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As her orgasm trails away Alan lets Kitty’s weight down and loosens the grip on her hair.  She collapses into him, clinging to his big body, and he holds her as the final aftershocks still quake through her system.  She likes the warm fuzzy feeling of his sweater vest against her naked breasts and stomach, how his huge body encompassed hers, and how his large strong hands held her close and stroked her hair and bare back.  To be held like this by a big strong Daddy was even better than the climax itself.  Kitty smiles as she runs her hand over the fuzzy wool of Alan’s cable knit vest and feels the hulking body beneath.  In that moment she felt so grateful to him.  For his kindness to her brother, for the car, for his understanding, for the gentleness of his hug at her low moment, for the much needed discipline, for the roughness in handling her that made her orgasm so damn hard, and for his permission to call him Daddy.  Kitty was indeed very grateful for everything he had done and it was time to pay some of it back.

Kitty looks up at Alan and wriggles in tight against him.  Reaching up she strokes his beard and with a deliciously naughty bat of her eyes whispers.  “My turn Daddy.”

Taking his right hand in both of hers she brings it to her mouth and sucks her own juice from the finger that had just made her cum so good.  Alan watches her taste herself.  She hums softly as she sucks it a few times before pulling it from her sucking lips and licking the tip.  Her tongue swirls around her pink lips lewdly before she swallows and lets out a sigh.  She pulls her hand down her body, centering it on a breast before letting it go.  As any man would he automatically begins to feel and fondle her soft breast.  He squeezes her little titty between his fat fingers then traces the tawny edges of her erect nipple wit his thumb.  His other hand slides down her back to grab her ass, his finger tips teasing at her cunny.  Kit closes her eyes and just savors it, his big powerful hands felt so fucking good on her.

And she felt just as good to him.  Having a beautiful, naked, normal woman in his arms enflames Alan’s lust like it hadn’t been in ages.  Evelyn’s anatomy had been quite a surprise when it was finally revealed all those years ago but he was far too in love with her at that point to let such a trivial thing like a wrist thick fourteen inch cock stand between them.

“I love your tits.”  He kisses her briefly but passionately.  “I love your pussy.  I love your perfect ass.  I love your whole hot body Kitty Garcia.”  

“Mmmmm.”  She smiles, feeling like the sexiest little slut in the whole world as the taste of his kiss lingers.  Alan’s words just hit different.  “Thank you Daddy.”

She opens her eyes again and reaches to the side.  Picking up Alan’s folded coveralls from where head set them she then drops them to the floor between his feet.   He knew what what it meant so was not surprised as she slowly and smoothly begins to lowers herself.  His one hand slides over her breast and up across her shoulder and the other glides along her back as she goes to her knees, using the folded garment as padding against the unforgiving cement floor.

Kneeling in front of him Kitty is face to crotch with Alan.  She strokes his rock hard erection through his expensive twill trousers.  Like his car, his house, everything he owned, the pants were of the finest quality.  This was a man of discerning tastes.  He expected nothing but the best.  And the best was exactly what he was about to receive.

“Mmmm.”  Kitty peers up at him with enticing eyes.  “Is this for me Daddy?”

“Yes it is baby girl.”  He runs his fingers through her silky curly hair.  “Suck my cock.”

She titters, loving how direct and crude the usually stuffy Alan could be when he wanted to.  “Yes Sir.”

With an irresistible hunger to taste him Kitty pulls down his fly and reaches through, her slender hand easily passing through the space available.  She pulls his underwear down as best and as far as she could to get it out of the way.  She finds his black pubes not wild and bushy but trimmed nicely, something too few men did, and she even catches the faint whiff of cologne.  Alan was all class, she wouldn’t have expected anything else.  Impatient for dick she wastes no time in fishing not only his aroused penis but also his balls out through the fly.

Her big brown eyes go round at the sight of his stiff, veiny schlong.  A sigh of lust escapes her as she marvels at Alan’s six hard inches.  The perfect size!  Big enough to be satisfying but small enough to go as hard and as wild and as kinky as they ever wanted to.  On his massive frame his average sized member actually looked quite small by comparison, though Kitty would never be so impertinent to point that out.  She would only ever make her Daddy feel like the magnificent KING that he was.

“Oh my God.”  She whispers.  “It’s sooooo big!”  Taking it in a loose grip around the shaft she starts to stroke, her wide worshipful eyes locked on his pecker.  “What a big beautiful cock!  Ohhh wow.  I don’t know if I can handle it all Daddy.”

While he didn’t have specific hang ups about his size Alan’s self-esteem still soars like it hadn’t in decades at Kit’s flattering words.  Evelyn could say the sweetest things, but when she was packing a monster that utterly dwarfed his manhood even while soft he could never truly take her words to heart.  This was not the case with Kitty.  Also, having felt Kitty on his finger, he knew she was a lot tighter than his wife and would feel him just that much more if it got to that point.  That only helped to boost his manly ego just that much more.

Kitty was different in another way too.  As he watches her admire his package…she suddenly grabs him by the balls and GRIPS!

“NNNNNGH!”  His body jerks, his cock flexes as hard as it would go, and he groans loudly at the swift vice-like pressure on his family jewels.

He hadn’t even gotten to grips with that yet when his sweet, precious ‘baby girl’ opens her mouth…and in a single effortless lunge takes him right to the fucking hilt!!!

“GNNGHHHH!!!”  Alan grabs Kitty’s head in both hands as much for support as anything.  Evelyn had never grabbed him like that!  Evelyn had never taken him balls deep in her mouth so deftly and easily!  And now that he was buried deep in Kitty’s hot, wet, gulping throat…Evelyn had never sucked as hard!  Nobody had!  His fingers grip into her skull as he groans, his eyes rolling back in his head.  “Ohhhh my…GAHHH!!!”

Kitty takes great satisfaction in hearing her Daddy’s uncontrolled groan at her hard won deep-throating skills.  Over the years as a working girl she’d developed this talent for increased tips, and it had always worked like a charm, but it was so much more fun to do it simply for her lover’s pleasure.  She eases up on his nuts but continues to juggle them in her fingers, her free hand reaches around to take a handful of his big firm ass, and all the while she holds him deep in a hard suckling grip and relishes the feel of his cock in her mouth and throat.  With his perfect pecker she could do this allllll night long.

“Mmmmm.”  She hums sweetly, batting her eyes up at him.

“Jesussss.”  He writhes, struggling to keep his composure under such an onslaught of sexual bliss.  The way her mouth, so warm and slippery, pulsed around his manhood with a constant throbbing suction was like nothing he’d ever experienced.   “Holy shit you’re good!  Ohhhh GNNNGH!”

Slowwwwly she pulls back, sucking hard the whole way, to eventually let his fat knob pop from her wet lips.  “I told you I’d be the best mistake you ever made.”  She giggles.  Taking his cock she slaps it against her lips then swirls her tongue around the tip.  Kissing down the front she sucks and slathers at his balls, even nibbling his sensitive scrotum, with erotic abandon.  Not simply shameless, she was damned PROUD to be going down on him like this.  Her glimmering eyes stare up at him as if saying ‘Just look at what your baby girl can do.’  Pressing her face against his penis she beams happily as she slides back up toward his tip.

Wanting to wrest some measure of control back again Alan stops her from going down on him, though just for a moment.

“Please Daddy.”  She begs the giant looming over her, her needy lips reaching out for him.  “Please gimme your big cock.  Your little slut wants to taste you.  Gimme your cum Daddy.”

He brushes a few locks of curly hair from her pretty face and caresses her smooth cheek.  “Hands behind your back.”

She snaps to obey.  Her right hand grips the wrist of her left as her shoulders comes up and her chest is thrust forward.  Kneeling high she awaits her next command.

He traces her lovely lips with this thumb then says.  “Open up.”

Her jaw drops and her lips part as she eagerly offers her oral cavity for his pleasure.  Alan takes a moment to just appreciate the sight of this young hottie kneeling in front of him before the takes his dick between a finger and thumb and guides it into her awaiting maw.  Her lips wrap around his swollen knob and instantly begins to suck.  He now knew that Kitty could handle everything he could give her without complaint like no woman before her, certainly not the gentle Evelyn, and so he grips her head and pulls her in all the way.

“Mmmm.”  He moans as he feels his tip pass through the tight ring of her throat.  Once more that incredible all-encompassing suckle starts up.  “Ohhhh, a man could get used this.”

“Mmmm!”  Kitty coos.

Alan slowly pulls back…then glides back in again.  “Nnnghhhh.”

Suckle, suckle, suckle, suckle.  “Hmmmmm.”

“Damn my girl!  God damn!”

His words only spur her to suck harder.


Holding her head firmly he draws back again, then pushes it.  He then does it again…and again…and again, his strokes becoming slightly quicker and smoother as he goes.  Soon his hips have a nice fluid rhythm going as he fucks Kitty’s mouth as if it were a pussy.  There is no gagging or coughing or sputtering.  Hell, her eyes don’t even water.  Seeing she could take it he picks up the pace, faster and faster while still going full hilt on ever thrust.  For her part Kitty obediently holds her position and takes it with glee, her lust filled eyes gazing up at him with the same awestruck adoration that her had brother when looking at this man’s wife.

Alan was in his glory!  His cock had never felt so good.  His shaft gleams in the harsh overhead lights and spittle drips from Kitty’s hard sucking lips as he face fucks with rising passion.  She mewls and moans, her tongue slapping and lapping at his shaft as he goes.  Harder he fucks, faster he fucks, and Kitty just keeps sucking like only an experienced whore could manage.  Her eyes stay locked on his, soaking up the contortions of erotic rapture that crosses Alan’s rugged features.  Seeing his stoic facade crack thanks to her fellatio was a delight like no other.

“Huhhhh.”  Alan’s deep groan rises in pitch as a pressure began to build in his balls.  “Ohhhh God baby girl…you’re gonna make Daddy cum.”

“MRRMMMM!!!”  Kitty’s eyes flare as she growls back at him.

“Ohhhh…ohhhh…mmmmm.”  Moans escape his panting lips as his pace pick up.  He now guides her head forward and back in times with this increasingly frantic thrusts.  “Ohhh God…ohhhhhh fuuuuck…ohhhhh Kittyyyy.”  His face grimaces as he tries to hold out as long as he could.  “Ohhhhhh!”  He suddenly slams into as deep as he could go one last time.  “GNNNNGHHHHHH!!!”

Her nose buried in his pubes, his cock pulsing powerfully inside of her mouth, Alan hunched over her, he bucks and jolts as he pumps his hot, creamy seed straight down Kitty’s glugging throat.  As he thrashes in orgasmic release a great spew of his cum paints across her tongue before her buries himself full hilt again giving her a good taste of his jizz.  For Kitty, even after countless lovers of every variety, never had a warm, salty load tasted so damn good.  “Mmmmmmmm.”

Part 9 


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