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Rosa and I settle in to enjoy a quiet evening together.  A glorious, wonderful, quiet evening together.

After we wash each other in the pool we make a gathering pass through our woods and garden for some easy forage of figs, rosemary and lavender.  The latter two, along with some salt and olive oil, Rosa uses to rub down a rack of lamb ribs as I build a fire in a brazier that I had pulled out onto our balcony.  As the flames burn down into nice white coals we prepare the rest of our meal together.

The evening was familiar.  It was reminiscent of those of my early memories, in the good days when Dad was still home I would see him and Mom loving and laughing over the stove together as I played at their feet.  Experiencing this profound domestic love now I feel keenly the sacrifice my father made to go fight in service of the Empire so that his wife could be provided for and his son could grow up safe.  The strength it must have taken to leave his love and his kin leaves me deeply humbled.  Humbled and so gods damned proud to be that great man’s son.

With thoughts of my childhood home floating near the surface I remind myself to find a way to send word back to my mother to let her know that I’d made it.  When I talk to Rosa about it she tells me that she would speak to Cassie to see what options we might have.

The rest of the meal prepared we then return to share drinks and roast the lamb over the coals as I look out over the beautiful Italian landscape and describe it in detail to my blind lover.  The sunset is golden, the stars peeking out through the gaps of the breaking cloud cover above us.  The wine is sweet, the meat fatty and succulent, the sides delicious, and the ripe, rich figs the perfect finish.

After we dine we relax together with my slave reclining on a couch and me sitting on a low stool in front of her so that she could hug me and rest her head upon my shoulder from behind.  She sings to me softly as her gentle fingers slowly stroke through my hair.  With a full belly, a warm fire, a gentle breeze, and my body nicely fatigued from a day’s work I relax to my Lady’s tender touch and mellow…melodic…voice…



Lips touch my cheek in a kiss as her finger swipes a little dribble of drool from the corner of my mouth.  “You fell asleep.”

“Mmm…sorry.”  I rub my eyes.

“Come on baby.”  She whispers and begins to pull me up to my feet.

“I’m okay.  If you still want to…”

“Shhh.”  She kisses me again.  “We’ll clean this up in the morning.”

I nod.

Rosa still humming a lilting tune leads her groggy Master into the bedchamber and strips me down naked.

“I saved some energy for you.”  I say.  “I’m not tired.”

My slave chuckles quietly and strokes her hand down my back and pats my bum.  “Shhh.”

She lays me down in the center of our bed, face down, and runs a hand from my neck all the way down to my toes.  The dim not being an impediment to her she strolls to the open doorway where I watch her lovely silhouette glide across the faint gloaming glow.  She closes and locks the door to plunge the room into the dark.  I hear her moving closer to the bed, a whisper quiet rustle tells me she had disrobed herself.  A moment later this is confirmed as she straddles my back and settles down on me, her pussy, balls, and cock feeling warm and soft against my skin.  Gentle hands rub up my back to find my neck, and then she begins a massage.

“Ohhhh.”  I moan as her skilled hands start to work the taut, tired muscles of my neck and shoulders.

“You worked so hard today.”  She whispers.  “Now it’s my turn.  I will make you feel good Master.  Go ahead and drift away.”  Her fingers comb up through my hair to give a deep rub to my scalp.  “Just driiift awayyy.”


Diligently and thoroughly she massages every muscle of my head, my neck, my shoulders, arms and back.  It is a different sort of massage than an oiled one but just as wonderful.  Her practiced touch finds every knot and niggle, some that I didn’t even know that I had until her deep probing thumbs zeroed in on them, and her naturally warmer body temperature makes her soft hands feel hot against my bare skin to help melt the tension beneath them.  She continues down without pause to do my ass and hamstrings and calves and feet, even each individual toe!  The firm massage brings out a sweat over her lithe body as she works.  All the while her humming lullaby floats through the air around me.

She then turns me over with as little fuss and disruption as possible and starts again on my thick thighs to work back up again.  With a tender touch she even massages my balls and dick in way that was not meant to arouse yet so incredibly…soothing.  I never even imagined how good a nonsexual massage could feel to a penis, scrotum and testicles until now.

As if on a cloud I lay in a blissful half conscious daze soaking up these good feelings like a sponge.  How much would such an experience cost for a wealthy man?  No amount seemed enough.  And here this simpleton farmer was getting it for free.  Thank you o glorious Venus.  Thank you.  I do my best to stay awake so that I could experience every last ounce of joy my Lady was gifting me and so that I could thank her when it was finished, but by the time she was on my left bicep, shoulder, and peck I knew I was drifting off.  I even catch myself letting out a small snore.  The last thing I remember is her thumbs rubbing in slow circles in the meat of my right palm…


I slowly open my eyes to see the morning light creeping through the thin seams of the windows and door.  I lay in the exact position that I had fallen asleep in, my whole body still aglow from the rub down that had guided me into my slumber.  I swear I could almost hear the final note of Rosa’s soft lullaby still suspended in the air.

Turning my head to the left I find my slave curled up into a little ball in the space between my arm and my torso, her body clinging to mine for the heat.  Her long violet hair with its pink tips was tied up in a loose knot, most likely done last night so that it wouldn’t get in the way of the massage, and peaceful face more beautiful than I could even bear.  In the private silence of the early morn I cry.  I do not know why I cry, perhaps a sort of mourning for the months and years of my life I’d spent deprived of this blessing of love or perhaps they were just simple tears of joy, but cry I do.  Just for a little bit.  And it feels good.  I pull the blankets up over her fine bare shoulder and tighten my arm around her to share my heat more fully.  She makes the cutest little murmur and snuggles in closer against me.

I close my eyes again and lay in total relaxation.  I knew I only had one more day where my time would be my own to get this old place spiffed up.  I was conscious of the passing minutes.  Normally I would have tried to slip from the bed to get an early start.  But not this morning.  This morning my time was still mine to spend how I wished…and I could think of no better use for it than lying with Rosa.

Chapter 37 


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