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Hello again Grim gang,

I hope y'all are having a great start to 2023.  I've got to say that on my end, while there are still challenges and uncertainties to grapple with, this year already has a great uplifting energy about it.  I find myself with my chin up, my chest out and my eyes on the horizon again.  And after a year on my knees that feels so damn good.

Speaking of the horizon let's talk about what's coming up for the old Patreon.  It's pretty simple.  Slave Girl 2 will continue on.  The new "backburner" serial A Simple Life will kick off.  And if I get the time and/or inspiration I'll try for another short.  And that's basically it.  Business as usual.

On A Simple Life I just wanted to give a big thanks to all of you who participated in all of the polls.  I had a blast watching the community and two main characters take shape.  I cannot wait to meet Avery and Winona and explore Haven Point with you!  I can truly say that without your input whatever story I end up telling would have been much different.  In that spirit I hope to continue to involve you all with more polls as the story progresses.

For the non-mushy types among you you should probably skip this next paragraph.  lol  TL;DR, thanks.

From the bottom of my heart I want to say that I appreciate you and I never take your support for granted.  In a world of layoffs, inflation, recession, hurtful divisions, stress from every direction, and a million different demands for your cash and attention I am so grateful that you choose to share your precious time and support with this crazy writer.  I might never achieve my dream of making a living at this stuff but y'all have let me at least chase that dream, and that alone is fucking amazing!  Whether you are here to bust a nut or have a laugh or shed a tear, thank you.

Take care out there and keep on being awesome.  ❤




Genuinely happy to read this update! :) The latest chapter of Slave Girl was a masterpiece. I wish I could download my feelings and share with you how happy and bursting with life I felt after reading it. I swear you are a real magician at mixing kinkyness with the sweetest, most heart-melting romance xD