”  My heart drops as I hear the anguish in Cody’s voice.

“Once he knows do you think he’ll EVER let you near him or Sarah?  Huh?”


“He won’t.  He’ll kick your ass out of here and fire you so fast it will make that queer head of yours spin.”  She says, poison dripping from every word.  “He’ll hate you Cody.  He’ll HATE you.”


“No job.  No house.  No girlfriend.  No reputation.  You’ll have nothing Cody.  You’ll have nothing and nobody.”  She lets out a long breath.  “Come on baby.  Let’s forget about this stupid barbecue and that any of this even happened.  Okay?  Let’s get the fuck outta here.”

Another long pause then I hear Cody’s voice whisper in defeat.  “Okay.”

Part 20 


Michael Dierks

Oh. Now you are going to make me rail against a future already written... as it were. I think Alfred has done nice work with Cody, I don't think a King would let his kingdom come undone so easily, he's pretty solid. I guess Sarah just needs to realize what must happen. I would hate for Cody to lose what he has found. Crystal is an instigator, but I think for selfish reasons. I don't know that she can learn anything here, she's just to closed. Your "next chapter" has surprised me before, too many possible paths depending on what you have planne. Dang it, now I will just have to wait with trepidation.